// If this is true, the human programmers screwed up. So ask for a bug report and fail, fail, fail
log.Error("[PROGRAMMER ERROR] WARNING: Collection.hostName is empty! Federation and many other things will fail! If you're seeing this in the wild, please report this bug and let us know what you were doing just before this: https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/issues/new?template=bug_report.md")
if isSingleUser {
return c.hostName + "/"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", c.hostName, c.Alias)
// PrevPageURL provides a full URL for the previous page of collection posts,
log.Error("Couldn't decode readReq form request: %v\n", err)
return ErrBadFormData
if readReq.Alias == "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Need a collection `alias` to read."}
if readReq.Pass == "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Please supply a password."}
var collHashedPass []byte
err := app.db.QueryRow("SELECT password FROM collectionpasswords INNER JOIN collections ON id = collection_id WHERE alias = ?", readReq.Alias).Scan(&collHashedPass)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("No collectionpassword found when trying to read collection %s", readReq.Alias)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Something went very wrong. The humans have been alerted."}
return err
if !auth.Authenticated(collHashedPass, []byte(readReq.Pass)) {
func deletePost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
friendlyID := vars["post"]
editToken := r.FormValue("token")
var ownerID int64
var u *User
accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if accessToken == "" && editToken == "" {
u = getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNoAccessToken
var res sql.Result
var t *sql.Tx
var err error
var collID sql.NullInt64
var coll *Collection
var pp *PublicPost
if editToken != "" {
// TODO: SELECT owner_id, as well, and return appropriate error if NULL instead of running two queries
var dummy int64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."}
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
// Post already has an owner. This could provide a bad experience
// for the user, but it's more important to ensure data isn't lost
// unexpectedly. So prevent deletion via token.
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "This post belongs to some user (hopefully yours). Please log in and delete it from that user's account."}
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID, editToken)
} else if accessToken != "" || u != nil {
// Caller provided some way to authenticate; assume caller expects the
// post to be deleted based on a specific post owner, thus we should
// return corresponding errors.
if accessToken != "" {
ownerID = app.db.GetUserID(accessToken)
if ownerID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
ownerID = u.ID
// TODO: don't make two queries
var realOwnerID sql.NullInt64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT collection_id, owner_id FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&collID, &realOwnerID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !collID.Valid {
// There's no collection; simply delete the post
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", friendlyID, ownerID)
} else {
// Post belongs to a collection; do any additional clean up
<p class="error" id="create-error">Date format should be: <span class="mono"><abbr title="The full year">YYYY</abbr>-<abbr title="The numeric month of the year, where January = 1, with a zero in front if less than 10">MM</abbr>-<abbr title="The day of the month, with a zero in front if less than 10">DD</abbr> <abbr title="The hour (00-23), with a zero in front if less than 10.">HH</abbr>:<abbr title="The minute of the hour (00-59), with a zero in front if less than 10.">MM</abbr>:<abbr title="The seconds (00-59), with a zero in front if less than 10.">SS</abbr></span></p>