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diff --git a/activitypub.go b/activitypub.go
index 6a3b0a1..2bbc7ad 100644
--- a/activitypub.go
+++ b/activitypub.go
@@ -1,969 +1,1157 @@
* Copyright © 2018-2021 Musing Studio LLC.
* This file is part of WriteFreely.
* WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included
* in the LICENSE file in this source code package.
package writefreely
import (
+ "regexp"
const (
// TODO: delete. don't use this!
apCustomHandleDefault = "blog"
apCacheTime = time.Minute
+var (
+ apCollectionPostIRIRegex = regexp.MustCompile("/api/collections/([a-z0-9\\-]+)/posts/([a-z0-9\\-]+)$")
+ apDraftPostIRIRegex = regexp.MustCompile("/api/posts/([a-z0-9\\-]+)$")
var instanceColl *Collection
func initActivityPub(app *App) {
ur, _ := url.Parse(app.cfg.App.Host)
instanceColl = &Collection{
ID: 0,
Alias: ur.Host,
Title: ur.Host,
db: app.db,
hostName: app.cfg.App.Host,
type RemoteUser struct {
ID int64
ActorID string
Inbox string
SharedInbox string
URL string
Handle string
Created time.Time
func (ru *RemoteUser) CreatedFriendly() string {
return ru.Created.Format("January 2, 2006")
func (ru *RemoteUser) EstimatedHandle() string {
if ru.Handle != "" {
return ru.Handle
username := filepath.Base(ru.ActorID)
host, _ := url.Parse(ru.ActorID)
return username + "@" + host.Host
func (ru *RemoteUser) AsPerson() *activitystreams.Person {
return &activitystreams.Person{
BaseObject: activitystreams.BaseObject{
Type: "Person",
Context: []interface{}{
ID: ru.ActorID,
Inbox: ru.Inbox,
Endpoints: activitystreams.Endpoints{
SharedInbox: ru.SharedInbox,
func activityPubClient() *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Timeout: 15 * time.Second,
func handleFetchCollectionActivities(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
w.Header().Set("Server", serverSoftware)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
alias := vars["alias"]
if alias == "" {
alias = filepath.Base(r.RequestURI)
// TODO: enforce visibility
// Get base Collection data
var c *Collection
var err error
if alias == r.Host {
c = instanceColl
} else if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1)
} else {
c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias)
if err != nil {
return err
c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
if !c.IsInstanceColl() {
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(c.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fetch collection activities: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
if silenced {
return ErrCollectionNotFound
p := c.PersonObject()
setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, p, http.StatusOK)
func handleFetchCollectionOutbox(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
w.Header().Set("Server", serverSoftware)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
alias := vars["alias"]
// TODO: enforce visibility
// Get base Collection data
var c *Collection
var err error
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1)
} else {
c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias)
if err != nil {
return err
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(c.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fetch collection outbox: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
if silenced {
return ErrCollectionNotFound
c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
if alias != c.Alias {
return ErrCollectionNotFound
res := &CollectionObj{Collection: *c}
app.db.GetPostsCount(res, false)
accountRoot := c.FederatedAccount()
page := r.FormValue("page")
p, err := strconv.Atoi(page)
if err != nil || p < 1 {
// Return outbox
oc := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollection(accountRoot, "outbox", res.TotalPosts)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, oc, http.StatusOK)
// Return outbox page
ocp := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollectionPage(accountRoot, "outbox", res.TotalPosts, p)
ocp.OrderedItems = []interface{}{}
posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, p, false, true, false)
for _, pp := range *posts {
pp.Collection = res
o := pp.ActivityObject(app)
a := activitystreams.NewCreateActivity(o)
a.Context = nil
ocp.OrderedItems = append(ocp.OrderedItems, *a)
setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, ocp, http.StatusOK)
func handleFetchCollectionFollowers(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
w.Header().Set("Server", serverSoftware)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
alias := vars["alias"]
// TODO: enforce visibility
// Get base Collection data
var c *Collection
var err error
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1)
} else {
c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias)
if err != nil {
return err
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(c.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fetch collection followers: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
if silenced {
return ErrCollectionNotFound
c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
accountRoot := c.FederatedAccount()
folls, err := app.db.GetAPFollowers(c)
if err != nil {
return err
page := r.FormValue("page")
p, err := strconv.Atoi(page)
if err != nil || p < 1 {
// Return outbox
oc := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollection(accountRoot, "followers", len(*folls))
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, oc, http.StatusOK)
// Return outbox page
ocp := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollectionPage(accountRoot, "followers", len(*folls), p)
ocp.OrderedItems = []interface{}{}
for _, f := range *folls {
ocp.OrderedItems = append(ocp.OrderedItems, f.ActorID)
setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, ocp, http.StatusOK)
func handleFetchCollectionFollowing(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
w.Header().Set("Server", serverSoftware)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
alias := vars["alias"]
// TODO: enforce visibility
// Get base Collection data
var c *Collection
var err error
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1)
} else {
c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias)
if err != nil {
return err
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(c.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fetch collection following: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
if silenced {
return ErrCollectionNotFound
c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
accountRoot := c.FederatedAccount()
page := r.FormValue("page")
p, err := strconv.Atoi(page)
if err != nil || p < 1 {
// Return outbox
oc := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollection(accountRoot, "following", 0)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, oc, http.StatusOK)
// Return outbox page
ocp := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollectionPage(accountRoot, "following", 0, p)
ocp.OrderedItems = []interface{}{}
setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, ocp, http.StatusOK)
func handleFetchCollectionInbox(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
w.Header().Set("Server", serverSoftware)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
alias := vars["alias"]
var c *Collection
var err error
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1)
} else {
c, err = app.db.GetCollection(alias)
if err != nil {
// TODO: return Reject?
return err
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(c.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fetch collection inbox: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
if silenced {
return ErrCollectionNotFound
c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
if debugging {
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(r, true)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Can't dump: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("Rec'd! %q", dump)
var m map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&m); err != nil {
return err
a := streams.NewAccept()
p := c.PersonObject()
var to *url.URL
- var isFollow, isUnfollow bool
+ var isFollow, isUnfollow, isLike, isUnlike bool
+ var likePostID, unlikePostID string
fullActor := &activitystreams.Person{}
var remoteUser *RemoteUser
res := &streams.Resolver{
+ LikeCallback: func(l *streams.Like) error {
+ isLike = true
+ // 1) Use the Like concrete type here
+ // 2) Errors are propagated to res.Deserialize call below
+ m["@context"] = []string{activitystreams.Namespace}
+ b, _ := json.Marshal(m)
+ if debugging {
+ log.Info("Like: %s", b)
+ }
+ _, likeID := l.GetId()
+ if likeID == nil {
+ log.Error("Didn't resolve Like ID")
+ }
+ if p := l.HasObject(0); p == streams.NoPresence {
+ return fmt.Errorf("no object for Like activity at index 0")
+ }
+ obj := l.Raw().GetObjectIRI(0)
+ /*
+ // TODO: handle this more robustly
+ l.ResolveObject(&streams.Resolver{
+ LinkCallback: func(link *streams.Link) error {
+ return nil
+ },
+ }, 0)
+ */
+ if obj == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("didn't get ObjectIRI to Like")
+ }
+ likePostID, err = parsePostIDFromURL(app, obj)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Finally, get actor information
+ _, from := l.GetActor(0)
+ if from == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("No valid actor string")
+ }
+ fullActor, remoteUser, err = getActor(app, from.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+ },
FollowCallback: func(f *streams.Follow) error {
isFollow = true
// 1) Use the Follow concrete type here
// 2) Errors are propagated to res.Deserialize call below
m["@context"] = []string{activitystreams.Namespace}
b, _ := json.Marshal(m)
if debugging {
log.Info("Follow: %s", b)
_, followID := f.GetId()
if followID == nil {
log.Error("Didn't resolve follow ID")
} else {
aID := c.FederatedAccount() + "#accept-" + id.GenerateFriendlyRandomString(20)
acceptID, err := url.Parse(aID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't parse generated Accept URL '%s': %v", aID, err)
_, to = f.GetActor(0)
obj := f.Raw().GetObjectIRI(0)
// First get actor information
if to == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No valid `to` string")
fullActor, remoteUser, err = getActor(app, to.String())
if err != nil {
return err
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, m, http.StatusOK)
UndoCallback: func(u *streams.Undo) error {
- isUnfollow = true
m["@context"] = []string{activitystreams.Namespace}
b, _ := json.Marshal(m)
if debugging {
log.Info("Undo: %s", b)
+ // Check type -- we handle Undo:Like and Undo:Follow
+ _, err := u.ResolveObject(&streams.Resolver{
+ LikeCallback: func(like *streams.Like) error {
+ isUnlike = true
+ _, from := like.GetActor(0)
+ obj := like.Raw().GetObjectIRI(0)
+ if obj == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("didn't get ObjectIRI for Undo Like")
+ }
+ unlikePostID, err = parsePostIDFromURL(app, obj)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fullActor, remoteUser, err = getActor(app, from.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+ },
+ // TODO: add FollowCallback for more robust handling
+ }, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if isUnlike {
+ return nil
+ }
+ isUnfollow = true
_, to = u.GetActor(0)
// TODO: get actor from object.object, not object
obj := u.Raw().GetObjectIRI(0)
if to != nil {
// Populate fullActor from DB?
remoteUser, err = getRemoteUser(app, to.String())
if err != nil {
if iErr, ok := err.(*impart.HTTPError); ok {
if iErr.Status == http.StatusNotFound {
log.Error("No remoteuser info for Undo event!")
return err
} else {
fullActor = remoteUser.AsPerson()
} else {
log.Error("No to on Undo!")
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, m, http.StatusOK)
if err := res.Deserialize(m); err != nil {
// 3) Any errors from #2 can be handled, or the payload is an unknown type.
log.Error("Unable to resolve Follow: %v", err)
if debugging {
log.Error("Map: %s", m)
return err
+ // Handle synchronous activities
+ if isLike {
+ t, err := app.db.Begin()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Unable to start transaction: %v", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("unable to start transaction: %v", err)
+ }
+ var remoteUserID int64
+ if remoteUser != nil {
+ remoteUserID = remoteUser.ID
+ } else {
+ remoteUserID, err = apAddRemoteUser(app, t, fullActor)
+ }
+ // Add like
+ _, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO remote_likes (post_id, remote_user_id, created) VALUES (?, ?, "")", likePostID, remoteUserID)
+ if err != nil {
+ if !app.db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Couldn't add like in DB: %v\n", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't add like in DB: %v", err)
+ } else {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Couldn't add like in DB: %v\n", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't add like in DB: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ err = t.Commit()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
+ }
+ if debugging {
+ log.Info("Successfully liked post %s by remote user %s", likePostID, remoteUser.URL)
+ }
+ return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, "", http.StatusOK)
+ } else if isUnlike {
+ t, err := app.db.Begin()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Unable to start transaction: %v", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("unable to start transaction: %v", err)
+ }
+ var remoteUserID int64
+ if remoteUser != nil {
+ remoteUserID = remoteUser.ID
+ } else {
+ remoteUserID, err = apAddRemoteUser(app, t, fullActor)
+ }
+ // Remove like
+ _, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM remote_likes WHERE post_id = ? AND remote_user_id = ?", unlikePostID, remoteUserID)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Couldn't delete Like from DB: %v\n", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't delete Like from DB: %v", err)
+ }
+ err = t.Commit()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
+ }
+ if debugging {
+ log.Info("Successfully un-liked post %s by remote user %s", unlikePostID, remoteUser.URL)
+ }
+ return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, "", http.StatusOK)
+ }
go func() {
if to == nil {
if debugging {
log.Error("No `to` value!")
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
am, err := a.Serialize()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to serialize Accept: %v", err)
am["@context"] = []string{activitystreams.Namespace}
err = makeActivityPost(app.cfg.App.Host, p, fullActor.Inbox, am)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to make activity POST: %v", err)
if isFollow {
t, err := app.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to start transaction: %v", err)
var followerID int64
if remoteUser != nil {
followerID = remoteUser.ID
} else {
+ // TODO: use apAddRemoteUser() here, instead!
// Add follower locally, since it wasn't found before
res, err := t.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteusers (actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", fullActor.ID, fullActor.Inbox, fullActor.Endpoints.SharedInbox, fullActor.URL)
if err != nil {
// if duplicate key, res will be nil and panic on
// res.LastInsertId below
log.Error("Couldn't add new remoteuser in DB: %v\n", err)
followerID, err = res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
log.Error("no lastinsertid for followers, rolling back: %v", err)
// Add in key
_, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteuserkeys (id, remote_user_id, public_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", fullActor.PublicKey.ID, followerID, fullActor.PublicKey.PublicKeyPEM)
if err != nil {
if !app.db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
log.Error("Couldn't add follower keys in DB: %v\n", err)
// Add follow
_, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO remotefollows (collection_id, remote_user_id, created) VALUES (?, ?, "")", c.ID, followerID)
if err != nil {
if !app.db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
log.Error("Couldn't add follower in DB: %v\n", err)
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
} else if isUnfollow {
// Remove follower locally
_, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM remotefollows WHERE collection_id = ? AND remote_user_id = (SELECT id FROM remoteusers WHERE actor_id = ?)", c.ID, to.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't remove follower from DB: %v\n", err)
return nil
func makeActivityPost(hostName string, p *activitystreams.Person, url string, m interface{}) error {
log.Info("POST %s", url)
b, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return err
r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(b))
r.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/activity+json")
r.Header.Set("User-Agent", ServerUserAgent(hostName))
h := sha256.New()
r.Header.Add("Digest", "SHA-256="+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)))
// Sign using the 'Signature' header
privKey, err := activitypub.DecodePrivateKey(p.GetPrivKey())
if err != nil {
return err
signer := httpsig.NewSigner(p.PublicKey.ID, privKey, httpsig.RSASHA256, []string{"(request-target)", "date", "host", "digest"})
err = signer.SignSigHeader(r)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Can't sign: %v", err)
if debugging {
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r, true)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Can't dump: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("%s", dump)
resp, err := activityPubClient().Do(r)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if debugging {
log.Info("Status : %s", resp.Status)
log.Info("Response: %s", body)
return nil
func resolveIRI(hostName, url string) ([]byte, error) {
log.Info("GET %s", url)
r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
r.Header.Add("Accept", "application/activity+json")
r.Header.Set("User-Agent", ServerUserAgent(hostName))
p := instanceColl.PersonObject()
h := sha256.New()
r.Header.Add("Digest", "SHA-256="+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)))
// Sign using the 'Signature' header
privKey, err := activitypub.DecodePrivateKey(p.GetPrivKey())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signer := httpsig.NewSigner(p.PublicKey.ID, privKey, httpsig.RSASHA256, []string{"(request-target)", "date", "host", "digest"})
err = signer.SignSigHeader(r)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Can't sign: %v", err)
if debugging {
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r, true)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Can't dump: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("%s", dump)
resp, err := activityPubClient().Do(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if debugging {
log.Info("Status : %s", resp.Status)
log.Info("Response: %s", body)
return body, nil
func deleteFederatedPost(app *App, p *PublicPost, collID int64) error {
if debugging {
log.Info("Deleting federated post!")
p.Collection.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
actor := p.Collection.PersonObject(collID)
na := p.ActivityObject(app)
// Add followers
p.Collection.ID = collID
followers, err := app.db.GetAPFollowers(&p.Collection.Collection)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't delete post (get followers)! %v", err)
return err
inboxes := map[string][]string{}
for _, f := range *followers {
inbox := f.SharedInbox
if inbox == "" {
inbox = f.Inbox
if _, ok := inboxes[inbox]; ok {
inboxes[inbox] = append(inboxes[inbox], f.ActorID)
} else {
inboxes[inbox] = []string{f.ActorID}
for si, instFolls := range inboxes {
na.CC = []string{}
na.CC = append(na.CC, instFolls...)
da := activitystreams.NewDeleteActivity(na)
// Make the ID unique to ensure it works in Pleroma
// See:
da.ID += "#Delete"
err = makeActivityPost(app.cfg.App.Host, actor, si, da)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't delete post! %v", err)
return nil
func federatePost(app *App, p *PublicPost, collID int64, isUpdate bool) error {
// If app is private, do not federate
if app.cfg.App.Private {
return nil
// Do not federate posts from private or protected blogs
if p.Collection.Visibility == CollPrivate || p.Collection.Visibility == CollProtected {
return nil
if debugging {
if isUpdate {
log.Info("Federating updated post!")
} else {
log.Info("Federating new post!")
actor := p.Collection.PersonObject(collID)
na := p.ActivityObject(app)
// Add followers
p.Collection.ID = collID
followers, err := app.db.GetAPFollowers(&p.Collection.Collection)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't post! %v", err)
return err
log.Info("Followers for %d: %+v", collID, followers)
inboxes := map[string][]string{}
for _, f := range *followers {
inbox := f.SharedInbox
if inbox == "" {
inbox = f.Inbox
if _, ok := inboxes[inbox]; ok {
// check if we're already sending to this shared inbox
inboxes[inbox] = append(inboxes[inbox], f.ActorID)
} else {
// add the new shared inbox to the list
inboxes[inbox] = []string{f.ActorID}
var activity *activitystreams.Activity
// for each one of the shared inboxes
for si, instFolls := range inboxes {
// add all followers from that instance
// to the CC field
na.CC = []string{}
na.CC = append(na.CC, instFolls...)
// create a new "Create" activity
// with our article as object
if isUpdate {
na.Updated = &p.Updated
activity = activitystreams.NewUpdateActivity(na)
} else {
activity = activitystreams.NewCreateActivity(na)
activity.To = na.To
activity.CC = na.CC
// and post it to that sharedInbox
err = makeActivityPost(app.cfg.App.Host, actor, si, activity)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't post! %v", err)
// re-create the object so that the CC list gets reset and has
// the mentioned users. This might seem wasteful but the code is
// cleaner than adding the mentioned users to CC here instead of
// in p.ActivityObject()
na = p.ActivityObject(app)
for _, tag := range na.Tag {
if tag.Type == "Mention" {
activity = activitystreams.NewCreateActivity(na)
activity.To = na.To
activity.CC = na.CC
// This here might be redundant in some cases as we might have already
// sent this to the sharedInbox of this instance above, but we need too
// much logic to catch this at the expense of the odd extra request.
