log.Error("Couldn't add follower in DB: %v\n", err)
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
} else if isUnfollow {
// Remove follower locally
_, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM remotefollows WHERE collection_id = ? AND remote_user_id = (SELECT id FROM remoteusers WHERE actor_id = ?)", c.ID, to.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't remove follower from DB: %v\n", err)
return nil
func makeActivityPost(p *activitystreams.Person, url string, m interface{}) error {
func deletePost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
friendlyID := vars["post"]
editToken := r.FormValue("token")
var ownerID int64
var u *User
accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if accessToken == "" && editToken == "" {
u = getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNoAccessToken
var res sql.Result
var t *sql.Tx
var err error
var collID sql.NullInt64
var coll *Collection
var pp *PublicPost
- if accessToken != "" || u != nil {
+ if editToken != "" {
+ // TODO: SELECT owner_id, as well, and return appropriate error if NULL instead of running two queries
+ var dummy int64
+ err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
+ switch {
+ case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
+ return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."}
+ }
+ err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
+ switch {
+ case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
+ // Post already has an owner. This could provide a bad experience
+ // for the user, but it's more important to ensure data isn't lost
+ // unexpectedly. So prevent deletion via token.
+ return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "This post belongs to some user (hopefully yours). Please log in and delete it from that user's account."}
+ }
+ res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID, editToken)
+ } else if accessToken != "" || u != nil {
// Caller provided some way to authenticate; assume caller expects the
// post to be deleted based on a specific post owner, thus we should
// return corresponding errors.
if accessToken != "" {
ownerID = app.db.GetUserID(accessToken)
if ownerID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
ownerID = u.ID
// TODO: don't make two queries
var realOwnerID sql.NullInt64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT collection_id, owner_id FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&collID, &realOwnerID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !collID.Valid {
// There's no collection; simply delete the post
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", friendlyID, ownerID)
} else {
// Post belongs to a collection; do any additional clean up
res, err = t.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", friendlyID, ownerID)
} else {
- if editToken == "" {
- return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "No authenticated user or post token given."}
- }
- // TODO: SELECT owner_id, as well, and return appropriate error if NULL instead of running two queries
- var dummy int64
- err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
- switch {
- case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
- return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."}
- }
- err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
- switch {
- case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
- // Post already has an owner. This could provide a bad experience
- // for the user, but it's more important to ensure data isn't lost
- // unexpectedly. So prevent deletion via token.
- return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "This post belongs to some user (hopefully yours). Please log in and delete it from that user's account."}
- }
- res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID, editToken)
+ return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "No authenticated user or post token given."}
if err != nil {
return err
affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
if t != nil {
log.Error("Rows affected err! Rolling back")
return err
} else if affected == 0 {
if t != nil {
log.Error("No rows affected! Rolling back")
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusForbidden, "Post not found, or you're not the owner."}
<p class="error" id="create-error">Date format should be: <span class="mono"><abbr title="The full year">YYYY</abbr>-<abbr title="The numeric month of the year, where January = 1, with a zero in front if less than 10">MM</abbr>-<abbr title="The day of the month, with a zero in front if less than 10">DD</abbr> <abbr title="The hour (00-23), with a zero in front if less than 10.">HH</abbr>:<abbr title="The minute of the hour (00-59), with a zero in front if less than 10.">MM</abbr>:<abbr title="The seconds (00-59), with a zero in front if less than 10.">SS</abbr></span></p>