WriteFreely is a beautifully pared-down blogging platform that's simple on the surface, yet powerful underneath.
It's designed to be flexible and share your writing widely, so it's built around plain text and can publish to the _fediverse_ via ActivityPub. It's easy to install and light enough to run on a Raspberry Pi.
[Try the editor](https://write.as/new)
[Find an instance](https://writefreely.org/instances)
## Features
* Start a blog for yourself, or host a community of writers
* Form larger federated networks, and interact over modern protocols like ActivityPub
* Write on a fast, dead-simple, and distraction-free editor
* [Format text](https://howto.write.as/getting-started) with Markdown
* [Organize posts](https://howto.write.as/organization) with hashtags
* Publish drafts and let others proofread them by sharing a private link
* Create multiple lightweight blogs under a single account
* Export all data in plain text files
* Read a stream of other posts in your writing community
* Build more advanced apps and extensions with the [well-documented API](https://developers.write.as/docs/api/)
* Designed around user privacy and consent
## Hosting
-We offer two kinds of hosting services that make WriteFreely deployment painless: [Write.as](https://write.as) for individuals, and [WriteFreely.host](https://writefreely.host) for communities. Besides saving you time, as a customer you directly help fund WriteFreely development.
+We offer two kinds of hosting services that make WriteFreely deployment painless: [Write.as Pro](https://write.as/pro) for individuals, and [Write.as for Teams](https://write.as/for/teams) for businesses. Besides saving you time and effort, both services directly fund WriteFreely development and ensure the long-term sustainability of our open source work.
-Start a personal blog on [Write.as](https://write.as), our flagship instance. Built to eliminate setup friction and preserve your privacy, Write.as helps you start a blog in seconds. It supports custom domains (with SSL) and multiple blogs / pen names per account. [Read more here](https://write.as/pricing).
+Start a personal blog on [Write.as](https://write.as), our flagship instance. Built to eliminate setup friction and preserve your privacy, Write.as helps you start a blog in seconds. It supports custom domains (with SSL) and multiple blogs / pen names per account. [Read more here](https://write.as/pro).
+### [![Write.as for Teams](https://writefreely.org/img/writeas-for-teams-readme.png)](https://write.as/for/teams)
-[WriteFreely.host](https://writefreely.host) makes it easy to start a close-knit community — to share knowledge, complement your Mastodon instance, or publish updates in your organization. We take care of the hosting, upgrades, backups, and maintenance so you can focus on writing.
+[Write.as for Teams](https://write.as/for/teams) gives your organization, business, or [open source project](https://write.as/for/open-source) a clutter-free space to share updates or proposals and build your collective knowledge. We take care of hosting, upgrades, backups, and maintenance so your team can focus on writing.
## Quick start
WriteFreely has minimal requirements to get up and running — you only need to be able to run an executable.
> **Note** this is currently alpha software. We're quickly moving out of this v0.x stage, but while we're in it, there are no guarantees that this is ready for production use.
To get started, head over to our [Getting Started guide](https://writefreely.org/start). For production use, jump to the [Running in Production](https://writefreely.org/start#production) section.
## Packages
WriteFreely is available in these package repositories:
* [Arch User Repository](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/writefreely/)
## Documentation
Read our full [documentation on WriteFreely.org](https://writefreely.org/docs). Help us improve by contributing to the [writefreely/documentation](https://github.com/writefreely/documentation) repo.
## Development
Ready to hack on your site? Get started with our [developer guide](https://writefreely.org/docs/latest/developer/setup).
## Docker
Read about using Docker in the [documentation](https://writefreely.org/docs/latest/admin/docker).
## Contributing
We gladly welcome contributions to WriteFreely, whether in the form of [code](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-to-writefreely), [bug reports](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/issues/new?template=bug_report.md), [feature requests](https://discuss.write.as/c/feedback/feature-requests), [translations](https://poeditor.com/join/project/TIZ6HFRFdE), or [documentation](https://github.com/writefreely/documentation) improvements.
