log.Error("Couldn't parse signup form request: %v\n", err)
return nil, ErrBadFormData
err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&ur, r.PostForm)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't decode signup form request: %v\n", err)
return nil, ErrBadFormData
return signupWithRegistration(app, ur, w, r)
func signupWithRegistration(app *App, signup userRegistration, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*AuthUser, error) {
reqJSON := IsJSON(r)
// Validate required params (alias)
if signup.Alias == "" {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A username is required."}
if signup.Pass == "" {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A password is required."}
var desiredUsername string
if signup.Normalize {
// With this option we simply conform the username to what we expect
// without complaining. Since they might've done something funny, like
// enter: write.as/Way Out There, we'll use their raw input for the new
// collection name and sanitize for the slug / username.
desiredUsername = signup.Alias
signup.Alias = getSlug(signup.Alias, "")
if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, signup.Alias) {
// Ensure the username is syntactically correct.
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "Username is reserved or isn't valid. It must be at least 3 characters long, and can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens."}
InternalServerError: template.Must(template.New("").Parse("{{define \"base\"}}<html><head><title>500</title></head><body><p>Internal server error.</p></body></html>{{end}}")),
UnavailableError: template.Must(template.New("").Parse("{{define \"base\"}}<html><head><title>503</title></head><body><p>Service is temporarily unavailable.</p></body></html>{{end}}")),
<select id="move-{{.ID}}" onchange="postActions.multiMove(this, '{{.ID}}', {{if $.SingleUser}}true{{else}}false{{end}})" title="Move this post to one of your blogs">
<a class="action" href="/{{$el.ID}}" title="Publish this post to your blog '{{.DisplayTitle}}'" onclick="postActions.move(this, '{{$el.ID}}', '{{.Alias}}', {{if $.SingleUser}}true{{else}}false{{end}});return false">move to {{.DisplayTitle}}</a>
<p>Your anonymous and draft posts will show up here once you've published some. You'll be able to share them individually (without a blog) or move them to a blog when you're ready.</p>
{{if not .SingleUser}}<p>Alternatively, see your blogs and their posts on your <a href="/me/c/">Blogs</a> page.</p>{{end}}
<p class="text-cta"><a href="{{if .SingleUser}}/me/new{{else}}/{{end}}">Start writing</a></p></div>{{ end }}
var $pInfo = document.getElementById('unsynced-posts-info');
$pInfo.className = 'alert info';
var plural = n != 1;
$pInfo.innerHTML = '<p>You have <strong>'+n+'</strong> post'+(plural?'s that aren\'t':' that isn\'t')+' synced to your account yet. <a href="#" id="btn-sync">Sync '+(plural?'them':'it')+' now</a>.</p>';
var $noPosts = document.getElementById('no-posts-published');