Downloadthe[64-bit]( or [32-bit]( executable and put it somewhere in your `%PATH%`.
Downloadthe[64-bit]( executable and put it somewhere in your `$PATH`, like `/usr/local/bin`.
Downloadthe[64-bit]( or [32-bit]( executable and put it somewhere in your `$PATH`, like `/usr/local/bin`.
We'reavailableon[severalchannels](, and prefer our [forum]( for project discussion. Please don't use the GitHub issue tracker to ask questions.
IfyoubelieveyouhavefoundabugintheCLIoritsdocumentation,fileanissueonthisrepo.Ifyou'renotsureifit'sabugornot,[reachouttous]( in one way or another. Be sure to provide the version of the CLI (with `writeas --version`) in your report.