Startwritingtogether,publiclyorprivately.Connectwithothercommunities,whetherrunningWriteFreely,[Plume](, or other ActivityPub-powered software. And bring members on board from your existing platforms, thanks to our OAuth 2.0 support.
Categorizearticles[withhashtags](, and create static pages from normal posts by [_pinning_ them]( to your blog. Create draft posts and publish to multiple blogs from one account.
ThequickestwaytodeployWriteFreelyiswith[](, a hosted service from the team behind WriteFreely. You'll get fully-managed installation, backup, upgrades, and maintenance — and directly fund our free software work ❤️
Forcommonplatforms,startwithour[pre-builtbinaries]( and head over to our [installation guide]( to get started.
Readourfull[]( —️ and help us improve by contributing to the [writefreely/documentation]( repo.
StarthackingonWriteFreelywithour[developersetupguide]( For Docker support, see our [Docker guide](
WegladlywelcomecontributionstoWriteFreely,whetherintheformof[code](, [bug reports](, [feature requests](, [translations](, or [documentation]( improvements.
Beforecontributinganything,pleasereadour[ContributingGuide]( It describes the correct channels for submitting contributions and any potential requirements.