// I don't believe we'd ever have too many mentions in a single post that this
// could become a burden.
remoteUser, err := getRemoteUser(app, tag.HRef)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to find remote user %s. Skipping: %v", tag.HRef, err)
err = makeActivityPost(app.cfg.App.Host, actor, remoteUser.Inbox, activity)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't post! %v", err)
return nil
func getRemoteUser(app *App, actorID string) (*RemoteUser, error) {
u := RemoteUser{ActorID: actorID}
var urlVal, handle sql.NullString
err := app.db.QueryRow("SELECT id, inbox, shared_inbox, url, handle FROM remoteusers WHERE actor_id = ?", actorID).Scan(&u.ID, &u.Inbox, &u.SharedInbox, &urlVal, &handle)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "No remote user with that ID."}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't get remote user %s: %v", actorID, err)
return nil, err
u.URL = urlVal.String
u.Handle = handle.String
return &u, nil
// getRemoteUserFromHandle retrieves the profile page of a remote user
// from the @user@server.tld handle
func getRemoteUserFromHandle(app *App, handle string) (*RemoteUser, error) {
u := RemoteUser{Handle: handle}
var urlVal sql.NullString
err := app.db.QueryRow("SELECT id, actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, url FROM remoteusers WHERE handle = ?", handle).Scan(&u.ID, &u.ActorID, &u.Inbox, &u.SharedInbox, &urlVal)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, ErrRemoteUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't get remote user %s: %v", handle, err)
return nil, err
u.URL = urlVal.String
return &u, nil
func getActor(app *App, actorIRI string) (*activitystreams.Person, *RemoteUser, error) {
log.Info("Fetching actor %s locally", actorIRI)
actor := &activitystreams.Person{}
remoteUser, err := getRemoteUser(app, actorIRI)
if err != nil {
if iErr, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
if iErr.Status == http.StatusNotFound {
// Fetch remote actor
log.Info("Not found; fetching actor %s remotely", actorIRI)
actorResp, err := resolveIRI(app.cfg.App.Host, actorIRI)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to get base actor! %v", err)
return nil, nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't fetch actor."}
if err := unmarshalActor(actorResp, actor); err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to unmarshal base actor! %v", err)
return nil, nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't parse actor."}
baseActor := &activitystreams.Person{}
if err := unmarshalActor(actorResp, baseActor); err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to unmarshal actual actor! %v", err)
return nil, nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't parse actual actor."}
// Fetch the actual actor using the owner field from the publicKey object
actualActorResp, err := resolveIRI(app.cfg.App.Host, baseActor.PublicKey.Owner)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to get actual actor! %v", err)
return nil, nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't fetch actual actor."}
if err := unmarshalActor(actualActorResp, actor); err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to unmarshal actual actor! %v", err)
return nil, nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't parse actual actor."}
} else {
return nil, nil, err
} else {
return nil, nil, err
} else {
actor = remoteUser.AsPerson()
return actor, remoteUser, nil
func GetProfileURLFromHandle(app *App, handle string) (string, error) {
handle = strings.TrimLeft(handle, "@")
actorIRI := ""
parts := strings.Split(handle, "@")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid handle format")
domain := parts[1]
// Check non-AP instances
if siloProfileURL := silobridge.Profile(parts[0], domain); siloProfileURL != "" {
return siloProfileURL, nil
remoteUser, err := getRemoteUserFromHandle(app, handle)
if err != nil {
// can't find using handle in the table but the table may already have this user without
// handle from a previous version
// TODO: Make this determination. We should know whether a user exists without a handle, or doesn't exist at all
actorIRI = RemoteLookup(handle)
_, errRemoteUser := getRemoteUser(app, actorIRI)
// if it exists then we need to update the handle
if errRemoteUser == nil {
_, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE remoteusers SET handle = ? WHERE actor_id = ?", handle, actorIRI)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't update handle '%s' for user %s", handle, actorIRI)
} else {
// this probably means we don't have the user in the table so let's try to insert it
// here we need to ask the server for the inboxes
remoteActor, err := activityserve.NewRemoteActor(actorIRI)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't fetch remote actor: %v", err)
if debugging {
log.Info("Got remote actor: %s %s %s %s %s", actorIRI, remoteActor.GetInbox(), remoteActor.GetSharedInbox(), remoteActor.URL(), handle)
_, err = app.db.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteusers (actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, url, handle) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", actorIRI, remoteActor.GetInbox(), remoteActor.GetSharedInbox(), remoteActor.URL(), handle)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't insert remote user: %v", err)
return "", err
actorIRI = remoteActor.URL()
} else if remoteUser.URL == "" {
log.Info("Remote user %s URL empty, fetching", remoteUser.ActorID)
newRemoteActor, err := activityserve.NewRemoteActor(remoteUser.ActorID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't fetch remote actor: %v", err)
} else {
_, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE remoteusers SET url = ? WHERE actor_id = ?", newRemoteActor.URL(), remoteUser.ActorID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't update handle '%s' for user %s", handle, actorIRI)
} else {
actorIRI = newRemoteActor.URL()
} else {
actorIRI = remoteUser.URL
return actorIRI, nil
// unmarshal actor normalizes the actor response to conform to
// the type Person from
// some implementations return different context field types
// this converts any non-slice contexts into a slice
func unmarshalActor(actorResp []byte, actor *activitystreams.Person) error {
// FIXME: Hubzilla has an object for the Actor's url: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Person.url of type string
// flexActor overrides the Context field to allow
// all valid representations during unmarshal
flexActor := struct {
Context json.RawMessage `json:"@context,omitempty"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(actorResp, &flexActor); err != nil {
return err
actor.Endpoints = flexActor.Endpoints
actor.Followers = flexActor.Followers
actor.Following = flexActor.Following
actor.ID = flexActor.ID
actor.Icon = flexActor.Icon
actor.Inbox = flexActor.Inbox
actor.Name = flexActor.Name
actor.Outbox = flexActor.Outbox
actor.PreferredUsername = flexActor.PreferredUsername
actor.PublicKey = flexActor.PublicKey
actor.Summary = flexActor.Summary
actor.Type = flexActor.Type
actor.URL = flexActor.URL
func(val interface{}) {
switch val.(type) {
case []interface{}:
// already a slice, do nothing
actor.Context = val.([]interface{})
actor.Context = []interface{}{val}
return nil
+func parsePostIDFromURL(app *App, u *url.URL) (string, error) {
+ // Get post ID from URL
+ var collAlias, slug, postID string
+ if m := apCollectionPostIRIRegex.FindStringSubmatch(u.String()); len(m) == 3 {
+ collAlias = m[1]
+ slug = m[2]
+ } else if m = apDraftPostIRIRegex.FindStringSubmatch(u.String()); len(m) == 2 {
+ postID = m[1]
+ } else {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to match objectIRI: %s", u)
+ }
+ // Get postID if all we have is collection and slug
+ if collAlias != "" && slug != "" {
+ c, err := app.db.GetCollection(collAlias)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ p, err := app.db.GetPost(slug, c.ID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ postID = p.ID
+ }
+ return postID, nil
func setCacheControl(w http.ResponseWriter, ttl time.Duration) {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%.0f", ttl.Seconds()))
diff --git a/database.go b/database.go
index c5f239f..d715fd4 100644
--- a/database.go
+++ b/database.go
@@ -1,3297 +1,3316 @@
* Copyright © 2018-2021 Musing Studio LLC.
* This file is part of WriteFreely.
* WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included
* in the LICENSE file in this source code package.
package writefreely
import (
wf_db ""
uuid ""
const (
mySQLErrDuplicateKey = 1062
mySQLErrCollationMix = 1267
mySQLErrTooManyConns = 1040
mySQLErrMaxUserConns = 1203
driverMySQL = "mysql"
driverSQLite = "sqlite3"
var (
SQLiteEnabled bool
type writestore interface {
CreateUser(*config.Config, *User, string, string) error
UpdateUserEmail(keys *key.Keychain, userID int64, email string) error
UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(int64, []byte) error
GetUserByID(int64) (*User, error)
GetUserForAuth(string) (*User, error)
GetUserForAuthByID(int64) (*User, error)
GetUserNameFromToken(string) (string, error)
GetUserDataFromToken(string) (int64, string, error)
GetAPIUser(header string) (*User, error)
GetUserID(accessToken string) int64
GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken string) (userID int64, sudo bool)
DeleteToken(accessToken []byte) error
FetchLastAccessToken(userID int64) string
GetAccessToken(userID int64) (string, error)
GetTemporaryAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int) (string, error)
GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int, oneTime bool) (string, error)
DeleteAccount(userID int64) error
ChangeSettings(app *App, u *User, s *userSettings) error
ChangePassphrase(userID int64, sudo bool, curPass string, hashedPass []byte) error
GetCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error)
GetPublishableCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error)
GetMeStats(u *User) userMeStats
GetTotalCollections() (int64, error)
GetTotalPosts() (int64, error)
GetTopPosts(u *User, alias string, hostName string) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetAnonymousPosts(u *User, page int) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetUserPosts(u *User) (*[]PublicPost, error)
CreateOwnedPost(post *SubmittedPost, accessToken, collAlias, hostName string) (*PublicPost, error)
CreatePost(userID, collID int64, post *SubmittedPost) (*Post, error)
UpdateOwnedPost(post *AuthenticatedPost, userID int64) error
GetEditablePost(id, editToken string) (*PublicPost, error)
PostIDExists(id string) bool
GetPost(id string, collectionID int64) (*PublicPost, error)
GetOwnedPost(id string, ownerID int64) (*PublicPost, error)
GetPostProperty(id string, collectionID int64, property string) (interface{}, error)
CreateCollectionFromToken(*config.Config, string, string, string) (*Collection, error)
CreateCollection(*config.Config, string, string, int64) (*Collection, error)
GetCollectionBy(condition string, value interface{}) (*Collection, error)
GetCollection(alias string) (*Collection, error)
GetCollectionForPad(alias string) (*Collection, error)
GetCollectionByID(id int64) (*Collection, error)
UpdateCollection(app *App, c *SubmittedCollection, alias string) error
DeleteCollection(alias string, userID int64) error
UpdatePostPinState(pinned bool, postID string, collID, ownerID, pos int64) error
GetLastPinnedPostPos(collID int64) int64
GetPinnedPosts(coll *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)
RemoveCollectionRedirect(t *sql.Tx, alias string) error
GetCollectionRedirect(alias string) (new string)
IsCollectionAttributeOn(id int64, attr string) bool
CollectionHasAttribute(id int64, attr string) bool
CanCollect(cpr *ClaimPostRequest, userID int64) bool
AttemptClaim(p *ClaimPostRequest, query string, params []interface{}, slugIdx int) (sql.Result, error)
DispersePosts(userID int64, postIDs []string) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error)
ClaimPosts(cfg *config.Config, userID int64, collAlias string, posts *[]ClaimPostRequest) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error)
+ GetPostLikeCounts(postID string) (int64, error)
GetPostsCount(c *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool)
GetPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetAllPostsTaggedIDs(c *Collection, tag string, includeFuture bool) ([]string, error)
GetPostsTagged(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetAPFollowers(c *Collection) (*[]RemoteUser, error)
GetAPActorKeys(collectionID int64) ([]byte, []byte)
CreateUserInvite(id string, userID int64, maxUses int, expires *time.Time) error
GetUserInvites(userID int64) (*[]Invite, error)
GetUserInvite(id string) (*Invite, error)
GetUsersInvitedCount(id string) int64
CreateInvitedUser(inviteID string, userID int64) error
GetDynamicContent(id string) (*instanceContent, error)
UpdateDynamicContent(id, title, content, contentType string) error
GetAllUsers(page uint) (*[]User, error)
GetAllUsersCount() int64
GetUserLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error)
GetCollectionLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error)
GetIDForRemoteUser(context.Context, string, string, string) (int64, error)
RecordRemoteUserID(context.Context, int64, string, string, string, string) error
ValidateOAuthState(context.Context, string) (string, string, int64, string, error)
GenerateOAuthState(context.Context, string, string, int64, string) (string, error)
GetOauthAccounts(ctx context.Context, userID int64) ([]oauthAccountInfo, error)
RemoveOauth(ctx context.Context, userID int64, provider string, clientID string, remoteUserID string) error
DatabaseInitialized() bool
type datastore struct {
driverName string
var _ writestore = &datastore{}
func (db *datastore) now() string {
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
return "strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now')"
return "NOW()"
func (db *datastore) clip(field string, l int) string {
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
return fmt.Sprintf("SUBSTR(%s, 0, %d)", field, l)
return fmt.Sprintf("LEFT(%s, %d)", field, l)
func (db *datastore) upsert(indexedCols ...string) string {
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
// NOTE: SQLite UPSERT syntax only works in v3.24.0 (2018-06-04) or later
// Leaving this for whenever we can upgrade and include it in our binary
cc := strings.Join(indexedCols, ", ")
return "ON CONFLICT(" + cc + ") DO UPDATE SET"
func (db *datastore) dateAdd(l int, unit string) string {
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
return fmt.Sprintf("DATETIME('now', '%d %s')", l, unit)
return fmt.Sprintf("DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL %d %s)", l, unit)
func (db *datastore) dateSub(l int, unit string) string {
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
return fmt.Sprintf("DATETIME('now', '-%d %s')", l, unit)
return fmt.Sprintf("DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %d %s)", l, unit)
// CreateUser creates a new user in the database from the given User, UPDATING it in the process with the user's ID.
func (db *datastore) CreateUser(cfg *config.Config, u *User, collectionTitle string, collectionDesc string) error {
if db.PostIDExists(u.Username) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Invalid collection name."}
// New users get a `users` and `collections` row.
t, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
// 1. Add to `users` table
// NOTE: Assumes User's Password is already hashed!
res, err := t.Exec("INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", u.Username, u.HashedPass, u.Email)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."}
log.Error("Rolling back users INSERT: %v\n", err)
return err
u.ID, err = res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rolling back after LastInsertId: %v\n", err)
return err
// 2. Create user's Collection
if collectionTitle == "" {
collectionTitle = u.Username
res, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO collections (alias, title, description, privacy, owner_id, view_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", u.Username, collectionTitle, collectionDesc, defaultVisibility(cfg), u.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."}
log.Error("Rolling back collections INSERT: %v\n", err)
return err
db.RemoveCollectionRedirect(t, u.Username)
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
return err
return nil
// FIXME: We're returning errors inconsistently in this file. Do we use Errorf
// for returned value, or impart?
func (db *datastore) UpdateUserEmail(keys *key.Keychain, userID int64, email string) error {
encEmail, err := data.Encrypt(keys.EmailKey, email)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't encrypt email %s: %s\n", email, err)
return db.UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(userID, encEmail)
func (db *datastore) UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(userID int64, encEmail []byte) error {
_, err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET email = ? WHERE id = ?", encEmail, userID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to update user email: %s", err)
return nil
func (db *datastore) CreateCollectionFromToken(cfg *config.Config, alias, title, accessToken string) (*Collection, error) {
userID := db.GetUserID(accessToken)
if userID == -1 {
return nil, ErrBadAccessToken
return db.CreateCollection(cfg, alias, title, userID)
func (db *datastore) GetUserCollectionCount(userID int64) (uint64, error) {
var collCount uint64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ?", userID).Scan(&collCount)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return 0, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user from database."}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't get collections count for user %d: %v", userID, err)
return 0, err
return collCount, nil
func (db *datastore) CreateCollection(cfg *config.Config, alias, title string, userID int64) (*Collection, error) {
if db.PostIDExists(alias) {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Invalid collection name."}
// All good, so create new collection
res, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO collections (alias, title, description, privacy, owner_id, view_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", alias, title, "", defaultVisibility(cfg), userID, 0)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Collection already exists."}
log.Error("Couldn't add to collections: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
c := &Collection{
Alias: alias,
Title: title,
OwnerID: userID,
PublicOwner: false,
Public: defaultVisibility(cfg) == CollPublic,
c.ID, err = res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't get collection LastInsertId: %v\n", err)
return c, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserByID(id int64) (*User, error) {
u := &User{ID: id}
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&u.Username, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, ErrUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password: %v", err)
return nil, err
return u, nil
// IsUserSilenced returns true if the user account associated with id is
// currently silenced.
func (db *datastore) IsUserSilenced(id int64) (bool, error) {
u := &User{ID: id}
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT status FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&u.Status)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false, ErrUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user status: %v", err)
return false, fmt.Errorf("is user silenced: %v", err)
return u.IsSilenced(), nil
// DoesUserNeedAuth returns true if the user hasn't provided any methods for
// authenticating with the account, such a passphrase or email address.
// Any errors are reported to admin and silently quashed, returning false as the
// result.
func (db *datastore) DoesUserNeedAuth(id int64) bool {
var pass, email []byte
// Find out if user has an email set first
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT password, email FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&pass, &email)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
// ERROR. Don't give false positives on needing auth methods
return false
case err != nil:
// ERROR. Don't give false positives on needing auth methods
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user %d from users: %v", id, err)
return false
// User doesn't need auth if there's an email
return len(email) == 0 && len(pass) == 0
func (db *datastore) IsUserPassSet(id int64) (bool, error) {
var pass []byte
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&pass)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false, nil
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user %d from users: %v", id, err)
return false, err
return len(pass) > 0, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserForAuth(username string) (*User, error) {
u := &User{Username: username}
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE username = ?", username).Scan(&u.ID, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
// Check if they've entered the wrong, unnormalized username
username = getSlug(username, "")
if username != u.Username {
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", username).Scan(&u.ID)
if err == nil {
return db.GetUserForAuth(username)
return nil, ErrUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password: %v", err)
return nil, err
return u, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserForAuthByID(userID int64) (*User, error) {
u := &User{ID: userID}
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", u.ID).Scan(&u.ID, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, ErrUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT userForAuthByID: %v", err)
return nil, err
return u, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserNameFromToken(accessToken string) (string, error) {
t := auth.GetToken(accessToken)
if len(t) == 0 {
return "", ErrNoAccessToken
var oneTime bool
var username string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, one_time FROM accesstokens LEFT JOIN users ON user_id = id WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "")", t).Scan(&username, &oneTime)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return "", ErrBadAccessToken
case err != nil:
return "", ErrInternalGeneral
// Delete token if it was one-time
if oneTime {
return username, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserDataFromToken(accessToken string) (int64, string, error) {
t := auth.GetToken(accessToken)
if len(t) == 0 {
return 0, "", ErrNoAccessToken
var userID int64
var oneTime bool
var username string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, username, one_time FROM accesstokens LEFT JOIN users ON user_id = id WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "")", t).Scan(&userID, &username, &oneTime)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return 0, "", ErrBadAccessToken
case err != nil:
return 0, "", ErrInternalGeneral
// Delete token if it was one-time
if oneTime {
return userID, username, nil
func (db *datastore) GetAPIUser(header string) (*User, error) {
uID := db.GetUserID(header)
if uID == -1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(ErrUserNotFound.Error())
return db.GetUserByID(uID)
// GetUserID takes a hexadecimal accessToken, parses it into its binary
// representation, and gets any user ID associated with the token. If no user
// is associated, -1 is returned.
func (db *datastore) GetUserID(accessToken string) int64 {
i, _ := db.GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken)
return i
func (db *datastore) GetUserIDPrivilege(accessToken string) (userID int64, sudo bool) {
t := auth.GetToken(accessToken)
if len(t) == 0 {
return -1, false
var oneTime bool
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, sudo, one_time FROM accesstokens WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "")", t).Scan(&userID, &sudo, &oneTime)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return -1, false
case err != nil:
return -1, false
// Delete token if it was one-time
if oneTime {
func (db *datastore) DeleteToken(accessToken []byte) error {
res, err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM accesstokens WHERE token LIKE ?", accessToken)
if err != nil {
return err
rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Token is invalid or doesn't exist"}
return nil
// FetchLastAccessToken creates a new non-expiring, valid access token for the given
// userID.
