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Detailed posts list
Open, Waiting, NormalPublic



After T604, the CLI now prints out a nice basic table of post information on the server and locally (anonymous)


We talked in T604 about having a detailed view, mocked in M5. We should add this.

I attempted with a simple table library but it didn't handle rows with a different number of columns.

I also attempted using text/tabwriters which may still work but will likely require one for each row layout. And they probably don't write to the output in unison as one would hope.


I'm looking at for making something neat looking that resembles the mocks.

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

robjloranger moved this task from Complete to In Progress on the WriteFreely CLI board.

In progress as there is no writefreely CLI yet on that branch

taken from Z2, and trimmed/paraphrased:

I'm thinking the 2.0 CLI update should support the detail flag, and the current display (titles and sync status) should be changed to show only for the detailed view. that'll keep the output backwards-compatible and simpler by default.

it should not show tokens -- by default, it should only show IDs like in v1

should not show info on blogs just yet

and then we need a way to list posts on blogs, i.e. writeas posts -b matt

and in the future we could do something like writeas posts -all to show all posts like we have right now. But we can save that for a future release, because I'm not sure it's even needed right now

robjloranger changed the task status from Open to Waiting.Sep 6 2019, 6:00 PM