diff --git a/Shared/Models/WriteFreelyModel.swift b/Shared/Models/WriteFreelyModel.swift index 942ff76..8216b58 100644 --- a/Shared/Models/WriteFreelyModel.swift +++ b/Shared/Models/WriteFreelyModel.swift @@ -1,114 +1,112 @@ import Foundation import WriteFreely import Security import Network // MARK: - WriteFreelyModel final class WriteFreelyModel: ObservableObject { // MARK: - Models @Published var account = AccountModel() @Published var preferences = PreferencesModel() @Published var posts = PostListModel() @Published var editor = PostEditorModel() + @Published var navState = WFNavigationState() // MARK: - Error handling @Published var hasError: Bool = false var currentError: Error? { didSet { if let localizedErrorDescription = currentError?.localizedDescription, localizedErrorDescription == "The operation couldn’t be completed. (WriteFreely.WFError error -2.)", !hasNetworkConnection { #if DEBUG print("⚠️ currentError is WriteFreely.WFError -2 and there is no network connection.") #endif currentError = NetworkError.noConnectionError } #if DEBUG print("⚠️ currentError -> didSet \(currentError?.localizedDescription ?? "nil")") print(" > hasError was: \(self.hasError)") #endif DispatchQueue.main.async { #if DEBUG print(" > self.currentError != nil: \(self.currentError != nil)") #endif self.hasError = self.currentError != nil #if DEBUG print(" > hasError is now: \(self.hasError)") #endif } } } // MARK: - State @Published var isLoggingIn: Bool = false @Published var isProcessingRequest: Bool = false @Published var hasNetworkConnection: Bool = true - @Published var selectedPost: WFAPost? - @Published var selectedCollection: WFACollection? - @Published var showAllPosts: Bool = true @Published var isPresentingDeleteAlert: Bool = false @Published var postToDelete: WFAPost? #if os(iOS) @Published var isPresentingSettingsView: Bool = false #endif static var shared = WriteFreelyModel() // swiftlint:disable line_length let helpURL = URL(string: "https://discuss.write.as/c/help/5")! let howToURL = URL(string: "https://discuss.write.as/t/using-the-writefreely-ios-app/1946")! let reviewURL = URL(string: "https://apps.apple.com/app/id1531530896?action=write-review")! let licensesURL = URL(string: "https://github.com/writeas/writefreely-swiftui-multiplatform/tree/main/Shared/Resources/Licenses")! // swiftlint:enable line_length internal var client: WFClient? private let defaults = UserDefaults.shared private let monitor = NWPathMonitor() private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "NetworkMonitor") internal var postToUpdate: WFAPost? init() { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.preferences.appearance = self.defaults.integer(forKey: WFDefaults.colorSchemeIntegerKey) self.preferences.font = self.defaults.integer(forKey: WFDefaults.defaultFontIntegerKey) self.account.restoreState() // Set the appearance self.preferences.updateAppearance(to: Appearance(rawValue: self.preferences.appearance) ?? .system) if self.account.isLoggedIn { guard let serverURL = URL(string: self.account.server) else { self.currentError = AccountError.invalidServerURL return } do { guard let token = try self.fetchTokenFromKeychain( username: self.account.username, server: self.account.server ) else { self.currentError = KeychainError.couldNotFetchAccessToken return } self.account.login(WFUser(token: token, username: self.account.username)) self.client = WFClient(for: serverURL) self.client?.user = self.account.user self.fetchUserCollections() self.fetchUserPosts() } catch { self.currentError = KeychainError.couldNotFetchAccessToken return } } } monitor.pathUpdateHandler = { path in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.hasNetworkConnection = path.status == .satisfied } } monitor.start(queue: queue) } } diff --git a/Shared/Navigation/WFNavigation.swift b/Shared/Navigation/WFNavigation.swift index b113545..91a25b9 100644 --- a/Shared/Navigation/WFNavigation.swift +++ b/Shared/Navigation/WFNavigation.swift @@ -1,48 +1,60 @@ import SwiftUI +// MARK: - Navigation State + +final class WFNavigationState: ObservableObject { + + @Published var selectedCollection: WFACollection? + @Published var selectedPost: WFAPost? + @Published var showAllPosts: Bool = true + +} + +// MARK: - Navigation Implementation + struct WFNavigation: View where CollectionList: View, PostList: View, PostDetail: View { private var collectionList: CollectionList private var postList: PostList private var postDetail: PostDetail init( @ViewBuilder collectionList: () -> CollectionList, @ViewBuilder postList: () -> PostList, @ViewBuilder postDetail: () -> PostDetail ) { self.collectionList = collectionList() self.postList = postList() self.postDetail = postDetail() } var body: some View { #if os(macOS) NavigationSplitView { collectionList } content: { postList } detail: { postDetail } #else if #available(iOS 16, *) { /// Consider converting this into a NavigationStack instead, and using `$model.selectedCollection` to set /// the detail view that should be shown. Try moving navigation state out of **WriteFreelyModel** and into /// **WFNavigation** instead, so that it eventually encapsulates _all_ things related to app navigation. NavigationSplitView { collectionList } detail: { postList } } else { NavigationView { collectionList postList postDetail } } #endif } }