Tostart,we'dsuggestcheckingout[ourPhabricatorboard]( to see where the project is at and where it's going. You can also [join the WriteFreely forums]( to start talking about what you'd like to do or see.
Thebestplacetogetanswerstoyourquestionsison[ourforums]( You can quickly log in using your GitHub account and ask the community about anything. We're also there to answer your questions and discuss potential changes or features.
Pleaseusethe[GitHubissuetracker]( to report any bugs you encounter. We're very responsive there and try to keep open issues to a minimum, so you can help by:
Wegladlywelcomedevelopmenthelp,regardlessofcodingexperience.Wecanalsousehelp[translatingtheapp]( and documenting it!
**Beforewritingorsubmittinganycode**,pleasesignour[contributor'sagreement]( so we can accept your contributions. It is substantially similar to the _Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement_. If you'd like to know about the rationale behind this requirement, you can [read more about that here](
Onceyou'vedonethat,pleasefeelfreeto[submitapullrequest]( for any small improvements. For larger projects, please [join our development discussions]( or [get in touch]( so we can talk about what you'd like to work on.