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diff --git a/cmd/wf/commands.go b/cmd/wf/commands.go
index b3cb57f..c55157c 100644
--- a/cmd/wf/commands.go
+++ b/cmd/wf/commands.go
@@ -1,276 +1,276 @@
package main
import (
cli ""
func requireAuth(f cli.ActionFunc, action string) cli.ActionFunc {
return func(c *cli.Context) error {
// check for logged in users when host is provided without user
if c.GlobalIsSet("host") && !c.GlobalIsSet("user") {
// multiple users should display a list
if num, users, err := usersLoggedIn(c); num > 1 && err == nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Multiple logged in users, please use '-u' or '-user' to specify one of:\n%s", strings.Join(users, ", ")), 1)
} else if num == 1 && err == nil {
// single user found for host should be set as user flag so LoadUser can
// succeed, and notify the client
if err := c.GlobalSet("user", users[0]); err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set user flag for only logged in user at host %s: %v", users[0], err), 1)
log.Info(c, "Host specified without user flag, using logged in user: %s\n", users[0])
} else if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to check for logged in users: %v", err), 1)
} else if !c.GlobalIsSet("host") && !c.GlobalIsSet("user") {
// check for global configured pair host/user
cfg, err := config.LoadConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]))
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load config from file: %v", err), 1)
// set flags if found
// set flags if both were found in config
if cfg.Default.Host != "" && cfg.Default.User != "" {
err = c.GlobalSet("host", cfg.Default.Host)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set host from global config: %v", err), 1)
err = c.GlobalSet("user", cfg.Default.User)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set user from global config: %v", err), 1)
} else {
num, err := totalUsersLoggedIn(c)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to check for logged in users: %v", err), 1)
} else if num > 0 {
return cli.NewExitError("You are authenticated, but have no default user/host set. Supply -user and -host flags.", 1)
u, err := config.LoadUser(c)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't load user: %v", err), 1)
if u == nil {
return cli.NewExitError("You must be authenticated to "+action+".\nLog in first with: "+executable.Name()+" auth <username>", 1)
return f(c)
// usersLoggedIn checks for logged in users for the set host flag
// it returns the number of users and a slice of usernames
func usersLoggedIn(c *cli.Context) (int, []string, error) {
path, err := config.UserHostDir(c)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
dir, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
contents, err := dir.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
var names []string
for _, file := range contents {
if file.IsDir() {
// stat user.json
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(path, file.Name(), "user.json")); err == nil {
names = append(names, file.Name())
return len(names), names, nil
// totalUsersLoggedIn checks for logged in users for any host
// it returns the number of users and an error if any
func totalUsersLoggedIn(c *cli.Context) (int, error) {
path := config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"])
dir, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
contents, err := dir.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
count := 0
for _, file := range contents {
if file.IsDir() {
subDir, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(path, file.Name()))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
subContents, err := subDir.Readdir(0)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, subFile := range subContents {
if subFile.IsDir() {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(path, file.Name(), subFile.Name(), "user.json")); err == nil {
return count, nil
func cmdAuth(c *cli.Context) error {
err := commands.CmdAuth(c)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the username from the command, just like commands.CmdAuth does
username := c.Args().Get(0)
// Update config if this is user's first auth
cfg, err := config.LoadConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]))
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Not saving config. Unable to load config: %s", err)
return err
if cfg.Default.Host == "" && cfg.Default.User == "" {
// This is user's first auth, so save defaults
cfg.Default.Host = api.HostURL(c)
cfg.Default.User = username
err = config.SaveConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]), cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Not saving config. Unable to save config: %s", err)
return err
fmt.Printf("Set %s on %s as default account.\n", username, c.GlobalString("host"))
return nil
func cmdLogOut(c *cli.Context) error {
err := commands.CmdLogOut(c)
if err != nil {
return err
// Remove this from config if it's the default account
cfg, err := config.LoadConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]))
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Not updating config. Unable to load: %s", err)
return err
username, err := config.CurrentUser(c)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Not updating config. Unable to load current user: %s", err)
return err
reqHost := api.HostURL(c)
if reqHost == "" {
// No --host given, so we're using the default host
reqHost = cfg.Default.Host
if cfg.Default.Host == reqHost && cfg.Default.User == username {
// We're logging out of default username + host, so remove from config file
cfg.Default.Host = ""
cfg.Default.User = ""
err = config.SaveConfig(config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"]), cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Not updating config. Unable to save config: %s", err)
return err
return nil
func cmdAccounts(c *cli.Context) error {
// get user config dir
userDir := config.UserDataDir(c.App.ExtraInfo()["configDir"])
// load defaults
cfg, err := config.LoadConfig(userDir)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError("Could not load default user configuration", 1)
defaultUser := cfg.Default.User
defaultHost := cfg.Default.Host
if parts := strings.Split(defaultHost, "://"); len(parts) > 1 {
defaultHost = parts[1]
// get each host dir
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(userDir)
if err != nil {
return cli.NewExitError("Could not read user configuration directory", 1)
// accounts will be a slice of slices of string. the first string in
// a subslice should always be the hostname
accounts := [][]string{}
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
dirName := file.Name()
// get each user in host dir
users, err := usersFromDir(filepath.Join(userDir, dirName))
if err != nil {
log.Info(c, "Failed to get users from %s: %v", dirName, err)
if len(users) != 0 {
// append the slice of users as a new slice in accounts w/ the host prepended
accounts = append(accounts, append([]string{dirName}, users...))
// print out all logged in accounts
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 10, 2, 2, ' ', tabwriter.TabIndent)
- if len(accounts) == 0 {
- fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t", "No authenticated accounts found.")
+ if len(accounts) == 0 && (c.Bool("v") || c.Bool("verbose") || c.GlobalBool("v") || c.GlobalBool("verbose")) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t", "No authenticated accounts found.\n")
for _, userList := range accounts {
host := userList[0]
for _, username := range userList[1:] {
if host == defaultHost && username == defaultUser {
fmt.Fprintf(tw, "[%s]\t%s (default)\n", host, username)
fmt.Fprintf(tw, "[%s]\t%s\n", host, username)
return tw.Flush()
func usersFromDir(path string) ([]string, error) {
users := make([]string, 0, 4)
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var errs error
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(path, file.Name(), "user.json"))
if err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(errs, err)
users = append(users, file.Name())
return users, errs

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Mar 6, 10:41 AM (1 d, 6 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

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