func (db *datastore) FetchLastAccessToken(userID int64) string {
var t []byte
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT token FROM accesstokens WHERE user_id = ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "") ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", userID).Scan(&t)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ""
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from accesstoken: %v", err)
return ""
u, err := uuid.Parse(t)
if err != nil {
return ""
return u.String()
// GetAccessToken creates a new non-expiring, valid access token for the given
// userID.
func (db *datastore) GetAccessToken(userID int64) (string, error) {
return db.GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID, 0, false)
// GetTemporaryAccessToken creates a new valid access token for the given
// userID that remains valid for the given time in seconds. If validSecs is 0,
// the access token doesn't automatically expire.
func (db *datastore) GetTemporaryAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int) (string, error) {
return db.GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID, validSecs, false)
// GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken creates a new valid access token for the given
// userID that remains valid for the given time in seconds and can only be used
// once if oneTime is true. If validSecs is 0, the access token doesn't
// automatically expire.
func (db *datastore) GetTemporaryOneTimeAccessToken(userID int64, validSecs int, oneTime bool) (string, error) {
u, err := uuid.NewV4()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to generate token: %v", err)
return "", err
// Insert UUID to `accesstokens`
binTok := u[:]
expirationVal := "NULL"
if validSecs > 0 {
expirationVal = db.dateAdd(validSecs, "SECOND")
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO accesstokens (token, user_id, one_time, expires) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "+expirationVal+")", string(binTok), userID, oneTime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't INSERT accesstoken: %v", err)
return "", err
return u.String(), nil
func (db *datastore) CreatePasswordResetToken(userID int64) (string, error) {
t := id.Generate62RandomString(32)
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO password_resets (user_id, token, used, created) VALUES (?, ?, 0, "")", userID, t)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't INSERT password_resets: %v", err)
return "", err
return t, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserFromPasswordReset(token string) int64 {
var userID int64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id FROM password_resets WHERE token = ? AND used = 0 AND created > "+db.dateSub(3, "HOUR"), token).Scan(&userID)
if err != nil {
return 0
return userID
func (db *datastore) ConsumePasswordResetToken(t string) error {
_, err := db.Exec("UPDATE password_resets SET used = 1 WHERE token = ?", t)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't UPDATE password_resets: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func (db *datastore) CreateOwnedPost(post *SubmittedPost, accessToken, collAlias, hostName string) (*PublicPost, error) {
var userID, collID int64 = -1, -1
var coll *Collection
var err error
if accessToken != "" {
userID = db.GetUserID(accessToken)
if userID == -1 {
return nil, ErrBadAccessToken
if collAlias != "" {
coll, err = db.GetCollection(collAlias)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coll.hostName = hostName
if coll.OwnerID != userID {
return nil, ErrForbiddenCollection
collID = coll.ID
rp := &PublicPost{}
rp.Post, err = db.CreatePost(userID, collID, post)
if err != nil {
return rp, err
if coll != nil {
rp.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
return rp, nil
func (db *datastore) CreatePost(userID, collID int64, post *SubmittedPost) (*Post, error) {
idLen := postIDLen
friendlyID := id.GenerateFriendlyRandomString(idLen)
// Handle appearance / font face
appearance := post.Font
if !post.isFontValid() {
appearance = "norm"
var err error
ownerID := sql.NullInt64{
Valid: false,
ownerCollID := sql.NullInt64{
Valid: false,
slug := sql.NullString{"", false}
// If an alias was supplied, we'll add this to the collection as well.
if userID > 0 {
ownerID.Int64 = userID
ownerID.Valid = true
if collID > 0 {
ownerCollID.Int64 = collID
ownerCollID.Valid = true
var slugVal string
if post.Slug != nil && *post.Slug != "" {
slugVal = *post.Slug
} else {
if post.Title != nil && *post.Title != "" {
slugVal = getSlug(*post.Title, post.Language.String)
if slugVal == "" {
slugVal = getSlug(*post.Content, post.Language.String)
} else {
slugVal = getSlug(*post.Content, post.Language.String)
if slugVal == "" {
slugVal = friendlyID
slug = sql.NullString{slugVal, true}
created := time.Now()
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
// SQLite stores datetimes in UTC, so convert time.Now() to it here
created = created.UTC()
if post.Created != nil && *post.Created != "" {
created, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z", *post.Created)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to parse Created time '%s': %v", *post.Created, err)
created = time.Now()
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
// SQLite stores datetimes in UTC, so convert time.Now() to it here
created = created.UTC()
stmt, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO posts (id, slug, title, content, text_appearance, language, rtl, privacy, owner_id, collection_id, created, updated, view_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + + ", ?)")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer stmt.Close()
_, err = stmt.Exec(friendlyID, slug, post.Title, post.Content, appearance, post.Language, post.IsRTL, 0, ownerID, ownerCollID, created, 0)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
// Duplicate entry error; try a new slug
// TODO: make this a little more robust
slug = sql.NullString{id.GenSafeUniqueSlug(slug.String), true}
_, err = stmt.Exec(friendlyID, slug, post.Title, post.Content, appearance, post.Language, post.IsRTL, 0, ownerID, ownerCollID, created, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, handleFailedPostInsert(fmt.Errorf("Retried slug generation, still failed: %v", err))
} else {
return nil, handleFailedPostInsert(err)
// TODO: return Created field in proper format
return &Post{
ID: friendlyID,
Slug: null.NewString(slug.String, slug.Valid),
Font: appearance,
Language: zero.NewString(post.Language.String, post.Language.Valid),
RTL: zero.NewBool(post.IsRTL.Bool, post.IsRTL.Valid),
OwnerID: null.NewInt(userID, true),
CollectionID: null.NewInt(userID, true),
Created: created.Truncate(time.Second).UTC(),
Updated: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second).UTC(),
Title: zero.NewString(*(post.Title), true),
Content: *(post.Content),
}, nil
// UpdateOwnedPost updates an existing post with only the given fields in the
// supplied AuthenticatedPost.
func (db *datastore) UpdateOwnedPost(post *AuthenticatedPost, userID int64) error {
params := []interface{}{}
var queryUpdates, sep, authCondition string
if post.Slug != nil && *post.Slug != "" {
queryUpdates += sep + "slug = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, getSlug(*post.Slug, ""))
if post.Content != nil {
queryUpdates += sep + "content = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, post.Content)
if post.Title != nil {
queryUpdates += sep + "title = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, post.Title)
if post.Language.Valid {
queryUpdates += sep + "language = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, post.Language.String)
if post.IsRTL.Valid {
queryUpdates += sep + "rtl = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, post.IsRTL.Bool)
if post.Font != "" {
queryUpdates += sep + "text_appearance = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, post.Font)
if post.Created != nil {
createTime, err := time.Parse(postMetaDateFormat, *post.Created)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to parse Created date: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("That's the incorrect format for Created date.")
queryUpdates += sep + "created = ?"
sep = ", "
params = append(params, createTime)
// WHERE parameters...
// id = ?
params = append(params, post.ID)
// AND owner_id = ?
authCondition = "(owner_id = ?)"
params = append(params, userID)
if queryUpdates == "" {
return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals
queryUpdates += sep + "updated = " +
res, err := db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET "+queryUpdates+" WHERE id = ? AND "+authCondition, params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update owned post: %v", err)
return err
rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
// Show the correct error message if nothing was updated
var dummy int
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND "+authCondition, post.ID, params[len(params)-1]).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ErrUnauthorizedEditPost
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil
return nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionBy(condition string, value interface{}) (*Collection, error) {
c := &Collection{}
// FIXME: change Collection to reflect database values. Add helper functions to get actual values
var styleSheet, script, signature, format zero.String
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, alias, title, description, style_sheet, script, post_signature, format, owner_id, privacy, view_count FROM collections WHERE "+condition, value)
err := row.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &styleSheet, &script, &signature, &format, &c.OwnerID, &c.Visibility, &c.Views)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Collection doesn't exist."}
case db.isHighLoadError(err):
return nil, ErrUnavailable
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return nil, err
c.StyleSheet = styleSheet.String
c.Script = script.String
c.Signature = signature.String
c.Format = format.String
c.Public = c.IsPublic()
c.Monetization = db.GetCollectionAttribute(c.ID, "monetization_pointer")
c.Verification = db.GetCollectionAttribute(c.ID, "verification_link")
c.db = db
return c, nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollection(alias string) (*Collection, error) {
return db.GetCollectionBy("alias = ?", alias)
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionForPad(alias string) (*Collection, error) {
c := &Collection{Alias: alias}
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, alias, title, description, privacy FROM collections WHERE alias = ?", alias)
err := row.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &c.Visibility)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return c, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Collection doesn't exist."}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return c, ErrInternalGeneral
c.Public = c.IsPublic()
return c, nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionByID(id int64) (*Collection, error) {
return db.GetCollectionBy("id = ?", id)
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionFromDomain(host string) (*Collection, error) {
return db.GetCollectionBy("host = ?", host)
func (db *datastore) UpdateCollection(app *App, c *SubmittedCollection, alias string) error {
// Truncate fields correctly, so we don't get "Data too long for column" errors in MySQL (writefreely#600)
if c.Title != nil {
*c.Title = parse.Truncate(*c.Title, collMaxLengthTitle)
if c.Description != nil {
*c.Description = parse.Truncate(*c.Description, collMaxLengthDescription)
q := query.NewUpdate().
SetStringPtr(c.Title, "title").
SetStringPtr(c.Description, "description").
SetStringPtr(c.StyleSheet, "style_sheet").
SetStringPtr(c.Script, "script").
SetStringPtr(c.Signature, "post_signature")
if c.Format != nil {
cf := &CollectionFormat{Format: c.Format.String}
if cf.Valid() {
q.SetNullString(c.Format, "format")
var updatePass bool
if c.Visibility != nil && (collVisibility(*c.Visibility)&CollProtected == 0 || c.Pass != "") {
q.SetIntPtr(c.Visibility, "privacy")
if c.Pass != "" {
updatePass = true
// WHERE values
q.Where("alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, c.OwnerID)
if q.Updates == "" && c.Monetization == nil {
return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals
// Find any current domain
var collID int64
var rowsAffected int64
var changed bool
var res sql.Result
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?", alias).Scan(&collID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v. Some things won't work.", err)
// Update MathJax value
if c.MathJax {
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO collectionattributes (collection_id, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", collID, "render_mathjax", "1")
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionattributes (collection_id, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id", "attribute")+" value = ?", collID, "render_mathjax", "1", "1")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to insert render_mathjax value: %v", err)
return err
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", collID, "render_mathjax")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete render_mathjax value: %v", err)
return err
// Update Verification link value
if c.Verification != nil {
skipUpdate := false
if *c.Verification != "" {
// Strip away any excess spaces
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(*c.Verification)
if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "@") && strings.Count(trimmed, "@") == 2 {
// This looks like a fediverse handle, so resolve profile URL
profileURL, err := GetProfileURLFromHandle(app, trimmed)
if err != nil || profileURL == "" {
log.Error("Couldn't find user %s: %v", trimmed, err)
skipUpdate = true
} else {
c.Verification = &profileURL
} else {
if !strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "http") {
trimmed = "https://" + trimmed
vu, err := url.Parse(trimmed)
if err != nil {
// Value appears invalid, so don't update
skipUpdate = true
} else {
s := vu.String()
c.Verification = &s
if !skipUpdate {
err = db.SetCollectionAttribute(collID, "verification_link", *c.Verification)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to insert verification_link value: %v", err)
return err
// Update Monetization value
if c.Monetization != nil {
skipUpdate := false
if *c.Monetization != "" {
// Strip away any excess spaces
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(*c.Monetization)
// Only update value when it starts with "$", per spec:
if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "$") {
c.Monetization = &trimmed
} else {
// Value appears invalid, so don't update
skipUpdate = true
if !skipUpdate {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionattributes (collection_id, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id", "attribute")+" value = ?", collID, "monetization_pointer", *c.Monetization, *c.Monetization)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to insert monetization_pointer value: %v", err)
return err
// Update EmailSub value
if c.EmailSubs {
err = db.SetCollectionAttribute(collID, "email_subs", "1")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to insert email_subs value: %v", err)
return err
skipUpdate := false
if c.LetterReply != nil {
// Strip away any excess spaces
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(*c.LetterReply)
// Only update value when it contains "@"
if strings.IndexRune(trimmed, '@') > 0 {
c.LetterReply = &trimmed
} else {
// Value appears invalid, so don't update
skipUpdate = true
if !skipUpdate {
err = db.SetCollectionAttribute(collID, collAttrLetterReplyTo, *c.LetterReply)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to insert %s value: %v", collAttrLetterReplyTo, err)
return err
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", collID, "email_subs")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete email_subs value: %v", err)
return err
// Update rest of the collection data
if q.Updates != "" {
res, err = db.Exec("UPDATE collections SET "+q.Updates+" WHERE "+q.Conditions, q.Params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err)
return err
rowsAffected, _ = res.RowsAffected()
if !changed || rowsAffected == 0 {
// Show the correct error message if nothing was updated
var dummy int
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM collections WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, c.OwnerID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ErrUnauthorizedEditPost
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
if !updatePass {
return nil
if updatePass {
hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(c.Pass))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to create hash: %s", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."}
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO collectionpasswords (collection_id, password) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?), ?)", alias, hashedPass)
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionpasswords (collection_id, password) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?), ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id")+" password = ?", alias, hashedPass, hashedPass)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
const postCols = "id, slug, text_appearance, language, rtl, privacy, owner_id, collection_id, pinned_position, created, updated, view_count, title, content"
// getEditablePost returns a PublicPost with the given ID only if the given
// edit token is valid for the post.
func (db *datastore) GetEditablePost(id, editToken string) (*PublicPost, error) {
// FIXME: code duplicated from getPost()
// TODO: add slight logic difference to getPost / one func
var ownerName sql.NullString
p := &Post{}
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+", (SELECT username FROM users WHERE = posts.owner_id) AS username FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", id)
err := row.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content, &ownerName)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, ErrPostNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return nil, err
if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" {
return nil, ErrPostUnpublished
res := p.processPost()
if ownerName.Valid {
res.Owner = &PublicUser{Username: ownerName.String}
return &res, nil
func (db *datastore) PostIDExists(id string) bool {
var dummy bool
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&dummy)
return err == nil && dummy
// GetPost gets a public-facing post object from the database. If collectionID
// is > 0, the post will be retrieved by slug and collection ID, rather than
// post ID.
// TODO: break this into two functions:
// - GetPost(id string)
// - GetCollectionPost(slug string, collectionID int64)
func (db *datastore) GetPost(id string, collectionID int64) (*PublicPost, error) {
var ownerName sql.NullString
p := &Post{}
var row *sql.Row
var where string
params := []interface{}{id}
if collectionID > 0 {
where = "slug = ? AND collection_id = ?"
params = append(params, collectionID)
} else {
where = "id = ?"
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+", (SELECT username FROM users WHERE = posts.owner_id) AS username FROM posts WHERE "+where+" LIMIT 1", params...)
err := row.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content, &ownerName)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
if collectionID > 0 {
return nil, ErrCollectionPageNotFound
return nil, ErrPostNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return nil, err
if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" {
return nil, ErrPostUnpublished
+ // Get additional information needed before processing post data
+ p.LikeCount, err = db.GetPostLikeCounts(p.ID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
res := p.processPost()
if ownerName.Valid {
res.Owner = &PublicUser{Username: ownerName.String}
return &res, nil
// TODO: don't duplicate getPost() functionality
func (db *datastore) GetOwnedPost(id string, ownerID int64) (*PublicPost, error) {
p := &Post{}
var row *sql.Row
where := "id = ? AND owner_id = ?"
params := []interface{}{id, ownerID}
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE "+where+" LIMIT 1", params...)
err := row.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, ErrPostNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return nil, err
if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" {
return nil, ErrPostUnpublished
res := p.processPost()
return &res, nil
func (db *datastore) GetPostProperty(id string, collectionID int64, property string) (interface{}, error) {
propSelects := map[string]string{
"views": "view_count AS views",
selectQuery, ok := propSelects[property]
if !ok {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid property: %s.", property)}
var res interface{}
var row *sql.Row
if collectionID != 0 {
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+selectQuery+" FROM posts WHERE slug = ? AND collection_id = ? LIMIT 1", id, collectionID)
} else {
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+selectQuery+" FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", id)
err := row.Scan(&res)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting post: %v", err)
return nil, err
return res, nil
+func (db *datastore) GetPostLikeCounts(postID string) (int64, error) {
+ var count int64
+ err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM remote_likes WHERE post_id = ?", postID).Scan(&count)
+ switch {
+ case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
+ count = 0
+ case err != nil:
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return count, nil
// GetPostsCount modifies the CollectionObj to include the correct number of
// standard (non-pinned) posts. It will return future posts if `includeFuture`
// is true.
func (db *datastore) GetPostsCount(c *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) {
var count int64
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " +
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NULL "+timeCondition, c.ID).Scan(&count)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
c.TotalPosts = 0
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
c.TotalPosts = 0
c.TotalPosts = int(count)
// GetPosts retrieves all posts for the given Collection.
// It will return future posts if `includeFuture` is true.
// It will include only standard (non-pinned) posts unless `includePinned` is true.
// TODO: change includeFuture to isOwner, since that's how it's used
func (db *datastore) GetPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
collID := c.ID
cf := c.NewFormat()
order := "DESC"
if cf.Ascending() && !forceRecentFirst {
order = "ASC"
pagePosts := cf.PostsPerPage()
start := page*pagePosts - pagePosts
if page == 0 {
start = 0
pagePosts = 1000
limitStr := ""
if page > 0 {
limitStr = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d", start, pagePosts)
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " +
pinnedCondition := ""
if !includePinned {
pinnedCondition = "AND pinned_position IS NULL"
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? "+pinnedCondition+" "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve collection posts."}
defer rows.Close()
// TODO: extract this common row scanning logic for queries using `postCols`
posts := []PublicPost{}
for rows.Next() {
p := &Post{}
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture, false)
posts = append(posts, p.processPost())
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetAllPostsTaggedIDs(c *Collection, tag string, includeFuture bool) ([]string, error) {
collID := c.ID
cf := c.NewFormat()
order := "DESC"
if cf.Ascending() {
order = "ASC"
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " +
var rows *sql.Rows
var err error
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT id FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) regexp ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order, collID, `.*#`+strings.ToLower(tag)+`\b.*`)
} else {
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT id FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) RLIKE ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order, collID, "#"+strings.ToLower(tag)+"[[:>:]]")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting tagged posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve tagged collection posts."}
defer rows.Close()
ids := []string{}
for rows.Next() {
var id string
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
ids = append(ids, id)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return ids, nil
// GetPostsTagged retrieves all posts on the given Collection that contain the
// given tag.
// It will return future posts if `includeFuture` is true.
