Dates should show the published date as it is in the reader's timezone.
All dates are currently shown in UTC, which can be confusing to people.
Include the UTC date by default in the HTML of the page generated by the server. Then use Javascript to get the reader's timezone and convert the date to whatever it is in that user's timezone.
Note that we support date formats in many different languages and locales on the server-side. We should seamlessly carry this over to the client-side -- i.e., "2019年7月20日" should not become "July 20, 2019" with this change. One way to support this might be to also supply a map of langs to dates, e.g. generating JS like this:
"2019-07-19": { "zh": "2019年7月19日" }, "2019-07-20": { "zh": "2019年7月20日" }, "2019-07-21": { "zh": "2019年7月21日", }
Remember, instead of getting fancy with number replacement, it might be worth keeping maps of the full formats for yesterday, today, and tomorrow, because e.g. tomorrow could be August 1, which would be a different word from "July" in any given language.