Before contributing anything, please read our [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-to-writefreely). It describes the correct channels for submitting contributions and any potential requirements.
log.Error("Couldn't parse signup form request: %v\n", err)
return nil, ErrBadFormData
err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&ur, r.PostForm)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't decode signup form request: %v\n", err)
return nil, ErrBadFormData
return signupWithRegistration(app, ur, w, r)
func signupWithRegistration(app *App, signup userRegistration, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*AuthUser, error) {
- reqJSON := IsJSON(r.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
+ reqJSON := IsJSON(r)
// Validate required params (alias)
if signup.Alias == "" {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A username is required."}
if signup.Pass == "" {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A password is required."}
var desiredUsername string
if signup.Normalize {
// With this option we simply conform the username to what we expect
// without complaining. Since they might've done something funny, like
// enter: write.as/Way Out There, we'll use their raw input for the new
// collection name and sanitize for the slug / username.
desiredUsername = signup.Alias
signup.Alias = getSlug(signup.Alias, "")
if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, signup.Alias) {
// Ensure the username is syntactically correct.
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "Username is reserved or isn't valid. It must be at least 3 characters long, and can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens."}
log.Error("Couldn't add follower in DB: %v\n", err)
err = t.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Rolling back after Commit(): %v\n", err)
} else if isUnfollow {
// Remove follower locally
_, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM remotefollows WHERE collection_id = ? AND remote_user_id = (SELECT id FROM remoteusers WHERE actor_id = ?)", c.ID, to.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't remove follower from DB: %v\n", err)
return nil
func makeActivityPost(hostName string, p *activitystreams.Person, url string, m interface{}) error {
// If this is true, the human programmers screwed up. So ask for a bug report and fail, fail, fail
log.Error("[PROGRAMMER ERROR] WARNING: Collection.hostName is empty! Federation and many other things will fail! If you're seeing this in the wild, please report this bug and let us know what you were doing just before this: https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/issues/new?template=bug_report.md")
if isSingleUser {
return c.hostName + "/"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", c.hostName, c.Alias)
// PrevPageURL provides a full URL for the previous page of collection posts,
log.Error("Couldn't decode readReq form request: %v\n", err)
return ErrBadFormData
if readReq.Alias == "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Need a collection `alias` to read."}
if readReq.Pass == "" {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Please supply a password."}
var collHashedPass []byte
err := app.db.QueryRow("SELECT password FROM collectionpasswords INNER JOIN collections ON id = collection_id WHERE alias = ?", readReq.Alias).Scan(&collHashedPass)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("No collectionpassword found when trying to read collection %s", readReq.Alias)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Something went very wrong. The humans have been alerted."}
return err
if !auth.Authenticated(collHashedPass, []byte(readReq.Pass)) {
- err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, password, email, created FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&u.Username, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created)
+ err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&u.Username, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return nil, ErrUserNotFound
case err != nil:
log.Error("Couldn't SELECT user password: %v", err)
return nil, err
return u, nil
+// IsUserSuspended returns true if the user account associated with id is
- err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, password, email, created FROM users WHERE id = ?", u.ID).Scan(&u.ID, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created)
+ err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, password, email, created, status FROM users WHERE id = ?", u.ID).Scan(&u.ID, &u.HashedPass, &u.Email, &u.Created, &u.Status)
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT username, one_time FROM accesstokens LEFT JOIN users ON user_id = id WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+")", t).Scan(&username, &oneTime)
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, username, one_time FROM accesstokens LEFT JOIN users ON user_id = id WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+")", t).Scan(&userID, &username, &oneTime)
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT user_id, sudo, one_time FROM accesstokens WHERE token LIKE ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+")", t).Scan(&userID, &sudo, &oneTime)
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT token FROM accesstokens WHERE user_id = ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > "+db.now()+") ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1", userID).Scan(&t)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ""
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from accesstoken: %v", err)
return ""
u, err := uuid.Parse(t)
if err != nil {
return ""
return u.String()
// GetAccessToken creates a new non-expiring, valid access token for the given
log.Error("Unable to insert render_mathjax value: %v", err)
return err
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM collectionattributes WHERE collection_id = ? AND attribute = ?", collID, "render_mathjax")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to delete render_mathjax value: %v", err)
return err
// Update rest of the collection data
res, err = db.Exec("UPDATE collections SET "+q.Updates+" WHERE "+q.Conditions, q.Params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to update collection: %v", err)
return err
rowsAffected, _ = res.RowsAffected()
if !changed || rowsAffected == 0 {
// Show the correct error message if nothing was updated