// TODO: change includeFuture to isOwner, since that's how it's used
func (db *datastore) GetPostsTagged(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
collID := c.ID
cf := c.NewFormat()
order := "DESC"
if cf.Ascending() {
order = "ASC"
pagePosts := cf.PostsPerPage()
start := page*pagePosts - pagePosts
if page == 0 {
start = 0
pagePosts = 1000
limitStr := ""
if page > 0 {
limitStr = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d", start, pagePosts)
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " +
var rows *sql.Rows
var err error
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) regexp ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID, `.*#`+strings.ToLower(tag)+`\b.*`)
} else {
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) RLIKE ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID, "#"+strings.ToLower(tag)+"[[:>:]]")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve collection posts."}
defer rows.Close()
// TODO: extract this common row scanning logic for queries using `postCols`
posts := []PublicPost{}
for rows.Next() {
p := &Post{}
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture, false)
posts = append(posts, p.processPost())
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollLangTotalPosts(collID int64, lang string) (uint64, error) {
var articles uint64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND language = ? AND created <= ", collID, lang).Scan(&articles)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("Couldn't get total lang posts count for collection %d: %v", collID, err)
return 0, err
return articles, nil
func (db *datastore) GetLangPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, lang string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
collID := c.ID
cf := c.NewFormat()
order := "DESC"
if cf.Ascending() {
order = "ASC"
pagePosts := cf.PostsPerPage()
start := page*pagePosts - pagePosts
if page == 0 {
start = 0
pagePosts = 1000
limitStr := ""
if page > 0 {
limitStr = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d", start, pagePosts)
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " +
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT `+postCols+`
FROM posts
WHERE collection_id = ? AND language = ? `+timeCondition+`
ORDER BY created `+order+limitStr, collID, lang)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve collection posts."}
defer rows.Close()
// TODO: extract this common row scanning logic for queries using `postCols`
posts := []PublicPost{}
for rows.Next() {
p := &Post{}
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &p.Privacy, &p.OwnerID, &p.CollectionID, &p.PinnedPosition, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture, false)
posts = append(posts, p.processPost())
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetAPFollowers(c *Collection) (*[]RemoteUser, error) {
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, f.created FROM remotefollows f INNER JOIN remoteusers u ON f.remote_user_id = WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from followers: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve followers."}
defer rows.Close()
followers := []RemoteUser{}
for rows.Next() {
f := RemoteUser{}
err = rows.Scan(&f.ActorID, &f.Inbox, &f.SharedInbox, &f.Created)
followers = append(followers, f)
return &followers, nil
// CanCollect returns whether or not the given user can add the given post to a
// collection. This is true when a post is already owned by the user.
// NOTE: this is currently only used to potentially add owned posts to a
// collection. This has the SIDE EFFECT of also generating a slug for the post.
// FIXME: make this side effect more explicit (or extract it)
func (db *datastore) CanCollect(cpr *ClaimPostRequest, userID int64) bool {
var title, content string
var lang sql.NullString
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT title, content, language FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", cpr.ID, userID).Scan(&title, &content, &lang)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed on post CanCollect(%s, %d): %v", cpr.ID, userID, err)
return false
// Since we have the post content and the post is collectable, generate the
// post's slug now.
cpr.Slug = getSlugFromPost(title, content, lang.String)
return true
func (db *datastore) AttemptClaim(p *ClaimPostRequest, query string, params []interface{}, slugIdx int) (sql.Result, error) {
qRes, err := db.Exec(query, params...)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) && slugIdx > -1 {
s := id.GenSafeUniqueSlug(p.Slug)
if s == p.Slug {
// Sanity check to prevent infinite recursion
return qRes, fmt.Errorf("GenSafeUniqueSlug generated nothing unique: %s", s)
p.Slug = s
params[slugIdx] = p.Slug
return db.AttemptClaim(p, query, params, slugIdx)
return qRes, fmt.Errorf("attemptClaim: %s", err)
return qRes, nil
func (db *datastore) DispersePosts(userID int64, postIDs []string) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error) {
postClaimReqs := map[string]bool{}
res := []ClaimPostResult{}
for i := range postIDs {
postID := postIDs[i]
r := ClaimPostResult{Code: 0, ErrorMessage: ""}
// Perform post validation
if postID == "" {
r.ErrorMessage = "Missing post ID. "
if _, ok := postClaimReqs[postID]; ok {
r.Code = 429
r.ErrorMessage = "You've already tried anonymizing this post."
r.ID = postID
res = append(res, r)
postClaimReqs[postID] = true
var err error
// Get full post information to return
var fullPost *PublicPost
fullPost, err = db.GetPost(postID, 0)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
r.Code = err.Status
r.ErrorMessage = err.Message
r.ID = postID
res = append(res, r)
} else {
log.Error("Error getting post in dispersePosts: %v", err)
if fullPost.OwnerID.Int64 != userID {
r.Code = http.StatusConflict
r.ErrorMessage = "Post is already owned by someone else."
r.ID = postID
res = append(res, r)
var qRes sql.Result
var query string
var params []interface{}
// Do AND owner_id = ? for sanity.
// This should've been caught and returned with a good error message
// just above.
query = "UPDATE posts SET collection_id = NULL WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?"
params = []interface{}{postID, userID}
qRes, err = db.Exec(query, params...)
if err != nil {
r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError
r.ErrorMessage = "A glitch happened on our end."
r.ID = postID
res = append(res, r)
log.Error("dispersePosts (post %s): %v", postID, err)
// Post was successfully dispersed
r.Code = http.StatusOK
r.Post = fullPost
rowsAffected, _ := qRes.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
// This was already claimed, but return 200
r.Code = http.StatusOK
res = append(res, r)
return &res, nil
func (db *datastore) ClaimPosts(cfg *config.Config, userID int64, collAlias string, posts *[]ClaimPostRequest) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error) {
postClaimReqs := map[string]bool{}
res := []ClaimPostResult{}
postCollAlias := collAlias
for i := range *posts {
p := (*posts)[i]
if &p == nil {
r := ClaimPostResult{Code: 0, ErrorMessage: ""}
// Perform post validation
if p.ID == "" {
r.ErrorMessage = "Missing post ID `id`. "
if _, ok := postClaimReqs[p.ID]; ok {
r.Code = 429
r.ErrorMessage = "You've already tried claiming this post."
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
postClaimReqs[p.ID] = true
canCollect := db.CanCollect(&p, userID)
if !canCollect && p.Token == "" {
// TODO: ensure post isn't owned by anyone else when a valid modify
// token is given.
r.ErrorMessage += "Missing post Edit Token `token`."
if r.ErrorMessage != "" {
// Post validate failed
r.Code = http.StatusBadRequest
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
var err error
var qRes sql.Result
var query string
var params []interface{}
var slugIdx int = -1
var coll *Collection
if collAlias == "" {
// Posts are being claimed at /posts/claim, not
// /collections/{alias}/collect, so use given individual collection
// to associate post with.
postCollAlias = p.CollectionAlias
if postCollAlias != "" {
// Associate this post with a collection
if p.CreateCollection {
// This is a new collection
// TODO: consider removing this. This seriously complicates this
// method and adds another (unnecessary?) logic path.
coll, err = db.CreateCollection(cfg, postCollAlias, "", userID)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
r.Code = err.Status
r.ErrorMessage = err.Message
} else {
r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError
r.ErrorMessage = "Unknown error occurred creating collection"
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
} else {
// Attempt to add to existing collection
coll, err = db.GetCollection(postCollAlias)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
if err.Status == http.StatusNotFound {
// Show obfuscated "forbidden" response, as if attempting to add to an
// unowned blog.
r.Code = ErrForbiddenCollection.Status
r.ErrorMessage = ErrForbiddenCollection.Message
} else {
r.Code = err.Status
r.ErrorMessage = err.Message
} else {
r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError
r.ErrorMessage = "Unknown error occurred claiming post with collection"
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
if coll.OwnerID != userID {
r.Code = ErrForbiddenCollection.Status
r.ErrorMessage = ErrForbiddenCollection.Message
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
if p.Slug == "" {
p.Slug = p.ID
if canCollect {
// User already owns this post, so just add it to the given
// collection.
query = "UPDATE posts SET collection_id = ?, slug = ? WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?"
params = []interface{}{coll.ID, p.Slug, p.ID, userID}
slugIdx = 1
} else {
query = "UPDATE posts SET owner_id = ?, collection_id = ?, slug = ? WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL"
params = []interface{}{userID, coll.ID, p.Slug, p.ID, p.Token}
slugIdx = 2
} else {
query = "UPDATE posts SET owner_id = ? WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL"
params = []interface{}{userID, p.ID, p.Token}
qRes, err = db.AttemptClaim(&p, query, params, slugIdx)
if err != nil {
r.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError
r.ErrorMessage = "An unknown error occurred."
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
log.Error("claimPosts (post %s): %v", p.ID, err)
// Get full post information to return
var fullPost *PublicPost
if p.Token != "" {
fullPost, err = db.GetEditablePost(p.ID, p.Token)
} else {
fullPost, err = db.GetPost(p.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
r.Code = err.Status
r.ErrorMessage = err.Message
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
if fullPost.OwnerID.Int64 != userID {
r.Code = http.StatusConflict
r.ErrorMessage = "Post is already owned by someone else."
r.ID = p.ID
res = append(res, r)
// Post was successfully claimed
r.Code = http.StatusOK
r.Post = fullPost
if coll != nil {
r.Post.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
rowsAffected, _ := qRes.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
// This was already claimed, but return 200
r.Code = http.StatusOK
res = append(res, r)
return &res, nil
func (db *datastore) UpdatePostPinState(pinned bool, postID string, collID, ownerID, pos int64) error {
if pos <= 0 || pos > 20 {
pos = db.GetLastPinnedPostPos(collID) + 1
if pos == -1 {
pos = 1
var err error
if pinned {
_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET pinned_position = ? WHERE id = ?", pos, postID)
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET pinned_position = NULL WHERE id = ?", postID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update pinned post: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func (db *datastore) GetLastPinnedPostPos(collID int64) int64 {
var lastPos sql.NullInt64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(pinned_position) FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NOT NULL", collID).Scan(&lastPos)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return -1
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return -1
if !lastPos.Valid {
return -1
return lastPos.Int64
func (db *datastore) GetPinnedPosts(coll *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
// FIXME: sqlite-backed instances don't include ellipsis on truncated titles
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " +
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, slug, title, "+db.clip("content", 80)+", pinned_position FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NOT NULL "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY pinned_position ASC", coll.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting pinned posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve pinned posts."}
defer rows.Close()
posts := []PublicPost{}
for rows.Next() {
p := &Post{}
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.Title, &p.Content, &p.PinnedPosition)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
pp := p.processPost()
pp.Collection = coll
posts = append(posts, pp)
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) {
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, alias, title, description, privacy, view_count FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ? ORDER BY id ASC", u.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user collections."}
defer rows.Close()
colls := []Collection{}
for rows.Next() {
c := Collection{}
err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &c.Visibility, &c.Views)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
c.hostName = hostName
c.URL = c.CanonicalURL()
c.Public = c.IsPublic()
// NOTE: future functionality
if visibility != nil { // TODO: && visibility == CollPublic {
// Add Monetization info when retrieving all public collections
c.Monetization = db.GetCollectionAttribute(c.ID, "monetization_pointer")
colls = append(colls, c)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return &colls, nil
func (db *datastore) GetPublishableCollections(u *User, hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) {
c, err := db.GetCollections(u, hostName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(*c) == 0 {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "You don't seem to have any blogs; they might've moved to another account. Try logging out and logging into your other account."}
return c, nil
func (db *datastore) GetPublicCollections(hostName string) (*[]Collection, error) {
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT, alias, title, description, privacy, view_count
FROM collections c
LEFT JOIN users u ON = c.owner_id
WHERE c.privacy = 1 AND u.status = 0
ORDER BY title ASC`)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting public collections: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve public collections."}
defer rows.Close()
colls := []Collection{}
for rows.Next() {
c := Collection{}
err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias, &c.Title, &c.Description, &c.Visibility, &c.Views)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
c.hostName = hostName
c.URL = c.CanonicalURL()
c.Public = c.IsPublic()
// Add Monetization information
c.Monetization = db.GetCollectionAttribute(c.ID, "monetization_pointer")
colls = append(colls, c)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return &colls, nil
func (db *datastore) GetMeStats(u *User) userMeStats {
s := userMeStats{}
// User counts
colls, _ := db.GetUserCollectionCount(u.ID)
s.TotalCollections = colls
var articles, collPosts uint64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NULL", u.ID).Scan(&articles)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("Couldn't get articles count for user %d: %v", u.ID, err)
s.TotalArticles = articles
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NOT NULL", u.ID).Scan(&collPosts)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("Couldn't get coll posts count for user %d: %v", u.ID, err)
s.CollectionPosts = collPosts
return s
func (db *datastore) GetTotalCollections() (collCount int64, err error) {
err = db.QueryRow(`
FROM collections c
LEFT JOIN users u ON = c.owner_id
WHERE u.status = 0`).Scan(&collCount)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to fetch collections count: %v", err)
func (db *datastore) GetTotalPosts() (postCount int64, err error) {
err = db.QueryRow(`
FROM posts p
LEFT JOIN users u ON = p.owner_id
WHERE u.status = 0`).Scan(&postCount)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to fetch posts count: %v", err)
func (db *datastore) GetTopPosts(u *User, alias string, hostName string) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
params := []interface{}{u.ID}
where := ""
if alias != "" {
where = " AND alias = ?"
params = append(params, alias)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT, p.slug, p.view_count, p.title, p.content, c.alias, c.title, c.description, c.view_count FROM posts p LEFT JOIN collections c ON p.collection_id = WHERE p.owner_id = ?"+where+" ORDER BY p.view_count DESC, created DESC LIMIT 25", params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user top posts."}
defer rows.Close()
posts := []PublicPost{}
var gotErr bool
for rows.Next() {
p := Post{}
c := Collection{}
var alias, title, description sql.NullString
var views sql.NullInt64
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Content, &alias, &title, &description, &views)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning User.getPosts() row: %v", err)
gotErr = true
pubPost := p.processPost()
if alias.Valid && alias.String != "" {
c.Alias = alias.String
c.Title = title.String
c.Description = description.String
c.Views = views.Int64
c.hostName = hostName
pubPost.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: c}
posts = append(posts, pubPost)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
if gotErr && len(posts) == 0 {
// There were a lot of errors
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to get data."}
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetAnonymousPosts(u *User, page int) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
pagePosts := 10
start := page*pagePosts - pagePosts
if page == 0 {
start = 0
pagePosts = 1000
limitStr := ""
if page > 0 {
limitStr = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d", start, pagePosts)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, view_count, title, language, created, updated, content FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NULL ORDER BY created DESC"+limitStr, u.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user anonymous posts."}
defer rows.Close()
posts := []PublicPost{}
for rows.Next() {
p := Post{}
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Language, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.Content)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
posts = append(posts, p.processPost())
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserPosts(u *User) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT, p.slug, p.view_count, p.title, p.created, p.updated, p.content, p.text_appearance, p.language, p.rtl, c.alias, c.title, c.description, c.view_count FROM posts p LEFT JOIN collections c ON collection_id = WHERE p.owner_id = ? ORDER BY created ASC", u.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user posts."}
defer rows.Close()
posts := []PublicPost{}
var gotErr bool
for rows.Next() {
p := Post{}
c := Collection{}
var alias, title, description sql.NullString
var views sql.NullInt64
err = rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Slug, &p.ViewCount, &p.Title, &p.Created, &p.Updated, &p.Content, &p.Font, &p.Language, &p.RTL, &alias, &title, &description, &views)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning User.getPosts() row: %v", err)
gotErr = true
pubPost := p.processPost()
if alias.Valid && alias.String != "" {
c.Alias = alias.String
c.Title = title.String
c.Description = description.String
c.Views = views.Int64
pubPost.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: c}
posts = append(posts, pubPost)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
if gotErr && len(posts) == 0 {
// There were a lot of errors
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to get data."}
return &posts, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserPostsCount(userID int64) int64 {
var count int64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ?", userID).Scan(&count)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return 0
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting posts count for user %d: %v", userID, err)
return 0
return count
// ChangeSettings takes a User and applies the changes in the given
// userSettings, MODIFYING THE USER with successful changes.
func (db *datastore) ChangeSettings(app *App, u *User, s *userSettings) error {
var errPass error
q := query.NewUpdate()
// Update email if given
if s.Email != "" {
encEmail, err := data.Encrypt(app.keys.EmailKey, s.Email)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't encrypt email %s: %s\n", s.Email, err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to encrypt email address."}
q.SetBytes(encEmail, "email")
// Update the email if something goes awry updating the password
defer func() {
if errPass != nil {
db.UpdateEncryptedUserEmail(u.ID, encEmail)
u.Email = zero.StringFrom(s.Email)
// Update username if given
var newUsername string
if s.Username != "" {
var ie *impart.HTTPError
newUsername, ie = getValidUsername(app, s.Username, u.Username)
if ie != nil {
// Username is invalid
return *ie
if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, newUsername) {
// Ensure the username is syntactically correct.
