log.Error("Couldn't parse signup form request: %v\n", err)
return nil, ErrBadFormData
err = app.formDecoder.Decode(&ur, r.PostForm)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't decode signup form request: %v\n", err)
return nil, ErrBadFormData
return signupWithRegistration(app, ur, w, r)
func signupWithRegistration(app *App, signup userRegistration, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*AuthUser, error) {
reqJSON := IsJSON(r)
// Validate required params (alias)
if signup.Alias == "" {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A username is required."}
if signup.Pass == "" {
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "A password is required."}
var desiredUsername string
if signup.Normalize {
// With this option we simply conform the username to what we expect
// without complaining. Since they might've done something funny, like
// enter: write.as/Way Out There, we'll use their raw input for the new
// collection name and sanitize for the slug / username.
desiredUsername = signup.Alias
signup.Alias = getSlug(signup.Alias, "")
if !author.IsValidUsername(app.cfg, signup.Alias) {
// Ensure the username is syntactically correct.
return nil, impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "Username is reserved or isn't valid. It must be at least 3 characters long, and can only include letters, numbers, and hyphens."}
log.Error("Admin reset attempt", `Someone just tried to reset the password for an admin (ID %d - %s). IP address: %s`, u.ID, u.Username, ip)
return returnLoc
if u.Email.String == "" {
err := impart.HTTPError{http.StatusPreconditionFailed, "User doesn't have an email address. Please contact us (" + app.cfg.App.Host + "/contact) to reset your password."}
addSessionFlash(app, w, r, err.Message, nil)
return returnLoc
if isSet, _ := app.db.IsUserPassSet(u.ID); !isSet {
footerPara := "Didn't request this password reset? Your account is still safe, and you can safely ignore this email."
plainMsg := fmt.Sprintf("We received a request to reset your password on %s. Please click the following link to continue (or copy and paste it into your browser): %s/reset?t=%s\n\n%s", app.cfg.App.SiteName, app.cfg.App.Host, token, footerPara)
- m := mailgun.NewMessage(app.cfg.App.SiteName+" <noreply-password@"+app.cfg.Email.Domain+">", "Reset Your "+app.cfg.App.SiteName+" Password", plainMsg, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", toEmail))
+ m, err := mlr.NewMessage(app.cfg.App.SiteName+" <noreply-password@"+app.cfg.Email.Domain+">", "Reset Your "+app.cfg.App.SiteName+" Password", plainMsg, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", toEmail))
footerPara := "This link will only work once and expires in 15 minutes. Didn't ask us to log in? You can safely ignore this email."
plainMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Log in to %s here: %s/login?to=%s&with=%s\n\n%s", app.cfg.App.SiteName, app.cfg.App.Host, redirectTo, t, footerPara)
- m := mailgun.NewMessage(app.cfg.App.SiteName+" <noreply-login@"+app.cfg.Email.Domain+">", "Log in to "+app.cfg.App.SiteName, plainMsg, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", toEmail))
+ m, err := mlr.NewMessage(app.cfg.App.SiteName+" <noreply-login@"+app.cfg.Email.Domain+">", "Log in to "+app.cfg.App.SiteName, plainMsg, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", toEmail))
plainMsg := "Confirm your subscription to " + c.DisplayTitle() + ` (` + c.CanonicalURL() + `) to start receiving future posts. Simply click the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):
If you didn't subscribe to this site or you're not sure why you're getting this email, you can delete it. You won't be subscribed or receive any future emails.`
- m := mailgun.NewMessage(c.DisplayTitle()+" <"+c.Alias+"@"+app.cfg.Email.Domain+">", "Confirm your subscription to "+c.DisplayTitle(), plainMsg, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", email))
+ m, err := mlr.NewMessage(c.DisplayTitle()+" <"+c.Alias+"@"+app.cfg.Email.Domain+">", "Confirm your subscription to "+c.DisplayTitle(), plainMsg, fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", email))
<p>If you didn't subscribe to this site or you're not sure why you're getting this email, you can delete it. You won't be subscribed or receive any future emails.</p>