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Make blog the default publishing destination
Closed, ResolvedPublic



In the default pad, the default publishing destination should be set to the user's first blog.


Defaulting to "Draft" makes less sense on WriteFreely than it did on, to where now it confuses people. We should fix that.


  • Put the "Draft" option at the bottom of the pad's dropdown menu
  • Default to the user's first blog when looking up the last-selected publish destination choice in localStorage

Event Timeline

matt triaged this task as High priority.
matt created this task.
matt moved this task from Backlog to Soon / v1.0 on the WriteFreely board.

@matt I have the template part done and working, just wondering if you remember off hand where we look up the last-selected publish choice.

That's in the javascript near the bottom of the page -- I believe it loads a default value named anonymous or draft via some h.js helper functions.