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "Username isn't valid."}
t, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't start username change transaction: %v", err)
return err
_, err = t.Exec("UPDATE users SET username = ? WHERE id = ?", newUsername, u.ID)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."}
log.Error("Unable to update users table: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
_, err = t.Exec("UPDATE collections SET alias = ? WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", newUsername, u.Username, u.ID)
if err != nil {
if db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "Username is already taken."}
log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
// Keep track of name changes for redirection
db.RemoveCollectionRedirect(t, newUsername)
_, err = t.Exec("UPDATE collectionredirects SET new_alias = ? WHERE new_alias = ?", newUsername, u.Username)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update collectionredirects: %v", err)
_, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionredirects (prev_alias, new_alias) VALUES (?, ?)", u.Username, newUsername)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to add new collectionredirect: %v", err)
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
return err
u.Username = newUsername
// Update passphrase if given
if s.NewPass != "" {
// Check if user has already set a password
var err error
u.HasPass, err = db.IsUserPassSet(u.ID)
if err != nil {
errPass = impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve user data."}
return errPass
if u.HasPass {
// Check if currently-set password is correct
hashedPass := u.HashedPass
if len(hashedPass) == 0 {
authUser, err := db.GetUserForAuthByID(u.ID)
if err != nil {
errPass = err
return errPass
hashedPass = authUser.HashedPass
if !auth.Authenticated(hashedPass, []byte(s.OldPass)) {
errPass = impart.HTTPError{http.StatusUnauthorized, "Incorrect password."}
return errPass
hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(s.NewPass))
if err != nil {
errPass = impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."}
return errPass
q.SetBytes(hashedPass, "password")
// WHERE values
if q.Updates == "" {
if s.Username == "" {
return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals
// Nothing to update except username. That was successful, so return now.
return nil
res, err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET "+q.Updates+" WHERE id = ?", q.Params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err)
return err
rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
// Show the correct error message if nothing was updated
var dummy int
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id = ?", u.ID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ErrUnauthorizedGeneral
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from users: %v", err)
return nil
if s.NewPass != "" && !u.HasPass {
u.HasPass = true
return nil
func (db *datastore) ChangePassphrase(userID int64, sudo bool, curPass string, hashedPass []byte) error {
var dbPass []byte
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID).Scan(&dbPass)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ErrUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password for change: %v", err)
return err
if !sudo && !auth.Authenticated(dbPass, []byte(curPass)) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusUnauthorized, "Incorrect password."}
_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE id = ?", hashedPass, userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not update passphrase: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func (db *datastore) RemoveCollectionRedirect(t *sql.Tx, alias string) error {
_, err := t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionredirects WHERE prev_alias = ?", alias)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete from collectionredirects: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionRedirect(alias string) (new string) {
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT new_alias FROM collectionredirects WHERE prev_alias = ?", alias)
err := row.Scan(&new)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows && !db.isIgnorableError(err) {
log.Error("Failed selecting from collectionredirects: %v", err)
func (db *datastore) DeleteCollection(alias string, userID int64) error {
c := &Collection{Alias: alias}
var username string
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID)
err := row.Scan(&username)
if err != nil {
return err
// Ensure user isn't deleting their main blog
if alias == username {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusForbidden, "You cannot currently delete your primary blog."}
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, userID)
err = row.Scan(&c.ID)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Collection doesn't exist or you're not allowed to delete it."}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
t, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
// Float all collection's posts
_, err = t.Exec("UPDATE posts SET collection_id = NULL WHERE collection_id = ? AND owner_id = ?", c.ID, userID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Remove redirects to or from this collection
_, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionredirects WHERE prev_alias = ? OR new_alias = ?", alias, alias)
if err != nil {
return err
// Remove any optional collection password
_, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionpasswords WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Finally, delete collection itself
_, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collections WHERE id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (db *datastore) IsCollectionAttributeOn(id int64, attr string) bool {
var v string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT value FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", id, attr).Scan(&v)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT value in isCollectionAttributeOn for attribute '%s': %v", attr, err)
return false
return v == "1"
func (db *datastore) CollectionHasAttribute(id int64, attr string) bool {
var dummy string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT value FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", id, attr).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT value in collectionHasAttribute for attribute '%s': %v", attr, err)
return false
return true
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionAttribute(id int64, attr string) string {
var v string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT value FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", id, attr).Scan(&v)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ""
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT value in getCollectionAttribute for attribute '%s': %v", attr, err)
return ""
return v
func (db *datastore) SetCollectionAttribute(id int64, attr, v string) error {
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionattributes (collection_id, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id", "attribute")+" value = ?", id, attr, v, v)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to INSERT into collectionattributes: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// DeleteAccount will delete the entire account for userID
func (db *datastore) DeleteAccount(userID int64) error {
// Get all collections
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, alias FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to get collections: %v", err)
return err
defer rows.Close()
colls := []Collection{}
var c Collection
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Alias)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to scan collection cols: %v", err)
return err
colls = append(colls, c)
// Start transaction
t, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to begin: %v", err)
return err
// Clean up all collection related information
var res sql.Result
for _, c := range colls {
// Delete tokens
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete attributes on %s: %v", c.Alias, err)
return err
rs, _ := res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionattributes", rs, c.Alias)
// Remove any optional collection password
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionpasswords WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete passwords on %s: %v", c.Alias, err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionpasswords", rs, c.Alias)
// Remove redirects to this collection
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionredirects WHERE new_alias = ?", c.Alias)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete redirects on %s: %v", c.Alias, err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionredirects", rs, c.Alias)
// Remove any collection keys
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionkeys WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete keys on %s: %v", c.Alias, err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from collectionkeys", rs, c.Alias)
// TODO: federate delete collection
// Remove remote follows
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM remotefollows WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete remote follows on %s: %v", c.Alias, err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d for %s from remotefollows", rs, c.Alias)
// Delete collections
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM collections WHERE owner_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete collections: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ := res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from collections", rs)
// Delete tokens
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM accesstokens WHERE user_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete access tokens: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from accesstokens", rs)
// Delete user attributes
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete oauth_users: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from oauth_users", rs)
// Delete posts
// TODO: should maybe get each row so we can federate a delete
// if so needs to be outside of transaction like collections
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete posts: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from posts", rs)
// Delete user attributes
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM userattributes WHERE user_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete attributes: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from userattributes", rs)
// Delete user invites
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM userinvites WHERE owner_id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete invites: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from userinvites", rs)
// Delete the user
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete user: %v", err)
return err
rs, _ = res.RowsAffected()
log.Info("Deleted %d from users", rs)
// Commit all changes to the database
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to commit: %v", err)
return err
// TODO: federate delete actor
return nil
func (db *datastore) GetAPActorKeys(collectionID int64) ([]byte, []byte) {
var pub, priv []byte
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT public_key, private_key FROM collectionkeys WHERE collection_id = ?", collectionID).Scan(&pub, &priv)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
// Generate keys
pub, priv = activitypub.GenerateKeys()
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionkeys (collection_id, public_key, private_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", collectionID, pub, priv)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to INSERT new activitypub keypair: %v", err)
return nil, nil
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT collectionkeys: %v", err)
return nil, nil
return pub, priv
func (db *datastore) CreateUserInvite(id string, userID int64, maxUses int, expires *time.Time) error {
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO userinvites (id, owner_id, max_uses, created, expires, inactive) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "", ?, 0)", id, userID, maxUses, expires)
return err
func (db *datastore) GetUserInvites(userID int64) (*[]Invite, error) {
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, max_uses, created, expires, inactive FROM userinvites WHERE owner_id = ? ORDER BY created DESC", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from userinvites: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user invites."}
defer rows.Close()
is := []Invite{}
for rows.Next() {
i := Invite{}
err = rows.Scan(&i.ID, &i.MaxUses, &i.Created, &i.Expires, &i.Inactive)
is = append(is, i)
return &is, nil
func (db *datastore) GetUserInvite(id string) (*Invite, error) {
var i Invite
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, max_uses, created, expires, inactive FROM userinvites WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&i.ID, &i.MaxUses, &i.Created, &i.Expires, &i.Inactive)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows, db.isIgnorableError(err):
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Invite doesn't exist."}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting invite: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &i, nil
// IsUsersInvite returns true if the user with ID created the invite with code
// and an error other than sql no rows, if any. Will return false in the event
// of an error.
func (db *datastore) IsUsersInvite(code string, userID int64) (bool, error) {
var id string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM userinvites WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", code, userID).Scan(&id)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("Failed selecting invite: %v", err)
return false, err
return id != "", nil
func (db *datastore) GetUsersInvitedCount(id string) int64 {
var count int64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usersinvited WHERE invite_id = ?", id).Scan(&count)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return 0
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting users invited count: %v", err)
return 0
return count
func (db *datastore) CreateInvitedUser(inviteID string, userID int64) error {
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO usersinvited (invite_id, user_id) VALUES (?, ?)", inviteID, userID)
return err
func (db *datastore) GetInstancePages() ([]*instanceContent, error) {
return db.GetAllDynamicContent("page")
func (db *datastore) GetAllDynamicContent(t string) ([]*instanceContent, error) {
where := ""
params := []interface{}{}
if t != "" {
where = " WHERE content_type = ?"
params = append(params, t)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, title, content, updated, content_type FROM appcontent"+where, params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from appcontent: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve instance pages."}
defer rows.Close()
pages := []*instanceContent{}
for rows.Next() {
c := &instanceContent{}
err = rows.Scan(&c.ID, &c.Title, &c.Content, &c.Updated, &c.Type)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row: %v", err)
pages = append(pages, c)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error after Next() on rows: %v", err)
return pages, nil
func (db *datastore) GetDynamicContent(id string) (*instanceContent, error) {
c := &instanceContent{
ID: id,
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT title, content, updated, content_type FROM appcontent WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&c.Title, &c.Content, &c.Updated, &c.Type)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, nil
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT FROM appcontent for id '%s': %v", id, err)
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (db *datastore) UpdateDynamicContent(id, title, content, contentType string) error {
var err error
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO appcontent (id, title, content, updated, content_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "", ?)", id, title, content, contentType)
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO appcontent (id, title, content, updated, content_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, "", ?) "+db.upsert("id")+" title = ?, content = ?, updated = ", id, title, content, contentType, title, content)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to INSERT appcontent for '%s': %v", id, err)
return err
func (db *datastore) GetAllUsers(page uint) (*[]User, error) {
limitStr := fmt.Sprintf("0, %d", adminUsersPerPage)
if page > 1 {
limitStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d, %d", (page-1)*adminUsersPerPage, adminUsersPerPage)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, username, created, status FROM users ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT " + limitStr)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from users: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve all users."}
defer rows.Close()
users := []User{}
for rows.Next() {
u := User{}
err = rows.Scan(&u.ID, &u.Username, &u.Created, &u.Status)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning GetAllUsers() row: %v", err)
users = append(users, u)
return &users, nil
func (db *datastore) GetAllUsersCount() int64 {
var count int64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users").Scan(&count)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return 0
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting all users count: %v", err)
return 0
return count
func (db *datastore) GetUserLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error) {
var t time.Time
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT created FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", id).Scan(&t)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, nil
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting last post time from posts: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &t, nil
// SetUserStatus changes a user's status in the database. see Users.UserStatus
func (db *datastore) SetUserStatus(id int64, status UserStatus) error {
_, err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET status = ? WHERE id = ?", status, id)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update user status: %v", err)
return nil
func (db *datastore) GetCollectionLastPostTime(id int64) (*time.Time, error) {
var t time.Time
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT created FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", id).Scan(&t)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, nil
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting last post time from posts: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &t, nil
func (db *datastore) GenerateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, provider string, clientID string, attachUser int64, inviteCode string) (string, error) {
state := id.Generate62RandomString(24)
attachUserVal := sql.NullInt64{Valid: attachUser > 0, Int64: attachUser}
inviteCodeVal := sql.NullString{Valid: inviteCode != "", String: inviteCode}
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO oauth_client_states (state, provider, client_id, used, created_at, attach_user_id, invite_code) VALUES (?, ?, ?, FALSE, "", ?, ?)", state, provider, clientID, attachUserVal, inviteCodeVal)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to record oauth client state: %w", err)
return state, nil
func (db *datastore) ValidateOAuthState(ctx context.Context, state string) (string, string, int64, string, error) {
var provider string
var clientID string
var attachUserID sql.NullInt64
var inviteCode sql.NullString
err := wf_db.RunTransactionWithOptions(ctx, db.DB, &sql.TxOptions{}, func(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error {
err := tx.
QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT provider, client_id, attach_user_id, invite_code FROM oauth_client_states WHERE state = ? AND used = FALSE", state).
Scan(&provider, &clientID, &attachUserID, &inviteCode)
if err != nil {
return err
res, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, "UPDATE oauth_client_states SET used = TRUE WHERE state = ?", state)
if err != nil {
return err
rowsAffected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return err
if rowsAffected != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("state not found")
return nil
if err != nil {
return "", "", 0, "", nil
return provider, clientID, attachUserID.Int64, inviteCode.String, nil
func (db *datastore) RecordRemoteUserID(ctx context.Context, localUserID int64, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken string) error {
var err error
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
_, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO oauth_users (user_id, remote_user_id, provider, client_id, access_token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", localUserID, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken)
} else {
_, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO oauth_users (user_id, remote_user_id, provider, client_id, access_token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "+db.upsert("user")+" access_token = ?", localUserID, remoteUserID, provider, clientID, accessToken, accessToken)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to INSERT oauth_users for '%d': %v", localUserID, err)
return err
// GetIDForRemoteUser returns a user ID associated with a remote user ID.
func (db *datastore) GetIDForRemoteUser(ctx context.Context, remoteUserID, provider, clientID string) (int64, error) {
var userID int64 = -1
err := db.
QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT user_id FROM oauth_users WHERE remote_user_id = ? AND provider = ? AND client_id = ?", remoteUserID, provider, clientID).
// Not finding a record is OK.
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return -1, err
return userID, nil
type oauthAccountInfo struct {
Provider string
ClientID string
RemoteUserID string
DisplayName string
AllowDisconnect bool
func (db *datastore) GetOauthAccounts(ctx context.Context, userID int64) ([]oauthAccountInfo, error) {
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT provider, client_id, remote_user_id FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ? ", userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from oauth_users: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user oauth accounts."}
defer rows.Close()
var records []oauthAccountInfo
for rows.Next() {
info := oauthAccountInfo{}
err = rows.Scan(&info.Provider, &info.ClientID, &info.RemoteUserID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning GetAllUsers() row: %v", err)
records = append(records, info)
return records, nil
// DatabaseInitialized returns whether or not the current datastore has been
// initialized with the correct schema.
// Currently, it checks to see if the `users` table exists.
func (db *datastore) DatabaseInitialized() bool {
var dummy string
var err error
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'users'").Scan(&dummy)
} else {
err = db.QueryRow("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'users'").Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SHOW TABLES: %v", err)
return false
return true
func (db *datastore) RemoveOauth(ctx context.Context, userID int64, provider string, clientID string, remoteUserID string) error {
_, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ? AND provider = ? AND client_id = ? AND remote_user_id = ?`, userID, provider, clientID, remoteUserID)
return err
func stringLogln(log *string, s string, v ...interface{}) {
*log += fmt.Sprintf(s+"\n", v...)
func handleFailedPostInsert(err error) error {
log.Error("Couldn't insert into posts: %v", err)
return err
// Deprecated: use GetProfileURLFromHandle() instead, which returns user-facing URL instead of actor_id
func (db *datastore) GetProfilePageFromHandle(app *App, handle string) (string, error) {
handle = strings.TrimLeft(handle, "@")
actorIRI := ""
parts := strings.Split(handle, "@")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid handle format")
domain := parts[1]
// Check non-AP instances
if siloProfileURL := silobridge.Profile(parts[0], domain); siloProfileURL != "" {
return siloProfileURL, nil
remoteUser, err := getRemoteUserFromHandle(app, handle)
if err != nil {
// can't find using handle in the table but the table may already have this user without
// handle from a previous version
// TODO: Make this determination. We should know whether a user exists without a handle, or doesn't exist at all
actorIRI = RemoteLookup(handle)
_, errRemoteUser := getRemoteUser(app, actorIRI)
// if it exists then we need to update the handle
if errRemoteUser == nil {
_, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE remoteusers SET handle = ? WHERE actor_id = ?", handle, actorIRI)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't update handle '%s' for user %s", handle, actorIRI)
} else {
// this probably means we don't have the user in the table so let's try to insert it
// here we need to ask the server for the inboxes
remoteActor, err := activityserve.NewRemoteActor(actorIRI)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't fetch remote actor: %v", err)
if debugging {
log.Info("%s %s %s %s", actorIRI, remoteActor.GetInbox(), remoteActor.GetSharedInbox(), handle)
_, err = app.db.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteusers (actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, handle) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", actorIRI, remoteActor.GetInbox(), remoteActor.GetSharedInbox(), handle)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't insert remote user: %v", err)
return "", err
} else {
actorIRI = remoteUser.ActorID
return actorIRI, nil
func (db *datastore) AddEmailSubscription(collID, userID int64, email string, confirmed bool) (*EmailSubscriber, error) {
friendlyChars := "0123456789BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
subID := id.GenerateRandomString(friendlyChars, 8)
token := id.GenerateRandomString(friendlyChars, 16)
emailVal := sql.NullString{
String: email,
Valid: email != "",
userIDVal := sql.NullInt64{
Int64: userID,
Valid: userID > 0,
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO emailsubscribers (id, collection_id, user_id, email, subscribed, token, confirmed) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, "", ?, ?)", subID, collID, userIDVal, emailVal, token, confirmed)
if err != nil {
if mysqlErr, ok := err.(*mysql.MySQLError); ok {
if mysqlErr.Number == mySQLErrDuplicateKey {
// Duplicate, so just return existing subscriber information
log.Info("Duplicate subscriber for email %s, user %d; returning existing subscriber", email, userID)
return db.FetchEmailSubscriber(email, userID, collID)
return nil, err
return &EmailSubscriber{
ID: subID,
CollID: collID,
UserID: userIDVal,
Email: emailVal,
Token: token,
}, nil
func (db *datastore) IsEmailSubscriber(email string, userID, collID int64) bool {
var dummy int
var err error
if email != "" {
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM emailsubscribers WHERE email = ? AND collection_id = ?", email, collID).Scan(&dummy)
} else {
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM emailsubscribers WHERE user_id = ? AND collection_id = ?", userID, collID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
return false
return true
func (db *datastore) GetEmailSubscribers(collID int64, reqConfirmed bool) ([]*EmailSubscriber, error) {
cond := ""
if reqConfirmed {
cond = " AND confirmed = 1"
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT, collection_id, user_id,,, subscribed, token, confirmed, allow_export
FROM emailsubscribers s
LEFT JOIN users u
ON = user_id
WHERE collection_id = ?`+cond+`
ORDER BY subscribed DESC`, collID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting email subscribers for collection %d: %v", collID, err)
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var subs []*EmailSubscriber
for rows.Next() {
s := &EmailSubscriber{}
err = rows.Scan(&s.ID, &s.CollID, &s.UserID, &s.Email, &s.acctEmail, &s.Subscribed, &s.Token, &s.Confirmed, &s.AllowExport)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed scanning row from email subscribers: %v", err)
subs = append(subs, s)
return subs, nil
func (db *datastore) FetchEmailSubscriberEmail(subID, token string) (string, error) {
var email sql.NullString
// TODO: return user email if there's a user_id ?
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT email FROM emailsubscribers WHERE id = ? AND token = ?", subID, token).Scan(&email)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return "", fmt.Errorf("Subscriber doesn't exist or token is invalid.")