var dummy int
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM collections WHERE alias = ? AND owner_id = ?", alias, c.OwnerID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return ErrUnauthorizedEditPost
case err != nil:
log.Error("Failed selecting from collections: %v", err)
if !updatePass {
return nil
if updatePass {
hashedPass, err := auth.HashPass([]byte(c.Pass))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to create hash: %s", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not create password hash."}
if db.driverName == driverSQLite {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO collectionpasswords (collection_id, password) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?), ?)", alias, hashedPass)
} else {
_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO collectionpasswords (collection_id, password) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM collections WHERE alias = ?), ?) "+db.upsert("collection_id")+" password = ?", alias, hashedPass, hashedPass)
// TODO: add slight logic difference to getPost / one func
var ownerName sql.NullString
p := &Post{}
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+", (SELECT username FROM users WHERE users.id = posts.owner_id) AS username FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", id)
row = db.QueryRow("SELECT "+postCols+", (SELECT username FROM users WHERE users.id = posts.owner_id) AS username FROM posts WHERE "+where+" LIMIT 1", params...)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? "+pinnedCondition+" "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID)
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) regexp ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID, `.*#`+strings.ToLower(tag)+`\b.*`)
} else {
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT "+postCols+" FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND LOWER(content) RLIKE ? "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY created "+order+limitStr, collID, "#"+strings.ToLower(tag)+"[[:>:]]")
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT actor_id, inbox, shared_inbox FROM remotefollows f INNER JOIN remoteusers u ON f.remote_user_id = u.id WHERE collection_id = ?", c.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from followers: %v", err)
// FIXME: sqlite-backed instances don't include ellipsis on truncated titles
timeCondition := ""
if !includeFuture {
timeCondition = "AND created <= " + db.now()
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, slug, title, "+db.clip("content", 80)+", pinned_position FROM posts WHERE collection_id = ? AND pinned_position IS NOT NULL "+timeCondition+" ORDER BY pinned_position ASC", coll.ID)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "You don't seem to have any blogs; they might've moved to another account. Try logging out and logging into your other account."}
- err = db.QueryRow(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts`).Scan(&postCount)
+ err = db.QueryRow(`
+ FROM posts p
+ LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = p.owner_id
+ WHERE u.status = 0`).Scan(&postCount)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to fetch posts count: %v", err)
func (db *datastore) GetTopPosts(u *User, alias string) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
params := []interface{}{u.ID}
where := ""
if alias != "" {
where = " AND alias = ?"
params = append(params, alias)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT p.id, p.slug, p.view_count, p.title, c.alias, c.title, c.description, c.view_count FROM posts p LEFT JOIN collections c ON p.collection_id = c.id WHERE p.owner_id = ?"+where+" ORDER BY p.view_count DESC, created DESC LIMIT 25", params...)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user top posts."}
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, view_count, title, created, updated, content FROM posts WHERE owner_id = ? AND collection_id IS NULL ORDER BY created DESC", u.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user anonymous posts."}
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT p.id, p.slug, p.view_count, p.title, p.created, p.updated, p.content, p.text_appearance, p.language, p.rtl, c.alias, c.title, c.description, c.view_count FROM posts p LEFT JOIN collections c ON collection_id = c.id WHERE p.owner_id = ? ORDER BY created ASC", u.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed selecting from posts: %v", err)
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Couldn't retrieve user posts."}
ErrPostUnpublished = impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusGone, Message: "Post unpublished by author."}
ErrPostFetchError = impart.HTTPError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Message: "We encountered an error getting the post. The humans have been alerted."}
InternalServerError: template.Must(template.New("").Parse("{{define \"base\"}}<html><head><title>500</title></head><body><p>Internal server error.</p></body></html>{{end}}")),
+func (h *Handler) handleOAuthError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
+ if err == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if err, ok := err.(impart.HTTPError); ok {
+ if err.Status >= 300 && err.Status < 400 {
+ sendRedirect(w, err.Status, err.Message)
+ return
+ }
+ impart.WriteOAuthError(w, err)
+ return
+ }
+ impart.WriteOAuthError(w, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "This is an unhelpful error message for a miscellaneous internal error."})
func deletePost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
friendlyID := vars["post"]
editToken := r.FormValue("token")
var ownerID int64
var u *User
accessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if accessToken == "" && editToken == "" {
u = getUserSession(app, r)
if u == nil {
return ErrNoAccessToken
var res sql.Result
var t *sql.Tx
var err error
var collID sql.NullInt64
var coll *Collection
var pp *PublicPost
if editToken != "" {
// TODO: SELECT owner_id, as well, and return appropriate error if NULL instead of running two queries
var dummy int64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusNotFound, "Post not found."}
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID).Scan(&dummy)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
// Post already has an owner. This could provide a bad experience
// for the user, but it's more important to ensure data isn't lost
// unexpectedly. So prevent deletion via token.
