## Overview
Allow users to publish directly to their blog, but not send the post via email.
## Background
* Initially brought up at launch on [the forum](https://discuss.write.as/t/write-as-letters/880/4) (Nov '19)
* Again from a recent customer on [the forum](https://discuss.write.as/t/how-long-does-it-take-for-write-as-letters-to-publish/13964) (Oct '24)
## Implementation
For now, add a new shortcode: `<!--noletter-->`. If this is present on publish, don't add the post to //post jobs//.
### Edge cases
* What if someone adds or removes the flag on post update, after initial publish?
### Future
Eventually, this should be a flag on the post creation API endpoint. We'll want to make this available in the editor UI.