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT email from emailsubscribers: %v", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("Something went very wrong.")
return email.String, nil
func (db *datastore) FetchEmailSubscriber(email string, userID, collID int64) (*EmailSubscriber, error) {
const emailSubCols = "id, collection_id, user_id, email, subscribed, token, confirmed, allow_export"
s := &EmailSubscriber{}
var row *sql.Row
if email != "" {
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+emailSubCols+" FROM emailsubscribers WHERE email = ? AND collection_id = ?", email, collID)
} else {
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+emailSubCols+" FROM emailsubscribers WHERE user_id = ? AND collection_id = ?", userID, collID)
err := row.Scan(&s.ID, &s.CollID, &s.UserID, &s.Email, &s.Subscribed, &s.Token, &s.Confirmed, &s.AllowExport)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, nil
case err != nil:
return nil, err
return s, nil
func (db *datastore) DeleteEmailSubscriber(subID, token string) error {
res, err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM emailsubscribers WHERE id = ? AND token = ?", subID, token)
if err != nil {
return err
rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid token, or subscriber doesn't exist"}
return nil
func (db *datastore) DeleteEmailSubscriberByUser(email string, userID, collID int64) error {
var res sql.Result
var err error
if email != "" {
res, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM emailsubscribers WHERE email = ? AND collection_id = ?", email, collID)
} else {
res, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM emailsubscribers WHERE user_id = ? AND collection_id = ?", userID, collID)
if err != nil {
return err
rowsAffected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
if rowsAffected == 0 {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Subscriber doesn't exist"}
return nil
func (db *datastore) UpdateSubscriberConfirmed(subID, token string) error {
email, err := db.FetchEmailSubscriberEmail(subID, token)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Didn't fetch email subscriber: %v", err)
return err
// TODO: ensure all addresses with original name are also confirmed, e.g. and are now confirmed
_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE emailsubscribers SET confirmed = 1 WHERE email = ?", email)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not update email subscriber confirmation status: %v", err)
return err
return nil
func (db *datastore) IsSubscriberConfirmed(email string) bool {
var dummy int64
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM emailsubscribers WHERE email = ? AND confirmed = 1", email).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT in isSubscriberConfirmed: %v", err)
return false
return true
func (db *datastore) InsertJob(j *PostJob) error {
res, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO publishjobs (post_id, action, delay) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", j.PostID, j.Action, j.Delay)
if err != nil {
return err
jobID, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[jobs] Couldn't get last insert ID! %s", err)
log.Info("[jobs] Queued %s job #%d for post %s, delayed %d minutes", j.Action, jobID, j.PostID, j.Delay)
return nil
func (db *datastore) UpdateJobForPost(postID string, delay int64) error {
_, err := db.Exec("UPDATE publishjobs SET delay = ? WHERE post_id = ?", delay, postID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to update publish job: %s", err)
log.Info("Updated job for post %s: delay %d", postID, delay)
return nil
func (db *datastore) DeleteJob(id int64) error {
_, err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM publishjobs WHERE id = ?", id)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("[job #%d] Deleted.", id)
return nil
func (db *datastore) DeleteJobByPost(postID string) error {
_, err := db.Exec("DELETE FROM publishjobs WHERE post_id = ?", postID)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("[job] Deleted job for post %s", postID)
return nil
func (db *datastore) GetJobsToRun(action string) ([]*PostJob, error) {
timeWhere := "created < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL delay MINUTE) AND created > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL delay + 5 MINUTE)"
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
timeWhere = "created < DATETIME('now', '-' || delay || ' MINUTE') AND created > DATETIME('now', '-' || (delay+5) || ' MINUTE')"
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT, post_id, action, delay
FROM publishjobs pj
INNER JOIN posts p
ON post_id =
WHERE action = ? AND `+timeWhere+`
ORDER BY created ASC`, action)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from publishjobs: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve publish jobs."}
defer rows.Close()
jobs := []*PostJob{}
for rows.Next() {
j := &PostJob{}
err = rows.Scan(&j.ID, &j.PostID, &j.Action, &j.Delay)
jobs = append(jobs, j)
return jobs, nil
diff --git a/database_activitypub.go b/database_activitypub.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9df3724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database_activitypub.go
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright © 2024 Musing Studio LLC.
+ *
+ * This file is part of WriteFreely.
+ *
+ * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included
+ * in the LICENSE file in this source code package.
+ */
+package writefreely
+import (
+ "database/sql"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+func apAddRemoteUser(app *App, t *sql.Tx, fullActor *activitystreams.Person) (int64, error) {
+ // Add remote user locally, since it wasn't found before
+ res, err := t.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteusers (actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox, url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", fullActor.ID, fullActor.Inbox, fullActor.Endpoints.SharedInbox, fullActor.URL)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("couldn't add new remoteuser in DB: %v", err)
+ }
+ remoteUserID, err := res.LastInsertId()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("no lastinsertid for followers, rolling back: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Add in key
+ _, err = t.Exec("INSERT INTO remoteuserkeys (id, remote_user_id, public_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", fullActor.PublicKey.ID, remoteUserID, fullActor.PublicKey.PublicKeyPEM)
+ if err != nil {
+ if !app.db.isDuplicateKeyErr(err) {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Couldn't add follower keys in DB: %v\n", err)
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("couldn't add follower keys in DB: %v", err)
+ } else {
+ t.Rollback()
+ log.Error("Couldn't add follower keys in DB: %v\n", err)
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("couldn't add follower keys in DB: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ return remoteUserID, nil
diff --git a/migrations/migrations.go b/migrations/migrations.go
index fc638ee..6b5b094 100644
--- a/migrations/migrations.go
+++ b/migrations/migrations.go
@@ -1,150 +1,151 @@
* Copyright © 2019 Musing Studio LLC.
* This file is part of WriteFreely.
* WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included
* in the LICENSE file in this source code package.
// Package migrations contains database migrations for WriteFreely
package migrations
import (
// TODO: refactor to use the datastore struct from writefreely pkg
type datastore struct {
driverName string
func NewDatastore(db *sql.DB, dn string) *datastore {
return &datastore{db, dn}
// TODO: use these consts from writefreely pkg
const (
driverMySQL = "mysql"
driverSQLite = "sqlite3"
type Migration interface {
Description() string
Migrate(db *datastore) error
type migration struct {
description string
migrate func(db *datastore) error
func New(d string, fn func(db *datastore) error) Migration {
return &migration{d, fn}
func (m *migration) Description() string {
return m.description
func (m *migration) Migrate(db *datastore) error {
return m.migrate(db)
var migrations = []Migration{
New("support user invites", supportUserInvites), // -> V1 (v0.8.0)
New("support dynamic instance pages", supportInstancePages), // V1 -> V2 (v0.9.0)
New("support users suspension", supportUserStatus), // V2 -> V3 (v0.11.0)
New("support oauth", oauth), // V3 -> V4
New("support slack oauth", oauthSlack), // V4 -> v5
New("support ActivityPub mentions", supportActivityPubMentions), // V5 -> V6
New("support oauth attach", oauthAttach), // V6 -> V7
New("support oauth via invite", oauthInvites), // V7 -> V8 (v0.12.0)
New("optimize drafts retrieval", optimizeDrafts), // V8 -> V9
New("support post signatures", supportPostSignatures), // V9 -> V10 (v0.13.0)
New("Widen oauth_users.access_token", widenOauthAcceesToken), // V10 -> V11
New("support verifying fedi profile", fediverseVerifyProfile), // V11 -> V12 (v0.14.0)
New("support newsletters", supportLetters), // V12 -> V13
New("support password resetting", supportPassReset), // V13 -> V14
New("speed up blog post retrieval", addPostRetrievalIndex), // V14 -> V15
+ New("support ActivityPub likes", supportRemoteLikes), // V15 -> V16 (v0.16.0)
// CurrentVer returns the current migration version the application is on
func CurrentVer() int {
return len(migrations)
func SetInitialMigrations(db *datastore) error {
// Included schema files represent changes up to V1, so note that in the database
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO appmigrations (version, migrated, result) VALUES (?, "", ?)", 1, "")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func Migrate(db *datastore) error {
var version int
var err error
if db.tableExists("appmigrations") {
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(version) FROM appmigrations").Scan(&version)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Info("Initializing appmigrations table...")
version = 0
_, err = db.Exec(`CREATE TABLE appmigrations (
version ` + db.typeInt() + ` NOT NULL,
migrated ` + db.typeDateTime() + ` NOT NULL,
result ` + db.typeText() + ` NOT NULL
) ` + db.engine() + `;`)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(migrations[version:]) > 0 {
for i, m := range migrations[version:] {
curVer := version + i + 1
log.Info("Migrating to V%d: %s", curVer, m.Description())
err = m.Migrate(db)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update migrations table
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO appmigrations (version, migrated, result) VALUES (?, "", ?)", curVer, "")
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Info("Database up-to-date. No migrations to run.")
return nil
func (db *datastore) tableExists(t string) bool {
var dummy string
var err error
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = ?", t).Scan(&dummy)
} else {
err = db.QueryRow("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" + t + "'").Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return false
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SHOW TABLES: %v", err)
return false
return true
diff --git a/migrations/v16.go b/migrations/v16.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ce78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/v16.go
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Copyright © 2024 Musing Studio LLC.
+ *
+ * This file is part of WriteFreely.
+ *
+ * WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included
+ * in the LICENSE file in this source code package.
+ */
+package migrations
+func supportRemoteLikes(db *datastore) error {
+ t, err := db.Begin()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = t.Exec(`CREATE TABLE remote_likes (
+ post_id ` + db.typeChar(16) + ` NOT NULL,
+ remote_user_id ` + db.typeInt() + ` NOT NULL,
+ created ` + db.typeDateTime() + ` NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (post_id,remote_user_id)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ return err
+ }
+ err = t.Commit()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Rollback()
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/posts.go b/posts.go
index 19f01fd..1cfc1f0 100644
--- a/posts.go
+++ b/posts.go
@@ -1,1702 +1,1705 @@
* Copyright © 2018-2021 Musing Studio LLC.
* This file is part of WriteFreely.
* WriteFreely is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, included
* in the LICENSE file in this source code package.
package writefreely
import (
stripmd ""
const (
// Post ID length bounds
minIDLen = 10
maxIDLen = 10
userPostIDLen = 10
postIDLen = 10
postMetaDateFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
shortCodePaid = "<!--paid-->"
type (
AnonymousPost struct {
ID string
Content string
HTMLContent template.HTML
Font string
Language string
Direction string
Title string
GenTitle string
Description string
Author string
Views int64
Images []string
IsPlainText bool
IsCode bool
IsLinkable bool
AuthenticatedPost struct {
ID string `json:"id" schema:"id"`
Web bool `json:"web" schema:"web"`
// SubmittedPost represents a post supplied by a client for publishing or
// updating. Since Title and Content can be updated to "", they are
// pointers that can be easily tested to detect changes.
SubmittedPost struct {
Slug *string `json:"slug" schema:"slug"`
Title *string `json:"title" schema:"title"`
Content *string `json:"body" schema:"body"`
Font string `json:"font" schema:"font"`
IsRTL converter.NullJSONBool `json:"rtl" schema:"rtl"`
Language converter.NullJSONString `json:"lang" schema:"lang"`
Created *string `json:"created" schema:"created"`
// Post represents a post as found in the database.
Post struct {
ID string `db:"id" json:"id"`
Slug null.String `db:"slug" json:"slug,omitempty"`
Font string `db:"text_appearance" json:"appearance"`
Language zero.String `db:"language" json:"language"`
RTL zero.Bool `db:"rtl" json:"rtl"`
Privacy int64 `db:"privacy" json:"-"`
OwnerID null.Int `db:"owner_id" json:"-"`
CollectionID null.Int `db:"collection_id" json:"-"`
PinnedPosition null.Int `db:"pinned_position" json:"-"`
Created time.Time `db:"created" json:"created"`
Updated time.Time `db:"updated" json:"updated"`
ViewCount int64 `db:"view_count" json:"-"`
+ LikeCount int64 `db:"like_count" json:"likes"`
Title zero.String `db:"title" json:"title"`
HTMLTitle template.HTML `db:"title" json:"-"`
Content string `db:"content" json:"body"`
HTMLContent template.HTML `db:"content" json:"-"`
HTMLExcerpt template.HTML `db:"content" json:"-"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Images []string `json:"images,omitempty"`
IsPaid bool `json:"paid"`
OwnerName string `json:"owner,omitempty"`
// PublicPost holds properties for a publicly returned post, i.e. a post in
// a context where the viewer may not be the owner. As such, sensitive
// metadata for the post is hidden and properties supporting the display of
// the post are added.
PublicPost struct {
IsSubdomain bool `json:"-"`
IsTopLevel bool `json:"-"`
DisplayDate string `json:"-"`
Views int64 `json:"views"`
+ Likes int64 `json:"likes"`
Owner *PublicUser `json:"-"`
IsOwner bool `json:"-"`
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
Collection *CollectionObj `json:"collection,omitempty"`
CollectionPostPage struct {
IsOwner bool
IsPinned bool
IsCustomDomain bool
Monetization string
Verification string
PinnedPosts *[]PublicPost
IsFound bool
IsAdmin bool
CanInvite bool
Silenced bool
// Helper field for Chorus mode
CollAlias string
RawPost struct {
Id, Slug string
Title string
Content string
Views int64
Font string
Created time.Time
Updated time.Time
IsRTL sql.NullBool
Language sql.NullString
OwnerID int64
CollectionID sql.NullInt64
Found bool
Gone bool
AnonymousAuthPost struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Token string `json:"token"`
ClaimPostRequest struct {
CollectionAlias string `json:"collection"`
CreateCollection bool `json:"create_collection"`
// Generated properties
Slug string `json:"-"`
ClaimPostResult struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
ErrorMessage string `json:"error_msg,omitempty"`
Post *PublicPost `json:"post,omitempty"`
func (p *Post) Direction() string {
if p.RTL.Valid {
if p.RTL.Bool {
return "rtl"
return "ltr"
return "auto"
// DisplayTitle dynamically generates a title from the Post's contents if it
// doesn't already have an explicit title.
func (p *Post) DisplayTitle() string {
if p.Title.String != "" {
return p.Title.String
t := friendlyPostTitle(p.Content, p.ID)
return t
// PlainDisplayTitle dynamically generates a title from the Post's contents if it
// doesn't already have an explicit title.
func (p *Post) PlainDisplayTitle() string {
if t := stripmd.Strip(p.DisplayTitle()); t != "" {
return t
return p.ID
// FormattedDisplayTitle dynamically generates a title from the Post's contents if it
// doesn't already have an explicit title.
func (p *Post) FormattedDisplayTitle() template.HTML {
if p.HTMLTitle != "" {
return p.HTMLTitle
return template.HTML(p.DisplayTitle())
// Summary gives a shortened summary of the post based on the post's title,
// especially for display in a longer list of posts. It extracts a summary for
// posts in the Title\n\nBody format, returning nothing if the entire was short
// enough that the extracted title == extracted summary.
func (p Post) Summary() string {
if p.Content == "" {
return ""
p.Content = stripHTMLWithoutEscaping(p.Content)
// and Markdown
p.Content = stripmd.StripOptions(p.Content, stripmd.Options{SkipImages: true})
title := p.Title.String
var desc string
if title == "" {
// No title, so generate one
title = friendlyPostTitle(p.Content, p.ID)
desc = postDescription(p.Content, title, p.ID)
if desc == title {
return ""
return desc
return shortPostDescription(p.Content)
func (p Post) SummaryHTML() template.HTML {
return template.HTML(p.Summary())
// Excerpt shows any text that comes before a (more) tag.
// TODO: use HTMLExcerpt in templates instead of this method
func (p *Post) Excerpt() template.HTML {
return p.HTMLExcerpt
func (p *Post) CreatedDate() string {
return p.Created.Format("2006-01-02")
func (p *Post) Created8601() string {
return p.Created.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
func (p *Post) IsScheduled() bool {
return p.Created.After(time.Now())
func (p *Post) HasTag(tag string) bool {
// Regexp looks for tag and has a non-capturing group at the end looking
// for the end of the word.
// Assisted by:
hasTag, _ := regexp.MatchString("#"+tag+`(?:[[:punct:]]|\s|\z)`, p.Content)
return hasTag
func (p *Post) HasTitleLink() bool {
if p.Title.String == "" {
return false
hasLink, _ := regexp.MatchString(`([^!]+|^)\[.+\]\(.+\)`, p.Title.String)
return hasLink
func (c CollectionPostPage) DisplayMonetization() string {
if c.Collection == nil {
log.Info("CollectionPostPage.DisplayMonetization: c.Collection is nil")
return ""
return displayMonetization(c.Monetization, c.Collection.Alias)
func handleViewPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
friendlyID := vars["post"]
// NOTE: until this is done better, be sure to keep this in parity with
// isRaw() and viewCollectionPost()
isJSON := strings.HasSuffix(friendlyID, ".json")
isXML := strings.HasSuffix(friendlyID, ".xml")
isCSS := strings.HasSuffix(friendlyID, ".css")
isMarkdown := strings.HasSuffix(friendlyID, ".md")
isRaw := strings.HasSuffix(friendlyID, ".txt") || isJSON || isXML || isCSS || isMarkdown
// Display reserved page if that is requested resource
if t, ok := pages[r.URL.Path[1:]+".tmpl"]; ok {
return handleTemplatedPage(app, w, r, t)
} else if r.URL.Path == "/sitemap.xml" && !app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
return impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusNotFound, Message: "Page not found."}
} else if (strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, ".") && !isRaw && !isMarkdown) || r.URL.Path == "/robots.txt" || r.URL.Path == "/manifest.json" {
// Serve static file
app.shttp.ServeHTTP(w, r)
return nil
// Display collection if this is a collection
c, _ := app.db.GetCollection(friendlyID)
if c != nil {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusMovedPermanently, fmt.Sprintf("/%s/", friendlyID)}
// Normalize the URL, redirecting user to consistent post URL
if friendlyID != strings.ToLower(friendlyID) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusMovedPermanently, fmt.Sprintf("/%s", strings.ToLower(friendlyID))}
ext := ""
if isRaw {
parts := strings.Split(friendlyID, ".")
friendlyID = parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1 {
ext = "." + parts[1]
var ownerID sql.NullInt64
var collectionID sql.NullInt64
var title string
var content string
var font string
var language []byte
var rtl []byte
var views int64
var post *AnonymousPost
var found bool
var gone bool
fixedID := slug.Make(friendlyID)
if fixedID != friendlyID {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, fmt.Sprintf("/%s%s", fixedID, ext)}
err := app.db.QueryRow("SELECT owner_id, collection_id, title, content, text_appearance, view_count, language, rtl FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&ownerID, &collectionID, &title, &content, &font, &views, &language, &rtl)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
found = false
// Output the error in the correct format
if isJSON {
content = "{\"error\": \"Post not found.\"}"
} else if isRaw {
content = "Post not found."
} else {
return ErrPostNotFound
case err != nil:
found = false
log.Error("Post loading err: %s\n", err)
return ErrInternalGeneral
found = true
var d string
if len(rtl) == 0 {
d = "auto"
} else if rtl[0] == 49 {
// TODO: find a cleaner way to get this (possibly NULL) value
d = "rtl"
} else {
d = "ltr"
generatedTitle := friendlyPostTitle(content, friendlyID)
sanitizedContent := content
if font != "code" {
sanitizedContent = template.HTMLEscapeString(content)
var desc string
if title == "" {
desc = postDescription(content, title, friendlyID)
} else {
desc = shortPostDescription(content)
post = &AnonymousPost{
ID: friendlyID,
Content: sanitizedContent,
Title: title,
GenTitle: generatedTitle,
Description: desc,
Author: "",
Font: font,
IsPlainText: isRaw,
IsCode: font == "code",
IsLinkable: font != "code",
Views: views,
Language: string(language),
Direction: d,
if !isRaw {
post.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(content), "", app.cfg))
post.Images = extractImages(post.Content)
var silenced bool
if found {
silenced, err = app.db.IsUserSilenced(ownerID.Int64)
if err != nil {
log.Error("view post: %v", err)
var protectDraft bool
if found && collectionID.Valid {
collection, err := app.db.GetCollectionByID(collectionID.Int64)
if err != nil {
log.Error("view post: %v", err)
protectDraft = collection.IsPrivate() || collection.IsProtected()
// Check if post has been unpublished
if title == "" && content == "" {
gone = true
if isJSON {
content = "{\"error\": \"Post was unpublished.\"}"
} else if isCSS {
content = ""
} else if isRaw {
content = "Post was unpublished."