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusConflict, "This post belongs to some user (hopefully yours). Please log in and delete it from that user's account."}
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND modify_token = ? AND owner_id IS NULL", friendlyID, editToken)
} else if accessToken != "" || u != nil {
// Caller provided some way to authenticate; assume caller expects the
// post to be deleted based on a specific post owner, thus we should
// return corresponding errors.
if accessToken != "" {
ownerID = app.db.GetUserID(accessToken)
if ownerID == -1 {
return ErrBadAccessToken
} else {
ownerID = u.ID
// TODO: don't make two queries
var realOwnerID sql.NullInt64
err = app.db.QueryRow("SELECT collection_id, owner_id FROM posts WHERE id = ?", friendlyID).Scan(&collID, &realOwnerID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !collID.Valid {
// There's no collection; simply delete the post
res, err = app.db.Exec("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND owner_id = ?", friendlyID, ownerID)
} else {
// Post belongs to a collection; do any additional clean up
- WHERE c.privacy = 1 AND (p.created >= ` + app.db.dateSub(3, "month") + ` AND p.created <= ` + app.db.now() + ` AND pinned_position IS NULL)
+ LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = p.owner_id
+ WHERE c.privacy = 1 AND (p.created >= ` + app.db.dateSub(3, "month") + ` AND p.created <= ` + app.db.now() + ` AND pinned_position IS NULL) AND u.status = 0
if name == "collection" || name == "collection-tags" || name == "collection-post" || name == "post" || name == "chorus-collection" || name == "chorus-collection-post" {
<p><a class="simple-cta" href="/#{{.Alias}}">Start writing</a>, or <a class="simple-cta" href="/me/c/{{.Alias}}">customize</a> your blog.</p>
<p>Check out our <a class="simple-cta" href="https://guides.write.as/writing/?pk_campaign=welcome">writing guide</a> to see what else you can do, and <a class="simple-cta" href="/contact">get in touch</a> anytime with questions or feedback.</p>
<p><a class="simple-cta" href="/#{{.Alias}}">Start writing</a>, or <a class="simple-cta" href="/me/c/{{.Alias}}">customize</a> your blog.</p>
<p>Check out our <a class="simple-cta" href="https://guides.write.as/writing/?pk_campaign=welcome">writing guide</a> to see what else you can do, and <a class="simple-cta" href="/contact">get in touch</a> anytime with questions or feedback.</p>
<p class="error" id="create-error">Date format should be: <span class="mono"><abbr title="The full year">YYYY</abbr>-<abbr title="The numeric month of the year, where January = 1, with a zero in front if less than 10">MM</abbr>-<abbr title="The day of the month, with a zero in front if less than 10">DD</abbr> <abbr title="The hour (00-23), with a zero in front if less than 10.">HH</abbr>:<abbr title="The minute of the hour (00-59), with a zero in front if less than 10.">MM</abbr>:<abbr title="The seconds (00-59), with a zero in front if less than 10.">SS</abbr></span></p>
<select id="move-{{.ID}}" onchange="postActions.multiMove(this, '{{.ID}}', {{if $.SingleUser}}true{{else}}false{{end}})" title="Move this post to another blog">
{{if not $.Format.ShowDates}}<a class="user hidden action" href="{{if not $.SingleUser}}/{{$.Alias}}/{{.Slug.String}}{{else}}{{$.CanonicalURL}}{{.Slug.String}}{{end}}">view</a>{{end}}
<a class="user hidden action" href="/{{if not $.SingleUser}}{{$.Alias}}/{{end}}{{.Slug.String}}/edit">edit</a>
<select id="move-{{.ID}}" onchange="postActions.multiMove(this, '{{.ID}}', {{if $.SingleUser}}true{{else}}false{{end}})" title="Move this post to another blog">
+ <p>They can use this new password to log in to their account. <strong>This will only be shown once</strong>, so be sure to copy it and send it to them now.</p>
+ {{if .ClearEmail}}<p>Their email address is: <a href="mailto:{{.ClearEmail}}">{{.ClearEmail}}</a></p>{{end}}
+ return confirm("Silence this user? They'll still be able to log in and access their posts, but no one else will be able to see them anymore. You can reverse this decision at any time.");
