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add new configuration directory
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should be .writefreely, and maybe Writefreely in windows

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robjloranger triaged this task as Medium-High priority.May 27 2019, 9:15 PM
robjloranger created this task.
robjloranger created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
robjloranger created this object with edit policy "All Users".

this will be set on the writefreely cli, the writeas cli will retain the original .writeas directory

this will be set on the writefreely cli, the writeas cli will retain the original .writeas directory

Yep, good plan.

For the Windows directory, I'd say we use the standard capitalization, WriteFreely

this will be set on the writefreely cli, the writeas cli will retain the original .writeas directory

Updating project tags to reflect this.

This task will include the full new directory structure.


I've been thinking about this one this morning.

Do we want to support being authenticated for multiple accounts on one host at a given time?

Or just store preferences and eventually synced posts, for each user.



//user state
.writefreely/user.json //would be account if any
.writefreely/host/user.json //would be current user for host
.writefreely/host/user/posts/.. //sync once complete

//config preferences, default user etc

//and for anonymous posts

Another question, do we want to have as the default? as above. Or as a host like others, so we would require writefreely CLI users to either specify a host or set a default. I'm leaning towards this myself.

second iteration for structure and hierarchy

user state

.writefreely/host/user.jsonwould be current user for host

config preferences

.writefreely/config.iniwould have defaults for post prefs and default host
.writefreely/host/config.inisame as above but only for this host plus default user and collection
.writefreely/host/user/config.iniuser+host specific prefs for posts and default collection

anonymous posts

.writefreely/host/posts.psvall unclaimed posts on this host from local machine

I'd say yes, we should support being authenticated for multiple users on one host. So .writefreely/host/username.ini or .writefreely/host/username/config.ini. As for the location to store posts, see T584#10089.

Another question, do we want to have as the default? as above. Or as a host like others, so we would require writefreely CLI users to either specify a host or set a default. I'm leaning towards this myself.

I'd say should not be the default, especially since it has its dedicated writeas-cli client. If people want to add in writefreely-cli it'll be just another host. But most likely, people will use the client, anyway.