} else {
return ErrPostUnpublished
var u = &User{}
if isRaw {
contentType := "text/plain"
if isJSON {
contentType = "application/json"
} else if isCSS {
contentType = "text/css"
} else if isXML {
contentType = "application/xml"
} else if isMarkdown {
contentType = "text/markdown"
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=utf-8", contentType))
if isMarkdown && post.Title != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", post.Title)
for i := 1; i <= len(post.Title); i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "=")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\n")
fmt.Fprint(w, content)
if !found {
return ErrPostNotFound
} else if gone {
return ErrPostUnpublished
} else {
var err error
page := struct {
Username string
IsOwner bool
SiteURL string
Silenced bool
AnonymousPost: post,
StaticPage: pageForReq(app, r),
SiteURL: app.cfg.App.Host,
if u = getUserSession(app, r); u != nil {
page.Username = u.Username
page.IsOwner = ownerID.Valid && ownerID.Int64 == u.ID
if !page.IsOwner && silenced {
return ErrPostNotFound
if !page.IsOwner && protectDraft {
return ErrPostNotFound
page.Silenced = silenced
err = templates["post"].ExecuteTemplate(w, "post", page)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Post template execute error: %v", err)
go func() {
if u != nil && ownerID.Valid && ownerID.Int64 == u.ID {
// Post is owned by someone; skip view increment since that person is viewing this post.
// Update stats for non-raw post views
if !isRaw && r.Method != "HEAD" && !bots.IsBot(r.UserAgent()) {
_, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET view_count = view_count + 1 WHERE id = ?", friendlyID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update posts count: %v", err)
return nil
// API v2 funcs
// newPost creates a new post with or without an owning Collection.
// Endpoints:
// - /posts
// - /posts?collection={alias}
// - ? /collections/{alias}/posts
func newPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
reqJSON := IsJSON(r)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
collAlias := vars["alias"]
if collAlias == "" {
collAlias = r.FormValue("collection")
accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if accessToken == "" {
// TODO: remove this
accessToken = r.FormValue("access_token")
// FIXME: determine web submission with Content-Type header
var u *User
var userID int64 = -1
var username string
if accessToken == "" {
u = getUserSession(app, r)
if u != nil {
userID = u.ID
username = u.Username
} else {
userID = app.db.GetUserID(accessToken)
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("new post: %v", err)
if silenced {
return ErrUserSilenced
if userID == -1 {
return ErrNotLoggedIn
if accessToken == "" && u == nil && collAlias != "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Parameter `access_token` required."}
// Get post data
var p *SubmittedPost
if reqJSON {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&p)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't parse new post JSON request: %v\n", err)
return ErrBadJSON
if p.Title == nil {
t := ""
p.Title = &t
if strings.TrimSpace(*(p.Title)) == "" && (p.Content == nil || strings.TrimSpace(*(p.Content)) == "") {
return ErrNoPublishableContent
if p.Content == nil {
c := ""
p.Content = &c
} else {
post := r.FormValue("body")
appearance := r.FormValue("font")
title := r.FormValue("title")
rtlValue := r.FormValue("rtl")
langValue := r.FormValue("lang")
if strings.TrimSpace(post) == "" {
return ErrNoPublishableContent
var isRTL, rtlValid bool
if rtlValue == "auto" && langValue != "" {
isRTL = i18n.LangIsRTL(langValue)
rtlValid = true
} else {
isRTL = rtlValue == "true"
rtlValid = rtlValue != "" && langValue != ""
// Create a new post
p = &SubmittedPost{
Title: &title,
Content: &post,
Font: appearance,
IsRTL: converter.NullJSONBool{sql.NullBool{Bool: isRTL, Valid: rtlValid}},
Language: converter.NullJSONString{sql.NullString{String: langValue, Valid: langValue != ""}},
if !p.isFontValid() {
p.Font = "norm"
var newPost *PublicPost = &PublicPost{}
var coll *Collection
if accessToken != "" {
newPost, err = app.db.CreateOwnedPost(p, accessToken, collAlias, app.cfg.App.Host)
} else {
//return ErrNotLoggedIn
// TODO: verify user is logged in
var collID int64
if collAlias != "" {
coll, err = app.db.GetCollection(collAlias)
if err != nil {
return err
coll.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
if coll.OwnerID != u.ID {
return ErrForbiddenCollection
collID = coll.ID
// TODO: return PublicPost from createPost
newPost.Post, err = app.db.CreatePost(userID, collID, p)
if err != nil {
return err
if coll != nil {
newPost.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
newPost.OwnerName = username
newPost.URL = newPost.CanonicalURL(app.cfg.App.Host)
// Write success now
response := impart.WriteSuccess(w, newPost, http.StatusCreated)
if newPost.Collection != nil {
if !app.cfg.App.Private && app.cfg.App.Federation && !newPost.Created.After(time.Now()) {
go federatePost(app, newPost, newPost.Collection.ID, false)
if app.cfg.Email.Enabled() && newPost.Collection.EmailSubsEnabled() {
go app.db.InsertJob(&PostJob{
PostID: newPost.ID,
Action: "email",
Delay: emailSendDelay,
return response
func existingPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
reqJSON := IsJSON(r)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
postID := vars["post"]
p := AuthenticatedPost{ID: postID}
var err error
if reqJSON {
// Decode JSON request
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&p)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't parse post update JSON request: %v\n", err)
return ErrBadJSON
} else {
err = r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't parse post update form request: %v\n", err)
return ErrBadFormData
// Can't decode to a nil SubmittedPost property, so create instance now
p.SubmittedPost = &SubmittedPost{}
err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&p, r.PostForm)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't decode post update form request: %v\n", err)
return ErrBadFormData
if p.Web {
p.IsRTL.Valid = true
if p.SubmittedPost == nil {
return ErrPostNoUpdatableVals
// Ensure an access token was given
accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
// Get user's cookie session if there's no token
var u *User
//var username string
if accessToken == "" {
u = getUserSession(app, r)
if u != nil {
//username = u.Username
if u == nil && accessToken == "" {
return ErrNoAccessToken
// Get user ID from current session or given access token, if one was given.
var userID int64
if u != nil {
userID = u.ID
} else if accessToken != "" {
userID, err = AuthenticateUser(app.db, accessToken)
if err != nil {
return err
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("existing post: %v", err)
if silenced {
return ErrUserSilenced
// Modify post struct
p.ID = postID
err = app.db.UpdateOwnedPost(&p, userID)
if err != nil {
if reqJSON {
return err
if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
addSessionFlash(app, w, r, err.Message, nil)
} else {
addSessionFlash(app, w, r, err.Error(), nil)
var pRes *PublicPost
pRes, err = app.db.GetPost(p.ID, 0)
if reqJSON {
if err != nil {
return err
if pRes.CollectionID.Valid {
coll, err := app.db.GetCollectionBy("id = ?", pRes.CollectionID.Int64)
if err == nil && !app.cfg.App.Private && app.cfg.App.Federation {
coll.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
pRes.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
go federatePost(app, pRes, pRes.Collection.ID, true)
// Write success now
if reqJSON {
return impart.WriteSuccess(w, pRes, http.StatusOK)
addSessionFlash(app, w, r, "Changes saved.", nil)
collectionAlias := vars["alias"]
redirect := "/" + postID + "/meta"
if collectionAlias != "" {
collPre := "/" + collectionAlias
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
collPre = ""
redirect = collPre + "/" + pRes.Slug.String + "/edit/meta"
} else {
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
redirect = "/d" + redirect
w.Header().Set("Location", redirect)
return nil
func deletePost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
friendlyID := vars["post"]
editToken := r.FormValue("token")
var ownerID int64
var u *User
accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if accessToken == "" && editToken == "" {
u = getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNoAccessToken
var res sql.Result
var t *sql.Tx
var err error
var collID sql.NullInt64
var coll *Collection
var pp *PublicPost
if editToken != "" {
// TODO: SELECT owner_id, as well, and return appropriate error if NULL instead of running two queries
var dummy int64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."}
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
// Post already has an owner. This could provide a bad experience
// for the user, but it's more important to ensure data isn't lost
// unexpectedly. So prevent deletion via token.
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "This post belongs to some user (hopefully yours). Please log in and delete it from that user's account."}
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID, editToken)
} else if accessToken != "" || u != nil {
// Caller provided some way to authenticate; assume caller expects the
// post to be deleted based on a specific post owner, thus we should
// return corresponding errors.
if accessToken != "" {
ownerID = app.db.GetUserID(accessToken)
if ownerID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
ownerID = u.ID
// TODO: don't make two queries
var realOwnerID sql.NullInt64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT collection_id, owner_id FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&collID, &realOwnerID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !collID.Valid {
// There's no collection; simply delete the post
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", friendlyID, ownerID)
} else {
// Post belongs to a collection; do any additional clean up
coll, err = app.db.GetCollectionBy("id = ?", collID.Int64)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to get collection: %v", err)
return err
if app.cfg.App.Federation {
// First fetch full post for federation
pp, err = app.db.GetOwnedPost(friendlyID, ownerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to get owned post: %v", err)
return err
collObj := &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
pp.Collection = collObj
t, err = app.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Error("No begin: %v", err)
return err
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", friendlyID, ownerID)
} else {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "No authenticated user or post token given."}
if err != nil {
return err
affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
if t != nil {
log.Error("Rows affected err! Rolling back")
return err
} else if affected == 0 {
if t != nil {
log.Error("No rows affected! Rolling back")
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusForbidden, "Post not found, or you're not the owner."}
if t != nil {
if coll != nil && !app.cfg.App.Private && app.cfg.App.Federation {
go deleteFederatedPost(app, pp, collID.Int64)
return impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusNoContent}
// addPost associates a post with the authenticated user.
func addPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
var ownerID int64
// Authenticate user
at := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if at != "" {
ownerID = app.db.GetUserID(at)
if ownerID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
u := getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNotLoggedIn
ownerID = u.ID
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(ownerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("add post: %v", err)
if silenced {
return ErrUserSilenced
// Parse claimed posts in format:
// [{"id": "...", "token": "..."}]
var claims *[]ClaimPostRequest
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&claims)
if err != nil {
return ErrBadJSONArray
vars := mux.Vars(r)
collAlias := vars["alias"]
// Update all given posts
res, err := app.db.ClaimPosts(app.cfg, ownerID, collAlias, claims)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, pRes := range *res {
if pRes.Code != http.StatusOK {
if !app.cfg.App.Private && app.cfg.App.Federation {
if !pRes.Post.Created.After(time.Now()) {
pRes.Post.Collection.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
go federatePost(app, pRes.Post, pRes.Post.Collection.ID, false)
if app.cfg.Email.Enabled() && pRes.Post.Collection.EmailSubsEnabled() {
go app.db.InsertJob(&PostJob{
PostID: pRes.Post.ID,
Action: "email",
Delay: emailSendDelay,
return impart.WriteSuccess(w, res, http.StatusOK)
func dispersePost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
var ownerID int64
// Authenticate user
at := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if at != "" {
ownerID = app.db.GetUserID(at)
if ownerID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
u := getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNotLoggedIn
ownerID = u.ID
// Parse posts in format:
// ["..."]
var postIDs []string
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err := decoder.Decode(&postIDs)
if err != nil {
return ErrBadJSONArray
// Update all given posts
res, err := app.db.DispersePosts(ownerID, postIDs)
if err != nil {
return err
return impart.WriteSuccess(w, res, http.StatusOK)
type (
PinPostResult struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
ErrorMessage string `json:"error_msg,omitempty"`
// pinPost pins a post to a blog
func pinPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
var userID int64
// Authenticate user
at := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if at != "" {
userID = app.db.GetUserID(at)
if userID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
u := getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNotLoggedIn
userID = u.ID
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("pin post: %v", err)
if silenced {
return ErrUserSilenced
// Parse request
var posts []struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Position int64 `json:"position"`
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&posts)
if err != nil {
return ErrBadJSONArray
// Validate data
vars := mux.Vars(r)
collAlias := vars["alias"]
coll, err := app.db.GetCollection(collAlias)
if err != nil {
return err
if coll.OwnerID != userID {
return ErrForbiddenCollection
// Do (un)pinning
isPinning := r.URL.Path[strings.LastIndex(r.URL.Path, "/"):] == "/pin"
res := []PinPostResult{}
for _, p := range posts {
err = app.db.UpdatePostPinState(isPinning, p.ID, coll.ID, userID, p.Position)
ppr := PinPostResult{ID: p.ID}
if err != nil {
ppr.Code = http.StatusInternalServerError
// TODO: set error message
} else {
ppr.Code = http.StatusOK
res = append(res, ppr)
return impart.WriteSuccess(w, res, http.StatusOK)
func fetchPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
var collID int64
var coll *Collection
var err error
vars := mux.Vars(r)
if collAlias := vars["alias"]; collAlias != "" {
// Fetch collection information, since an alias is provided
coll, err = app.db.GetCollection(collAlias)
if err != nil {
return err
collID = coll.ID
p, err := app.db.GetPost(vars["post"], collID)
if err != nil {
return err
if coll == nil && p.CollectionID.Valid {
// Collection post is getting fetched by post ID, not coll alias + post slug, so get coll info now.
coll, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(p.CollectionID.Int64)
if err != nil {
return err
if coll != nil {
coll.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
_, err = apiCheckCollectionPermissions(app, r, coll)
if err != nil {
return err
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(p.OwnerID.Int64)
if err != nil {
log.Error("fetch post: %v", err)
if silenced {
return ErrPostNotFound
if IsActivityPubRequest(r) {
if coll == nil {
// This is a draft post; 404 for now
// TODO: return ActivityObject
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, ""}
p.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
po := p.ActivityObject(app)
po.Context = []interface{}{activitystreams.Namespace}
setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, po, http.StatusOK)
return impart.WriteSuccess(w, p, http.StatusOK)
func fetchPostProperty(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
p, err := app.db.GetPostProperty(vars["post"], 0, vars["property"])
if err != nil {
return err
return impart.WriteSuccess(w, p, http.StatusOK)
func (p *Post) processPost() PublicPost {
res := &PublicPost{Post: p, Views: 0}
res.Views = p.ViewCount
+ res.Likes = p.LikeCount
// TODO: move to own function
loc := monday.FuzzyLocale(p.Language.String)
res.DisplayDate = monday.Format(p.Created, monday.LongFormatsByLocale[loc], loc)
return *res
func (p *PublicPost) CanonicalURL(hostName string) string {
if p.Collection == nil || p.Collection.Alias == "" {
return hostName + "/" + p.ID + ".md"
return p.Collection.CanonicalURL() + p.Slug.String
func (pp *PublicPost) DisplayCanonicalURL() string {
us := pp.CanonicalURL(pp.Collection.hostName)
u, err := url.Parse(us)
if err != nil {
return us
return u.Hostname() + u.Path
func (p *PublicPost) ActivityObject(app *App) *activitystreams.Object {
cfg := app.cfg
var o *activitystreams.Object
if cfg.App.NotesOnly || strings.Index(p.Content, "\n\n") == -1 {
o = activitystreams.NewNoteObject()
} else {
o = activitystreams.NewArticleObject()
o.ID = p.Collection.FederatedAPIBase() + "api/posts/" + p.ID
o.Published = p.Created
o.URL = p.CanonicalURL(cfg.App.Host)
o.AttributedTo = p.Collection.FederatedAccount()
o.CC = []string{
p.Collection.FederatedAccount() + "/followers",
o.Name = p.DisplayTitle()
if p.HTMLContent == template.HTML("") {
p.formatContent(cfg, false, false)
o.Content = string(p.HTMLContent)
if p.Language.Valid {
o.ContentMap = map[string]string{
p.Language.String: string(p.HTMLContent),
if len(p.Tags) == 0 {
o.Tag = []activitystreams.Tag{}
} else {
var tagBaseURL string
if isSingleUser {
tagBaseURL = p.Collection.CanonicalURL() + "tag:"
} else {
if cfg.App.Chorus {
tagBaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/read/t/", p.Collection.hostName)
} else {
tagBaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/tag:", p.Collection.hostName, p.Collection.Alias)
for _, t := range p.Tags {
o.Tag = append(o.Tag, activitystreams.Tag{
Type: activitystreams.TagHashtag,
HRef: tagBaseURL + t,
Name: "#" + t,
if len(p.Images) > 0 {
for _, i := range p.Images {
o.Attachment = append(o.Attachment, activitystreams.NewImageAttachment(i))
// Find mentioned users
mentionedUsers := make(map[string]string)
stripper := bluemonday.StrictPolicy()
content := stripper.Sanitize(p.Content)
mentions := mentionReg.FindAllString(content, -1)
for _, handle := range mentions {
actorIRI, err := app.db.GetProfilePageFromHandle(app, handle)
if err != nil {
log.Info("Couldn't find user '%s' locally or remotely", handle)
mentionedUsers[handle] = actorIRI
for handle, iri := range mentionedUsers {
o.CC = append(o.CC, iri)
o.Tag = append(o.Tag, activitystreams.Tag{Type: "Mention", HRef: iri, Name: handle})
return o
// TODO: merge this into getSlugFromPost or phase it out
func getSlug(title, lang string) string {
return getSlugFromPost("", title, lang)
func getSlugFromPost(title, body, lang string) string {
if title == "" {
// Remove Markdown, so e.g. link URLs and image alt text don't make it into the slug
body = strings.TrimSpace(stripmd.StripOptions(body, stripmd.Options{SkipImages: true}))
title = postTitle(body, body)
title = parse.PostLede(title, false)
// Truncate lede if needed
title, _ = parse.TruncToWord(title, 80)
var s string
if lang != "" && len(lang) == 2 {
s = slug.MakeLang(title, lang)
} else {
s = slug.Make(title)
// Transliteration may cause the slug to expand past the limit, so truncate again
s, _ = parse.TruncToWord(s, 80)
return strings.TrimFunc(s, func(r rune) bool {
// TruncToWord doesn't respect words in a slug, since spaces are replaced
// with hyphens. So remove any trailing hyphens.
return r == '-'
// isFontValid returns whether or not the submitted post's appearance is valid.
func (p *SubmittedPost) isFontValid() bool {
validFonts := map[string]bool{
"norm": true,
"sans": true,
"mono": true,
"wrap": true,
"code": true,
_, valid := validFonts[p.Font]
return valid
func getRawPost(app *App, friendlyID string) *RawPost {
var content, font, title string
var isRTL sql.NullBool
var lang sql.NullString
var ownerID sql.NullInt64
var created, updated time.Time
err := app.db.QueryRow("SELECT title, content, text_appearance, language, rtl, created, updated, owner_id FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&title, &content, &font, &lang, &isRTL, &created, &updated, &ownerID)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return &RawPost{Content: "", Found: false, Gone: false}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Unable to fetch getRawPost: %s", err)
return &RawPost{Content: "", Found: true, Gone: false}
return &RawPost{
Title: title,
Content: content,
Font: font,
Created: created,
Updated: updated,
Language: lang,
OwnerID: ownerID.Int64,
Found: true,
Gone: content == "" && title == "",
// TODO; return a Post!