+ form = document.getElementById("reset-form");
+ form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ agreed = confirm("Reset this user's password? This will generate a new temporary password that you'll need to share with them, and invalidate their old one.");
<select id="move-{{.ID}}" onchange="postActions.multiMove(this, '{{.ID}}', {{if $.SingleUser}}true{{else}}false{{end}})" title="Move this post to one of your blogs">
<a class="action" href="/{{$el.ID}}" title="Publish this post to your blog '{{.DisplayTitle}}'" onclick="postActions.move(this, '{{$el.ID}}', '{{.Alias}}', {{if $.SingleUser}}true{{else}}false{{end}});return false">move to {{.DisplayTitle}}</a>
{{ end }}
- {{if .Summary}}<p>{{.Summary}}</p>{{end}}
+ {{if .Summary}}<p>{{.SummaryHTML}}</p>{{end}}
-</div>{{ else }}<div id="no-posts-published"><p>You haven't saved any drafts yet.</p>
- <p>They'll show up here once you do. {{if not .SingleUser}}Find your blog posts from the <a href="/me/c/">Blogs</a> page.{{end}}</p>
+</div>{{ else }}<div id="no-posts-published">
+ <p>Your anonymous and draft posts will show up here once you've published some. You'll be able to share them individually (without a blog) or move them to a blog when you're ready.</p>
+ {{if not .SingleUser}}<p>Alternatively, see your blogs and their posts on your <a href="/me/c/">Blogs</a> page.</p>{{end}}
<p class="text-cta"><a href="{{if .SingleUser}}/me/new{{else}}/{{end}}">Start writing</a></p></div>{{ end }}
var $pInfo = document.getElementById('unsynced-posts-info');
$pInfo.className = 'alert info';
var plural = n != 1;
$pInfo.innerHTML = '<p>You have <strong>'+n+'</strong> post'+(plural?'s that aren\'t':' that isn\'t')+' synced to your account yet. <a href="#" id="btn-sync">Sync '+(plural?'them':'it')+' now</a>.</p>';
var $noPosts = document.getElementById('no-posts-published');
{{if eq .Alias .Username}}<p style="font-size: 0.8em">This blog uses your username in its URL{{if .Federation}} and fediverse handle{{end}}. You can change it in your <a href="/me/settings">Account Settings</a>.</p>{{end}}
<ul style="list-style:none">
<strong id="normal-handle-env" class="fedi-handle" {{if not .Federation}}style="display:none"{{end}}>@<span id="fedi-handle">{{.Alias}}</span>@<span id="fedi-domain">{{.FriendlyHost}}</span></strong>
<label class="option-text{{if not .LocalTimeline}} disabled{{end}}"><input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-public" value="1" {{if .IsPublic}}checked="checked"{{end}} {{if not .LocalTimeline}}disabled="disabled"{{end}} />
{{if .LocalTimeline}}<p>This blog is displayed on the public <a href="/read">reader</a>, and is visible to {{if .Private}}any registered user on this instance{{else}}anyone with its link{{end}}.</p>
{{else}}<p>The public reader is currently turned off for this community.</p>{{end}}
<div class="option">
<h2>Display Format</h2>
<div class="section">
<p class="explain">Customize how your posts display on your page.
{{if ne .Alias .Username}}<p><a class="danger" href="#modal-delete" onclick="promptDelete();">Delete Blog...</a></p>{{end}}
<div id="modal-delete" class="modal">
<h2>Are you sure you want to delete this blog?</h2>
<div class="body short">
<p style="text-align:left">This will permanently erase <strong>{{.DisplayTitle}}</strong> ({{.FriendlyHost}}/{{.Alias}}) from the internet. Any posts on this blog will be saved and made into drafts (found on your <a href="/me/posts/">Drafts</a> page).</p>
<p>If you're sure you want to delete this blog, enter its name in the box below and press <strong>Delete</strong>.</p>
<td style="word-break: break-all;"><a href="{{if .Collection}}{{.Collection.CanonicalURL}}{{.Slug.String}}{{else}}/{{.ID}}{{end}}">{{if ne .Title.String ""}}{{.Title.String}}{{else}}<em>{{.ID}}</em>{{end}}</a></td>
{{ if not $.Collection }}<td>{{if .Collection}}<a href="{{.Collection.CanonicalURL}}">{{.Collection.Title}}</a>{{else}}<em>Draft</em>{{end}}</td>{{ end }}