A reverse proxy in front of WriteFreely isn't required, so we should support and encourage running the app without one, as well.
Replace "Port" configuration step with a new one:
Environment: - Development - Production, standalone - Production, reverse proxy
If Development is chosen, ask for the Port. Otherwise set new config option config.ServerCfg.Standalone to true if standalone is chosen.
If standalone is chosen, prompt for:
Server mode: - Insecure (port 80) - Secure (port 443) - Save & Quit - Quit
Set Port based on previous response. If Secure is chosen, prompt for:
- config.ServerCfg.TLSCertPath
- config.ServerCfg.TLSKeyPath
In the app:
if app.cfg.Server.Standalone && app.cfg.Server.TLSCertPath != "" && app.cfg.Server.TLSKeyPath != "" { go http.ListenAndServe(":80", http.HandlerFunc(func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.Redirect(w, r, app.cfg.App.Host+r.URL.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently) })) http.ListenAndServeTLS(":443", app.cfg.Server.TLSCertPath, app.cfg.Server.TLSKeyPath, nil) } else { // ... current ListenAndServe code }