func getRawCollectionPost(app *App, slug, collAlias string) *RawPost {
var id, title, content, font string
var isRTL sql.NullBool
var lang sql.NullString
var created, updated time.Time
var ownerID null.Int
var views int64
var err error
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT id, title, content, text_appearance, language, rtl, view_count, created, updated, owner_id FROM posts WHERE slug = ? AND collection_id = 1", slug).Scan(&id, &title, &content, &font, &lang, &isRTL, &views, &created, &updated, &ownerID)
} else {
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT id, title, content, text_appearance, language, rtl, view_count, created, updated, owner_id FROM posts WHERE slug = ? AND collection_id = (SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?)", slug, collAlias).Scan(&id, &title, &content, &font, &lang, &isRTL, &views, &created, &updated, &ownerID)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return &RawPost{Content: "", Found: false, Gone: false}
case err != nil:
log.Error("Unable to fetch getRawCollectionPost: %s", err)
return &RawPost{Content: "", Found: true, Gone: false}
return &RawPost{
Id: id,
Slug: slug,
Title: title,
Content: content,
Font: font,
Created: created,
Updated: updated,
Language: lang,
OwnerID: ownerID.Int64,
Found: true,
Gone: content == "" && title == "",
Views: views,
func isRaw(r *http.Request) bool {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
slug := vars["slug"]
// NOTE: until this is done better, be sure to keep this in parity with
// isRaw in viewCollectionPost() and handleViewPost()
isJSON := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".json")
isXML := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".xml")
isMarkdown := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".md")
return strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".txt") || isJSON || isXML || isMarkdown
func viewCollectionPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
slug := vars["slug"]
// NOTE: until this is done better, be sure to keep this in parity with
// isRaw() and handleViewPost()
isJSON := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".json")
isXML := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".xml")
isMarkdown := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".md")
isRaw := strings.HasSuffix(slug, ".txt") || isJSON || isXML || isMarkdown
cr := &collectionReq{}
err := processCollectionRequest(cr, vars, w, r)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check for hellbanned users
u, err := checkUserForCollection(app, cr, r, true)
if err != nil {
return err
// Normalize the URL, redirecting user to consistent post URL
if slug != strings.ToLower(slug) {
loc := fmt.Sprintf("/%s", strings.ToLower(slug))
if !app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
loc = "/" + cr.alias + loc
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusMovedPermanently, loc}
// Display collection if this is a collection
var c *Collection
if app.cfg.App.SingleUser {
c, err = app.db.GetCollectionByID(1)
} else {
c, err = app.db.GetCollection(cr.alias)
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
if err.Status == http.StatusNotFound {
// Redirect if necessary
newAlias := app.db.GetCollectionRedirect(cr.alias)
if newAlias != "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, "/" + newAlias + "/" + slug}
return err
c.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
silenced, err := app.db.IsUserSilenced(c.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("view collection post: %v", err)
// Check collection permissions
if c.IsPrivate() && (u == nil || u.ID != c.OwnerID) {
return ErrPostNotFound
if c.IsProtected() && (u == nil || u.ID != c.OwnerID) {
if silenced {
return ErrPostNotFound
} else if !isAuthorizedForCollection(app, c.Alias, r) {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, c.CanonicalURL() + "/?g=" + slug}
cr.isCollOwner = u != nil && c.OwnerID == u.ID
if isRaw {
slug = strings.Split(slug, ".")[0]
// Fetch extra data about the Collection
// TODO: refactor out this logic, shared in collection.go:fetchCollection()
coll := NewCollectionObj(c)
owner, err := app.db.GetUserByID(coll.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
// Log the error and just continue
log.Error("Error getting user for collection: %v", err)
} else {
coll.Owner = owner
postFound := true
p, err := app.db.GetPost(slug, coll.ID)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrCollectionPageNotFound {
postFound = false
if slug == "feed" {
// User tried to access blog feed without a trailing slash, and
// there's no post with a slug "feed"
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, c.CanonicalURL() + "feed/"}
po := &Post{
Slug: null.NewString(slug, true),
Font: "norm",
Language: zero.NewString("en", true),
RTL: zero.NewBool(false, true),
Content: `<p class="msg">This page is missing.</p>
Are you sure it was ever here?`,
pp := po.processPost()
p = &pp
} else {
return err
// Check if the authenticated user is the post owner
p.IsOwner = u != nil && u.ID == p.OwnerID.Int64
p.Collection = coll
p.IsTopLevel = app.cfg.App.SingleUser
// Only allow a post owner or admin to view a post for silenced collections
if silenced && !p.IsOwner && (u == nil || !u.IsAdmin()) {
return ErrPostNotFound
// Check if post has been unpublished
if p.Content == "" && p.Title.String == "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusGone, "Post was unpublished."}
// Serve collection post
if isRaw {
contentType := "text/plain"
if isJSON {
contentType = "application/json"
} else if isXML {
contentType = "application/xml"
} else if isMarkdown {
contentType = "text/markdown"
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", fmt.Sprintf("%s; charset=utf-8", contentType))
if !postFound {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Post not found.")
// TODO: return error instead, so status is correctly reflected in logs
return nil
if isMarkdown && p.Title.String != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "# %s\n\n", p.Title.String)
fmt.Fprint(w, p.Content)
} else if IsActivityPubRequest(r) {
if !postFound {
return ErrCollectionPageNotFound
ap := p.ActivityObject(app)
ap.Context = []interface{}{activitystreams.Namespace}
setCacheControl(w, apCacheTime)
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, ap, http.StatusOK)
} else {
p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "<!--more-->", "", 1)
if app.cfg.Email.Enabled() && c.EmailSubsEnabled() {
// TODO: indicate plan is inactive or subs disabled when OWNER is viewing their own post.
if u != nil && u.IsEmailSubscriber(app, c.ID) {
p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "<!--emailsub-->", `<p id="emailsub">You're subscribed to email updates. <a href="/api/collections/`+c.Alias+`/email/unsubscribe?slug=`+p.Slug.String+`">Unsubscribe</a>.</p>`, -1)
} else {
p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "<!--emailsub-->", `<form method="post" id="emailsub" action="/api/collections/`+c.Alias+`/email/subscribe"><input type="hidden" name="slug" value="`+p.Slug.String+`" /><input type="hidden" name="web" value="1" /><div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="email" name="`+spam.HoneypotFieldName()+`" tabindex="-1" value="" /><input type="password" name="fake_password" tabindex="-1" placeholder="password" autocomplete="new-password" /></div><input type="email" name="email" placeholder="" /><input type="submit" id="subscribe-btn" value="Subscribe" /></form>`, -1)
p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "&lt;!--emailsub-->", "<!--emailsub-->", 1)
// TODO: move this to function
p.formatContent(app.cfg, cr.isCollOwner, true)
tp := CollectionPostPage{
PublicPost: p,
StaticPage: pageForReq(app, r),
IsOwner: cr.isCollOwner,
IsCustomDomain: cr.isCustomDomain,
IsFound: postFound,
Silenced: silenced,
CollAlias: c.Alias,
tp.IsAdmin = u != nil && u.IsAdmin()
tp.CanInvite = canUserInvite(app.cfg, tp.IsAdmin)
tp.PinnedPosts, _ = app.db.GetPinnedPosts(coll, p.IsOwner)
tp.IsPinned = len(*tp.PinnedPosts) > 0 && PostsContains(tp.PinnedPosts, p)
tp.Monetization = coll.Monetization
tp.Verification = coll.Verification
if !postFound {
postTmpl := "collection-post"
if app.cfg.App.Chorus {
postTmpl = "chorus-collection-post"
if err := templates[postTmpl].ExecuteTemplate(w, "post", tp); err != nil {
log.Error("Error in %s template: %v", postTmpl, err)
go func() {
if p.OwnerID.Valid {
// Post is owned by someone. Don't update stats if owner is viewing the post.
if u != nil && p.OwnerID.Int64 == u.ID {
// Update stats for non-raw post views
if !isRaw && r.Method != "HEAD" && !bots.IsBot(r.UserAgent()) {
_, err := app.db.Exec("UPDATE posts SET view_count = view_count + 1 WHERE slug = ? AND collection_id = ?", slug, coll.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update posts count: %v", err)
return nil
// TODO: move this to utils after making it more generic
func PostsContains(sl *[]PublicPost, s *PublicPost) bool {
for _, e := range *sl {
if e.ID == s.ID {
return true
return false
func (p *Post) extractData() {
p.Tags = tags.Extract(p.Content)
func (p *Post) IsSans() bool {
return p.Font == "sans"
func (p *Post) IsMonospace() bool {
return p.Font == "mono"
func (rp *RawPost) UserFacingCreated() string {
return rp.Created.Format(postMetaDateFormat)
func (rp *RawPost) Created8601() string {
return rp.Created.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
func (rp *RawPost) Updated8601() string {
if rp.Updated.IsZero() {
return ""
return rp.Updated.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z")
var imageURLRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)[^ ]+\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|avif|avifs|webp|jxl|image)$`)
func (p *Post) extractImages() {
p.Images = extractImages(p.Content)
func extractImages(content string) []string {
matches := extract.ExtractUrls(content)
urls := map[string]bool{}
for i := range matches {
uRaw := matches[i].Text
// Parse the extracted text so we can examine the path
u, err := url.Parse(uRaw)
if err != nil {
// Ensure the path looks like it leads to an image file
if !imageURLRegex.MatchString(u.Path) {
urls[uRaw] = true
resURLs := make([]string, 0)
for k := range urls {
resURLs = append(resURLs, k)
return resURLs
diff --git a/templates/collection-post.tmpl b/templates/collection-post.tmpl
index 54d5298..280ab0e 100644
--- a/templates/collection-post.tmpl
+++ b/templates/collection-post.tmpl
@@ -1,145 +1,146 @@
{{define "post"}}<!DOCTYPE HTML>
<html {{if .Language.Valid}}lang="{{.Language.String}}"{{end}} dir="{{.Direction}}">
<head prefix="og: article:">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{.PlainDisplayTitle}} {{localhtml "title dash" .Language.String}} {{.Collection.DisplayTitle}}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/write.css" />
{{if .CustomCSS}}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/local/custom.css" />{{end}}
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
{{ if .IsFound }}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{.CanonicalURL .Host}}" />
<meta name="generator" content="WriteFreely">
<meta name="title" content="{{.PlainDisplayTitle}} {{localhtml "title dash" .Language.String}} {{if .Collection.Title}}{{.Collection.Title}}{{else}}{{.Collection.Alias}}{{end}}">
<meta name="description" content="{{.Summary}}">
{{if gt .Views 1}}<meta name="twitter:label1" value="Views">
<meta name="twitter:data1" value="{{largeNumFmt .Views}}">{{end}}
<meta name="author" content="{{.Collection.Title}}" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="{{.Summary}}">
<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="{{.CreatedDate}}" />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{.Summary}}">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{.PlainDisplayTitle}} {{localhtml "title dash" .Language.String}} {{if .Collection.Title}}{{.Collection.Title}}{{else}}{{.Collection.Alias}}{{end}}">
{{if gt (len .Images) 0}}<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{index .Images 0}}">{{else}}<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{.Collection.AvatarURL}}">{{end}}
<meta property="og:title" content="{{.PlainDisplayTitle}}" />
<meta property="og:description" content="{{.Summary}}" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{.Collection.DisplayTitle}}" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="{{.CanonicalURL .Host}}" />
<meta property="og:updated_time" content="{{.Created8601}}" />
{{range .Images}}<meta property="og:image" content="{{.}}" />{{else}}<meta property="og:image" content="{{.Collection.AvatarURL}}">{{end}}
<meta property="article:published_time" content="{{.Created8601}}">
{{ end }}
{{template "collection-meta" .}}
{{if .Collection.StyleSheet}}<style type="text/css">{{.Collection.StyleSheetDisplay}}</style>{{end}}
{{if .Collection.RenderMathJax}}
<!-- Add mathjax logic -->
{{template "mathjax" . }}
<!-- Add highlighting logic -->
{{template "highlighting" .}}
<body id="post">
<div id="overlay"></div>
<h1 dir="{{.Direction}}" id="blog-title"><a rel="author" href="{{if .IsTopLevel}}/{{else}}/{{.Collection.Alias}}/{{end}}" class="h-card p-author">{{.Collection.DisplayTitle}}</a></h1>
{{if .PinnedPosts}}
{{range .PinnedPosts}}<a class="pinned{{if eq .Slug.String $.Slug.String}} selected{{end}}" href="{{if not $.SingleUser}}/{{$.Collection.Alias}}/{{.Slug.String}}{{else}}{{.CanonicalURL $.Host}}{{end}}">{{.PlainDisplayTitle}}</a>{{end}}
{{ if and .IsOwner .IsFound }}<span class="views" dir="ltr"><strong>{{largeNumFmt .Views}}</strong> {{pluralize "view" "views" .Views}}</span>
+ {{if .Likes}}<span class="views" dir="ltr"><strong>{{largeNumFmt .Likes}}</strong> {{pluralize "like" "likes" .Likes}}</span>{{end}}
<a class="xtra-feature" href="/{{if not .SingleUser}}{{.Collection.Alias}}/{{end}}{{.Slug.String}}/edit" dir="{{.Direction}}">Edit</a>
{{if .IsPinned}}<a class="xtra-feature unpin" href="/{{.Collection.Alias}}/{{.Slug.String}}/unpin" dir="{{.Direction}}" onclick="unpinPost(event, '{{.ID}}')">Unpin</a>{{end}}
{{ end }}
{{if .Silenced}}
{{template "user-silenced"}}
<article id="post-body" class="{{.Font}} h-entry {{if not .IsFound}}error-page{{end}}">{{if .IsScheduled}}<p class="badge">Scheduled</p>{{end}}{{if .Title.String}}<h2 id="title" class="p-name{{if and $.Collection.Format.ShowDates (not .IsPinned)}} dated{{end}}">{{.FormattedDisplayTitle}}</h2>{{end}}{{if and $.Collection.Format.ShowDates (not .IsPinned) .IsFound}}<time class="dt-published" datetime="{{.Created8601}}" pubdate itemprop="datePublished" content="{{.Created}}">{{.DisplayDate}}</time>{{end}}<div class="e-content">{{.HTMLContent}}</div></article>
{{ if .Collection.ShowFooterBranding }}
<footer dir="ltr"><hr><nav><p style="font-size: 0.9em">{{localhtml "published with" .Language.String}}</p></nav></footer>
{{ end }}
{{if .Collection.CanShowScript}}
{{range .Collection.ExternalScripts}}<script type="text/javascript" src="{{.}}" async></script>{{end}}
{{if .Collection.Script}}<script type="text/javascript">{{.Collection.ScriptDisplay}}</script>{{end}}
<script src="/js/localdate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var pinning = false;
function unpinPost(e, postID) {
if (pinning) {
pinning = true;
var $header = document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0];
var callback = function() {
// Hide current page
var $pinnedNavLink = $header.getElementsByTagName('nav')[0].querySelector('.pinned.selected');
$ = 'none';
var $pinBtn = $header.getElementsByClassName('unpin')[0];
$pinBtn.innerHTML = '...';
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = "/api/collections/{{.Collection.Alias}}/unpin";
var params = [ { "id": postID } ];"POST", url, true);
http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
pinning = false;
if (http.status == 200) {
$ = 'none';
$pinBtn.innerHTML = 'Pin';
} else if (http.status == 409) {
$pinBtn.innerHTML = 'Unpin';
} else {
$pinBtn.innerHTML = 'Unpin';
alert("Failed to unpin." + (http.status>=500?" Please try again.":""));
try { // Fonts
WebFontConfig = {
custom: { families: [ 'Lora:400,700:latin', 'Open+Sans:400,700:latin' ], urls: [ '/css/fonts.css' ] }
(function() {
var wf = document.createElement('script');
wf.src = '/js/webfont.js';
wf.type = 'text/javascript';
wf.async = 'true';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s);
} catch (e) { /* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ */ }
{{if and .Monetization (not .IsOwner)}}
<script src="/js/webmonetization.js"></script>
window.collAlias = '{{.Collection.Alias}}'
window.postSlug = '{{.Slug.String}}'
diff --git a/templates/user/stats.tmpl b/templates/user/stats.tmpl
index b7f3322..a0c08ec 100644
--- a/templates/user/stats.tmpl
+++ b/templates/user/stats.tmpl
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
{{define "stats"}}
{{template "header" .}}
table.classy th { text-align: left }
table.classy th.num { text-align: right }
td + td {
padding-left: 0.5em;
padding-right: 0.5em;
td.num {
text-align: right;
table.classy.export a { text-transform: inherit; }
td.none {
font-style: italic;
<div class="content-container snug">
{{if .Silenced}}
{{template "user-silenced"}}
{{template "collection-breadcrumbs" .}}
<h1 id="posts-header">Stats</h1>
{{if .Collection}}
{{template "collection-nav" (dict "Alias" .Collection.Alias "Path" .Path "SingleUser" .SingleUser)}}
<p>Stats for all time.</p>
{{if or .Federation .EmailEnabled}}
<table id="fediverse" class="classy export">
{{if .Federation}}<th>Fediverse Followers</th>{{end}}
{{if .EmailEnabled}}<th>Email Subscribers</th>{{end}}
{{if .Federation}}<td><a href="/me/c/{{.Collection.Alias}}/subscribers?filter=fediverse">{{.APFollowers}}</a></td>{{end}}
{{if .EmailEnabled}}<td><a href="/me/c/{{.Collection.Alias}}/subscribers">{{.EmailSubscribers}}</a></td>{{end}}
<h3>Top {{len .TopPosts}} posts</h3>
<table class="classy export">
{{if not .Collection}}<th>Blog</th>{{end}}
<th class="num">Total Views</th>
+ {{if .Federation}}<th class="num">Likes</th>{{end}}
{{range .TopPosts}}<tr>
<td style="word-break: break-all;"><a href="{{if .Collection}}{{.Collection.CanonicalURL}}{{.Slug.String}}{{else}}/{{.ID}}{{end}}">{{if ne .DisplayTitle ""}}{{.DisplayTitle}}{{else}}<em>{{.ID}}</em>{{end}}</a></td>
{{ if not $.Collection }}<td>{{if .Collection}}<a href="{{.Collection.CanonicalURL}}">{{.Collection.Title}}</a>{{else}}<em>Draft</em>{{end}}</td>{{ end }}
<td class="num">{{.ViewCount}}</td>
+ {{if $.Federation}}<td class="num">{{.LikeCount}}</td>{{end}}
{{template "footer" .}}

File Metadata

Mime Type
Wed, Mar 5, 10:00 PM (3 h, 54 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline